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Sorrow of the Wind
Summerstream Offline
Yggdrasil Scholar

Posts: 580
Threads: 11
Joined: Sep 2010
Highland City
Her wings ached, and her back muscles burned. “Pfaaaa... I made it...” Summerstream groaned as she flopped down on the docks just south of the Highland City, Louyang. She watched enchanted mounts of sand move about their idle business as she sat on the snow covered docks, listening to the ocean gently lapping at shore nearby. It was pleasantly cold compared to Moscovia, especially when all she was wearing included a simple lined pair of pants, and a long-sleeved shirt she took the time to make room for her wings in at the back. A cloak covered her body, the opening of which was presently behind her so that her wings had been able to flap unimpeded. She untied the leather strap that bound the cloak in front of her and readjusted the thick garment so the opening was over her front. She winced as her wings were flattened to her back.

Before she had left the frigid city of Mosvocia, she had enough sense to leave Ezekiel a note telling him that she was going to be going to Louyang for the Chinese New Year. What she didn't mention, was that it had been almost four years since she last spent the new year with anyone other than her kids. She sighed wistfully at the memories and looked to the sky.

Bless that ships had to rely on the wind, while she could make her own wind. Only thing that was lacking was her stamina to keep flying all the way to the city on her own power. She had Tyfing to thank for that with, the cursed blade constantly chasing her around Ezekiel's home. Even with wind magic helping her to stay above the ocean, she was beat. Summerstream looked out at the ocean and blew a strand of hair out of her face as she leaned back. Even if she had been seen by her former clan when she used magic to shift her size to her regular one from her tiny hiding form, it would take them a while to reach the city. With any luck they would have assumed that she had fell into the oce--

“And to think all you had to do was ask me for help! I could even deal with those pesky ninjas for you! Now look at you-- You're all sweaty.”

“GAH!” Her focus slipped and she jumped, causing her to land on her back. Not that it was a bad thing-- The cold snow did wonders for her aching muscles. She had almost forgotten about the persistent voice. The half-fey grit her teeth and watched the clouds roll by overhead. Summerstream sighed quietly.

“Can't you find someone else to annoy? Please?” She made her mental voice sound irritated. Summerstream listened to him laugh and forced herself to get up from the ground and brush snow off of her body. She had to get moving. After brushing off the snow, she pulled up the hood of her cloak.

“Why would I find someone else when you're just so enjoyable! After all, you are my little daisy now~”

“Go away then.” Summerstream groaned in response. This was going to be a long week, not even counting the time it took for her to arrive. She started to walk up the hill to the walled city and muttered random Chinese phrases under her breath to refresh her memory of her first language. She was already getting a headache.

The Highland City was the same as it was almost half a year ago. Overpopulated, crowded, and most importantly, achingly familiar. It was only about a week before the Chinese New Year was about to happen, and she already spotted people from the corner of her eye starting to string red lanterns in preparation for hanging. She smiled warmly at them, and continued on her way, cursing as people brushed up against her folded wings. Habitually, she drew the hood of her cloak so it covered most of her face, and fixed the position of her glasses. The last thing she needed was someone recognizing her from when Amdusias was threatening Rune-Midgarts. She shook her head and passed through the eastern gates and peered out at the forest. She blew a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

“I suppose this is the real test to see if I was spotted.” She mumbled in Chinese before she took a step onto the forest path and lowered her hood before she walked for several meters.. Summerstream gazed around the area and listened to the absent wind. Confident that there was no one watching her, she sighed with relief, and picked up her pace, taking care not to wear herself out more than she was already.

“Hum, all it is is a bunch of trees~ What does my little daisy have to be afraid of?” She heard the male voice speak again. Summerstream gritted her teeth.

“The trees will hide more than you think.” Was the half-muttered Chinese response.

“What did my little daisy say? I didn't understand you.” The male voice sounded confused. Summerstream smiled triumphantly and started humming contently. She always did enjoy using the wind to throw her voice further than it could ever reach on it's own. With the crunching of the snow underfoot, she found the day to be quite nice.

