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DeMonsTea Offline
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Posts: 1
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Joined: Aug 2013
Hey, how's it goin? Icon_razz
Born and raised in the geographical location that is australia. Gettin a little bit sick of the dodgey corporate-run/owned cops (especially when they're being used to beat down coal seam gas protesters trying to protect their land, lives, children, loved ones etc...) but I suppose you've gotta expect this sorta shite when you're born in a country founded by criminals, genocidal maniacs and psychopaths(the ones guiding the boats, the royal crims etc, not the prisoners in shackles). Oh well.

Enjoy most music, and if you enjoy sharing music as much as I do, and love the feeling of finding new tunes you love, post a vid/song and I'll be sure to listen. d: Been gettin into psytrance the past few months and I think i'm starting to get addicted to it! ( - Although trippin balls in the evening til the next evening in the lush aussie bush with this music pumping outta a massive system, all live (and HEAPS of local) DJs, with a heap of great people with nothing but positive energy dancing around blasting with joy sure does help the whole psychedelic trance experience. This sorta stuff is played worldwide, and there are parties being thrown for any and all looking to chill n have fun, trust me! Unreal experience(s) and a tonne of amazing memories if it perks your interest.

But yes, I'm into anything from hip hop, classic rock, dub (NOT dubstep), reggae, metal, punk rock etc etc...

Been doing martial arts for the past 6 or so years now, mainly muay thai but also taekwondo, krav maga, phillipino combatives, bit of karate, hapkido and wing tsun. Prefer muay thai over anything else just because it's so brutally ridiculously fun haha taekwondo for kicks and phillipino combatives for weapons (ahni(sticks), knife) training. Teaching myself nunchucks with some I made myself at home out of old chair legs and simple rope. They're pretty decent! Need to practice more though.

GROW YOUR OWN FOOD!! I've been wanting to get into self-sufficiency for a while now and supplying your own food is a pretty great step in that direction I reckon. It's obviously easier said then done for most, and I assume easier for me being in ozland, with the climate we have, but!- there are plenty of foods to grow for any climate, just need to want to spend a LITTLE bit of time and effort into something that could potentially save you quite a lot. You'll save money, and you'll KNOW what's going into your food (please research where you buy your SEEDS though, and make sure they are not altered in any way...). Try and minimise pesticide use and anything artificial. Will make what you grow taste so much nicer, and you won't lose any of the amazing health benefits/nutrients. Icon_smile I started my first ever gardening project 4 1/2 months ago but unfortunately we had to harvest early and relocate. The first month and a half I gave the plants plenty of attention and they thrived. When I got news we had to move I decided to start giving them little-to-no attention just to see how they'd go, and what plants would grow without any contact. Surprisingly almost everything kept growing, even after 2 weeks of NO attention! Everything inground needed little-to-no attention the entire time. Rain and sunlight, with good enough soil all that was needed.

Ended up harvesting a decent amount of potatoes, onions, spring onions, carrots, beans, some herb, and a variety of flowers. Some of the best food I've ever eaten. Watching the plants grow day by day is an amazing and therapeutic experience in itself, and then harvesting and eating the food... yum!

Activist, anarchist
“You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.”
– Terence McKenna
08-01-2013, 11:50 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Howdy! - by DeMonsTea - 08-01-2013, 11:50 PM
RE: Howdy! - by Mr. Charcanine - 08-02-2013, 02:48 AM
RE: Howdy! - by MrsCharcanine - 08-02-2013, 02:49 AM
RE: Howdy! - by punisouffle - 08-02-2013, 03:53 AM
RE: Howdy! - by Weapon - 08-02-2013, 06:30 PM
RE: Howdy! - by punisouffle - 08-02-2013, 10:46 PM
RE: Howdy! - by GM-Patton - 08-03-2013, 02:38 PM
RE: Howdy! - by Mupfelsan - 08-05-2013, 09:16 PM
RE: Howdy! - by Weapon - 08-06-2013, 07:14 AM

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