I see you're new to the server, and it's great to see suggestions, I just wanted to address what you've stated. Hopefully everything is well that you are able to play the server, as I saw in another thread you haven't been able to even start here yet.
As far as Monster Database and Item Database, we don't have that. But in-game we have @whodrops and it will show the drop rate, and we have @whereis to show where the monsters are located on what maps and how many.
The download section is an option, but a download manager works as well and I play on very slow internet. Downloading may have taken forever, but it was worth the effort.
We have a Wikipedia that allows you to read the quests/quest items and so forth. Custom quests are put up there pretty much immediately after release by our loyal Wikipedia team.
We have GM's and the Administrator who handle the bugs/reports/problems through Support Tickets. Who stop the Bots, Cheaters, Trading - As these are all in our rules, if you have not read them yet, please do.
I'm unsure what you mean by the voting - If you try to vote, there is a time limit on all the voting sites to not let it be abused.
GM's and Moderators work in-game together to mute and silence the players who are breaking the rules. GM's handle Kill-Stealing (again, see our rules..). We currently do not do anything about the OP Vending items. GM's and Moderators work in-game to silence and warn players with bad names, bad parties, bad guilds, cussing, non-english on main.. (again, see the rules please..)
We always appreciate people giving us feedback and suggestions, but a lot of this is already implemented. If you need a link to the Rules, it's right
Here and our Wikipedia is
Here and then you will find our Support Ticket System