“Fine! I'll see how many languages I know, then!” She heard the male voice start to talk in a number of languages. Due to the voice being in her head, she was forced to listen to it, but she didn't let it bother her too much. Instead, she focused on humming gently into the wind. Soon, she saw the gates of a village in the distance. Closing her eyes, she breathed out, and walked left into the brush and kept a hand out in front of her. Her outstretched hand brushed several trunks before her hand finally rested on a smooth surface. She turned right and walked with her eyes still closed.

“Little daisy, are you there?” He asked.

Summerstream did her best to ignore the voice as she walked in willing blindness. Left and right, stepping around trees. She only opened her eyes when she felt the wind pick up the cloak she wore. She was at an old trading path that was still in use with hard packed snow where the wagon's wheels made their daily tracks. A smile touched her face as she walked towards a small house that was off to the side of the road. She had hardly passed through the fence gate while lowering her hood before Summerstream noticed something from the corner of her eye. Being unsure as to what, she rooted her foot in the ground and jumped out of the way, turning in the air to face the direction of which she saw the object. She was greeted with a man straightening up and sheathing a sword. It was an average man, appearing to be in his sixties with salt and pepper hair, and a dark brown lotus-shaped mark in the center of his forehead.

“And I thought I taught you better! Where's your sword?” The man demanded, “And where have you been the past five years! Last I saw you was with your mug plastered in the drawl they call a newspaper! Surprised you became one of those damn church-goers! Your mother was a knight!” He swung his finger at the half-fey as he spoke. Summerstream chuckled a little and smiled tiredly.

“You still get right to the point. I'm sorry, Teacher, I lost it a couple months ago.” Summerstream responded, putting a fist into her palm, and bowing forward slightly. “Please forgive me. I was too busy to take the time to travel out this far.” She straightened up and looked tiredly at her teacher. He sighed and waved at her.

“Come in. You look dead on your feet girl. I suppose your reaction time has improved since we last met.” Teacher said, and opened the door for her. Summerstream didn't argue and entered the small home. She removed her cloak and hung it up before she sat down in one of the chairs.

“Heh. You really are your mother's child. Only difference was, she had enough sense to hide her wings.”

Summerstream heard the sound of water being poured. “Teacher, I'm twenty-six. Do you really need to lecture me?” She complained as he set a cup of tea down near her.

“You never listen even when I do lecture you, girl! And don't think your age matters much; I'm only in my hundreds!” She heard in Chinese as her teacher sat down in his chair near her. “But, that is another trait you got from your mother. So tell me, what happened to make you decide to come visit.”

Summerstream wrapped her fingers around the warm cup and sighed. “A few things I suppose...” She responded with half-closed eyes. “But one of those things has been plastered all over the news recently.”

“You mean that insane Human playing with forces that don't belong to him?”

“If you wish to put it so bluntly, yes. That is one of the reasons I came. He's gone missing and no one has found him.” She took a sip of her tea once her fingers were sufficiently warmed. “Given where the village is, it's possible he ran out this way.” Summerstream rubbed the back of her neck with her hand before she looked up at her teacher.

“I understand your concern. I haven't seen the buffoon pass by here, if that is of any comfort to you.” Summerstream watched her teacher through her glasses.

“It is of little comfort. I'd rather check for myself.” She closed her eyes and drank from her cup. The warm, bitter liquid felt nice going down. Very nice. “I appreciate you trying to dispel my worries though, Teacher.”

“Why are you still talking in this alien language?”

Summerstream gritted her teeth and stood once her cup was empty. “I'll stop by on my way back, but I really should make it to the village before night falls, even if I'm exhausted.” She watched the man she called Teacher nod. “I'll come by this way when I'm leaving. I still remember the promise we had to spar.” Summerstream saw him smile, and she turned away to grab her cloak. Once the cloak was secured, she calmly walked out into the twilight and started to walk on the trade route to the village.

The twilight darkened further into the night as the half-fey tiredly walked under the wooden gate of the village where she grew up. The night was still as she walked, and even Summerstream realized that the wind too was unmoving. Her breath formed heavy clouds in the air as she looked over her shoulder. She could see the lights of Louyang in the distance. Her movements were slow as she stretched and turned to face the interior of the village.

Even with the faint light of the waning moon, she could barely make out the darkened village. Dark shapes loomed before her, and it took her several minutes to get her bearings. There were shadows cast by dimly lit windows, mostly illuminated by candlelight. She racked her memory to try to remember.

“So how long are you going to stand there little daisy? Pick one!”

Summerstream gritted her teeth again. The voice's nickname was starting to get to her.

The last time she had been here was before she had joined the Church. The half-fey tried her hardest to avoid visiting once her kids had been born, and after her injury. Her eyes narrowed, and she took a cautious step forward, letting her eyes jump from shadow to shadow, and from light to light. The lack of wind frightened her more than the shadows. No one would recognize her with the hood of her cloak drawn, she told herself quietly in the familiar tongue she spoke to her teacher with. A single two-storied house cast light from the windows that was brighter than the others. It was not too large, nor was it too small, but most importantly it was accessible. There was no ledge to step up or down from, nor was there litter scattered in front of the home.

Summerstream let her eyes brighten as a smile crept on her face. She drew her hood back a little, and approached the door before hesitating with a raised fist. With a sharp breath drawn in, she knocked three times. A muffled voice sounded from within followed by running feet. Summerstream stepped back as the door flew open, and she was face to face with a young teenager.

“Hello-!-Oh my god-- SIISSS!!” The girl leaped at Summerstream without so much of a warning and hugged her firmly around the waist. Summerstream barely managed to avoid being pushed with the force, and she grunted as the arm struck her hard in the stomach. She barely suppressed a pained yell to a grunt.

“You're alive..!” The girl was staring up at her face with large gold-toned eyes. Summerstream started coughing shortly after. She did not have the stamina remaining to hide it anymore. The girl let go and jumped back.

“Oh no... Sis, are you okay?!”

“....Earl.” Summerstream croaked as she sunk to her knees in her fit of coughing.

“What did this girl do to you?!” The male voice roared in her mind.

She heard the girl's footfalls disappear inside yelling as she knelt in front of the door coughing. Summerstream could feel exhaustion creeping into her bones. The last thing she remembered seeing was spots of blood scattered on the snow from her coughing, and the last thing that Summerstream heard was heavy footfalls on the wood floor just beyond the open door.

Warmth greeted her when Summerstream opened her eyes and slowly became aware of her blurry surroundings. Everything was shaped painfully familiar as she pushed herself off the pillows she was leaned against to find an arm preventing her from sitting herself up fully.

“Wha-..?” Summerstream croaked quietly, looking to where the figure was.

“Rest, Summ-Summ. Earl cut you open to figure out why you were coughing blood.” A familiar older female voice responded. “You've been gone for so long and return to us with such an injury... What have you been through my child?”

Summerstream blinked at the figure, before her eyes widened a little. “Okay, I won't sit up.” she responded, and let herself relax. The voice was enough to tell her where she was. “At least give me my glasses, please Em.” She felt the metal frame brush her fingers, and she took them and opened the bars before putting them on. The room was the same room that she had called her own during her childhood.

“Wait a second, you said Earl... cut me open?” Summerstream instinctively looked under the covers that had been drawn over her breast. Sure enough, she saw fresh bandages wrapped around her abdomen and torso. She groaned, and put a hand on her forehead to push her bangs up, much to the protest of her sore muscles. This was exactly what she wanted to avoid from happening when she was imprisoned by the ninja clan that were now her enemies.

“Yes, he did. How did you come across injuries so fearsome? Earl said that someone with an injury like that should be dead.” Em whispered before looking down. Summerstream adjusted how she laid a little so she wasn't sliding down, and looked Em, before looking down at her hands. “You've been gone for five years, Summerstream. You stop coming during the new year, then the next thing we hear of you is that you're wanted for treason for helping a dark fairy! Then you're pardoned by the king, write a letter to a trial, and then you turn up on our doorstep in the dead of the night coughing up blood because Sophie hit your stomach! So what the hell happened to you?!” Summerstream rubbed her temple as Em scolded her in the familiar language she grew up with.

“Um...” It was all Summerstream could manage to say as she looked at Em's face that was framed with straight hair. While the woman's tone was angry, her yellow-toned eyes wide, lowered and knitted eyebrows and her trembling hands all told a different story. Her eyes averted from the woman's face, and she looked to the foot of the bed with a heavy sigh. “I'm sorry, Em, wait, no.. You're not just Em, you're my adoptive mother.” She paused and closed her eyes partially.

“Everything got so complicated that I really had no time to come visit.” Summerstream admitted in a quiet voice, and shook her head, disagreeing with herself. She heard her stomach growl. “I'm sorry Em, but can I tell you and Earl after I've had something to eat? I was flying and hiking almost non-stop yesterday.” Summerstream risked a glance to her adoptive mother. She saw Em's eyes soften.

“Of course. Earl said it would be a bad idea to give you something solid. He put some sort of paste inside the cut he made before sealing it up. He said something along the lines that it might help.” Em replied as she stood up and released the hand she had been holding. Summerstream rested her released hand gingerly on her stomach and nodded.

“Do you know what he used?” Summerstream felt she had to ask the question.

“He said something about a mixture of red and yellow herbs, with some liquid from Yggdrasil berries.” Em replied as she exited the room.

“Yggdrasil berries?” She said numbly and laid her head on the pillow to look at the ceiling. Summerstream chuckled to herself and sighed quietly. “Well if nothing else it will heal the cut faster, I guess.”

“My little daisy awakens!” She ground her teeth together. So much for a peaceful resting period. “You could always ask for my help with your little injury problem you know.”

Summerstream clenched her hands.

“And maybe I could deal with that pesky little girl too! Just like those nin-

“Leave me alone..!! Get out of my head and GO AWAY..!” Summerstream screamed, pulling her knees up to curl into a small ball and grabbed the sides of her head. She was tired of hearing his voice constantly hearing his voice. Summerstream took her glasses off to begin to cry into her hands. Mercifully, she sensed the presence go away.

After what felt to be a few minutes later, Summerstream felt a pressure on the bed. Then, she felt something moving her hands away from her face. Without her glasses it was a blurry patch of red colour.

“Sis... You're going to reopen the stomach wound.” She heard the little girl speak calmly. “Relax. I'll sit with you until mummy gets back. Your hands are shaking.” Summerstream let the girl gently push her knees down as she wiped her own face with the blanket. “Who was bothering you, sis?”

“Sophie...” Summerstream squeaked and hugged her sister close to her chest. “I... um, it... was nothing.” Sophie wrestled herself out of the half-fey's grip with care.

“If it was nothing, Sis, you wouldn't have screamed. Nor would you have started sobbing like that. This is really bothering you, isn't? It's scaring you. Why don't you just tell me?” Sophie put Summerstream's glasses back on her sister's face, and held her shoulders. Summerstream looked up at Sophie's face with parted lips, then closed her eyes and shook her head. She heard the younger girl sigh.

“Okay, I'll tell daddy then.” Sophie said in response, the girl's eyes partially closed. “Something's wrong. I know it. But, if you don't tell us- if you don't tell anyone, no one will be able to help you.”

Summerstream opened her mouth partially, but instead of speaking, let out a breath of air and lowered her shoulders. “I don't want you to be hurt. Because of the demons and shadows that follow me, Sophie.”

“Psh! Demons are easy to deal with! I signed up to the church, remember?~” Sophie laughed and patted her sister on the shoulder. Summerstream breathed out through her nose slowly and closed her eyes. “I think you're the best sister I could ask for! You're so brave, going and defying the kingdom to be proved right in the end! No one else but the best sister in the whole world could do that, even if there are demons following her! Those demons make her strong!” Sophie clapped her hands together excitedly. “Oh I almost forgot! I'll be right back!”

“Wha--?” Summerstream hardly spoke before she watched Sophie excitedly dash from the room. She leaned back on the pillows and looked at her hands.

“The demons make me stronger, huh?” Summerstream whispered slowly, before rubbing her head. “...Sure doesn't feel like it.” She had only now noticed the dull pain from her stomach, and moved the covers so she could check on the bandages carefully wrapped around her abdomen for any reopening in her injury. With an irritated sigh in finding there was nothing opening up, she laid against the pillows behind her again, and replaced the blankets over her breast. Sophie returned after, cheerfully carrying a book and sword in her arms.

“I'm back sis~” Sophie practically skipped over and handed her the book. “...This is yours, isn't it sis?” Summerstream took the book and set it in her lap and looked at the cover. Her eyes widened. “It is yours! I knew it~” Summerstream listened to her sister giggle as she opened the cover to check if her photographs were still there. They were, thankfully. Sophie set the sword in her sister's lap, and clasped her hands together proudly. Summerstream glanced at the sword, and at the photographs in her hand. A cold chill went through her spine.

“Sophie.” Summerstream's voice sounded firmly, “Where did you get these?” Sophie blinked and looked at her older sister.

“Um someone-” Sophie started to say as Summerstream put the photographs back on the title page of the book.

“WHO was it? WHAT did they look like?!” Summerstream demanded as she closed the book and turned her gaze to her sister and grabbed her shirt. She must have had a scary look on her face, as she saw Sophie's expression change from one that housed pride to alarmed. Summerstream flinched and let her sister go.

“T-they didn't give me a name.” Sophie took a step back, unused to the ferocity of her sister. “B-but they had pink hair. I think they were a merchant. Why?” She was stammering as she spoke, her eyes wide as she tried to remember.

“Oh no.” Summerstream muttered before looking at the book again. “No. No, no...” She clenched her hands and looked at her sister once more. Her voice was shaking after she swallowed, but retained its firmness and urgency. “Sophie, when you were coming here, were you followed?”

“I-I don't know, Sis. If I was, I didn't see anyone.” Sophie looked away. “...Sis? What's wrong? You... have a scary look on your face.” The younger girl took a step forward cautiously as Summerstream took the sword in her hands.

“It isn't something you need to worry about.” Summerstream's voice sounded as she partially unsheathed the blade. “This is not... It is not your fight.” She put the sword back into the scabbard fully and closed her eyes. Her knuckles on the sword were white. Sophie looked at her sister, and both women jumped slightly when Em opened the door with a tray. Summerstream roughly swallowed and set the old sword down beside her.

“Is... Everything okay?” Em asked, looking between the two women.

“Yes. I'm fine.” Summerstream said with a quiet sigh. Sophie muttered something about having to talk to daddy before she left the room in a hurry. Em watched her daughter with patient eyes, before walking over and setting the bed tray over Summerstream's lap.

“It isn't bitter melon, but this should do?” Em asked. There was a cup of tea, a bowl of smooth rice pudding and an orange. Summerstream smiled a little at what was on the tray.

“Yes, it's fine, Em. Thank you...” Summerstream smiled a little, and picked up the spoon. The pudding was smooth enough that it felt like she was eating a soup instead. Once the pudding was finished, Summerstream held the orange in her hand and stared at it for a while, before putting it back down on the tray.

“Hm? Is something wrong, Summerstream? I remember you loved oranges.” Em asked before sitting on the bed. Summerstream just shook her head.

“No. Nothing is wrong. I just won't be able to eat the orange.” Summerstream responded before putting a hand on her stomach. Em nodded, and took the tray after Summerstream took the cup of tea in her hands.

“I understand my child. Do not fret about it. If there's anyone who can find a way to heal your injuries, it's Earl.” Em reassured Summerstream with a smile. “I'll go get him. He's worried about you in his own way.” She ruffled Summerstream's hair a little then left the room with the tray. Alone, the half-fey wrapped her hands around the cup of tea and watched the steam rise from the light yellow-green water. She heaved a great sigh before she took a sip. Her body still ached from the previous day.

“Maybe flying here from Alberta was a little too ambitious.” Summerstream murmured, her breath disturbing the steam as she let the lip of the cup rest on her chin. “But it was a visit that was too long overdue. I couldn't risk being attacked on a boat." She bit her lip. The steam was only disturbed by her breathing as she sat in silence. She had to figure out what to tell the two people who took her in when no one else cared enough to give her what she needed. Now that she was alone in the truest sense, she could actually run through her thoughts clearly without fear of someone listening in.

Her eyes were half closed when she heard the door open again, and the tea had become like warm. Summerstream looked up from the tea, and over to the door. In the doorway, she saw a well-built man wearing a priest's gown. He smiled at her and walked over.

“You're awake, huh squirt?” He patted her on the head roughly and pulled up a chair. “You gave us quite the scare, you know. It's certainly not every day my daughter comes running into my office scaring me half to death saying someone's coughing up blood on the doorstep.” Summerstream set the cup of tea on the nightstand. Behind the priest, she could see Em standing in the doorway.

“Well maybe if you didn't cut me open I wouldn't have been asleep for so long.” Summerstream retorted and huffed. She heard him chuckle and pat her on the head, more gently this time.

“Again, you worried me. When I saw the scar on your stomach, I thought something was wrong inside.” The priest responded, and pulled her into a hug. Summerstream returned it with the hand and arm that wasn't holding the cup of tea. “It is good to have you back home safe, though, squirt. We missed ya.”

Summerstream couldn't help but smile a little. “I missed you too, Earl.” she replied in a whisper. “If you don't mind, I'm really sore from flying from Alberta yesterday.”

“Why the hell did you fly here? Would have been perfectly fine to just take a boat!” Earl asked, laying Summerstream back on the pillows. She closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened her eyes, she saw Em sitting herself on the foot of the bed.

“It's... It's a long story. A lot has happened.” Summerstream started, closing her eyes again. Both of them were staring at her expectantly. She breathed in before beginning to speak.

“I, er, stopped coming because I, got er, pregnant.” Summerstream felt herself starting to blush. “I actually went to Louyang to give birth to them- twins- Tyr and Freyr. Their father is um... One of the commanders of the Swordsman Association. They're four, now.” A warm smile was on her face as she thought of them. “After their birth, I decided to join the church as a Paladin, but, during the ceremony...” Her expression darkened. “During the ceremony, I couldn't... discern what was the past, and what was the present. I freaked out and injured most of the priests. I was knocked out, and I woke up with my wind magic sealed. After the ceremony I had planned to come visit, but, I couldn't bring myself to face you.” Summerstream closed her eyes and sighed. She hesitated.

“Keep going.” Em encouraged, putting a hand on Summerstream's leg. “We won't judge.”

Summerstream nodded. “A few months after the ceremony, I was in the forest near Geffen. Something flew past me, and I looked in the direction it came from. I saw two men locked in combat. One was in a white robe, the other...” She bit her lip, and let out a bit of air. She closed her eyes before continuing. “The other person was a ninja. I didn't think, I just acted. When I saw the white robed man draw his hooked sword back, I ran in with my sword and shield out. The sword caught the shield, and sliced into my stomach. The block was ineffective. As he twisted the blade inside me I drove my sword into his chest with what strength I could manage and he collapsed backwards, taking the sword from my weakening grip. The last thing I remember is collapsing from the weight of my armor.” She opened her eyes and saw Em covering her mouth with her hand with wide eyes. Earl was nodding, and he looked at his adoptive daughter kindly. Summerstream closed her eyes again and sighed.

“It explains the scope of the internal injury. Your stomach, intestines, reproductive system.” Earl sighed. “I'm thankful you were at least blessed with two children before this happened. Your parents would have been proud of you if they heard what you did. I'd like to meet your sons one day before I kick the bucket.” Earl patted her on the shoulder. Summerstream held his hand there for an extended moment as she breathed out in a long sigh.

“Maybe. I'll have to live to show them where the village is.” Summerstream whispered, and opened her eyes again. “I woke up in the village of the ninja clan. The man had brought me there after I saved his life. It was strange, but they helped me get my strength back. I learned I had saved their clan's leader-- Their lord. They were grateful, I think.” Her eyes narrowed. “But, you know me.”

Em nodded, seeming to have recovered. “You wanted to learn what they did too, didn't you?” she asked. Summerstream nodded in response.

“Yes. So even though the lord reminded me in appearance of those boys from before... I had to become one of theirs to learn. Once I was recovered enough, the ceremony was held, but, Something prevented me from laying with him, and it wasn't fear.” Summerstream swallowed. “My cycles weren't coming. I knew that he wanted an heir from me.” She saw Earl nodding out of the corner of her eye as she adjusted her glasses. “I knew that I wouldn't be able to provide what he needed; I had realized it too late. So, instead of staying there, I asked permission to return to what I was doing with the Association. I could help keep his people out of the prisons if it came down to it. I said that I would submit reports as often as I could. That was the only way I was able to leave that village after what I did.” She folded her hands gingerly over her stomach and fell silent for a moment.

“I knew that it was either I marry, or I reveal Tyr and Freyr's existence to them. Not... wanting to force one of them down this path, I decided to take the fall so that they might live their own path... As taught by the old priests that tended Yggdrasil.” Summerstream gazed out the window. “And now, you know what happened with Princess Lucretia from the newspapers.” She closed her eyes.

“The papers didn't explain how you interacted with her though, Summerstream...” Em noted, and looked at her daughter. “Plus you've clearly lost the seal from the church that you mentioned.” Summerstream looked back over at her adoptive mother.

“Plus, you still haven't explained what you meant by 'if you live'.” Earl added, and crossed his arms. Summerstream winced, and she looked to the bookcase.

“Oh. Right. Um.” She scratched her jaw as she searched for words. “Lucretia... I treated her with respect and understanding. I gave her an oath for my shield, which she accepted. She asked Cynbel to remove the seal from me, too.” Summerstream summarized, and hesitated. She had no idea when the presence would return. She remembered listening to Rise getting choked. Summerstream shook her head sightly.

“As for... being alive, er.” Summerstream closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. “I was stupid and told a demon my name. In order to get away from the ninjas a few months ago, I had to rely on him to guide one of the people I had met when I was helping Lucretia to where I was with Tyr.” She breathed out the remainder of the air and stopped. Nothing happened. With a quiet sigh, she opened her eyes. “It was... A lake of blood by the time they finished. The ninjas had kidnapped me from where I was staying in Rachel and took Tyr too. Tyr was with me when my friends came.” Summerstream closed her eyes again. “Because of this the ninjas wan-”

The sound of fading running footsteps made Summerstream stop mid-sentence. She looked towards the door. “Oh no... How much did they hear?”

Em stood and looked at her husband and adoptive daughter. “I don't know. I'll go check.” She declared as she exited from the room in a hurry. Earl looked at Summerstream and patted her on the head and ruffled her hair.

“She'll find them, don't worry squirt~” he coaxed. “Was that everything?”

“It was.” Summerstream nodded once and fixed her hair. “Um, Em said that you put a Yggdrasil salve inside the wound?”

“That I did. Listen, Summerstream,” Earl moved to sit beside her on the bed and put both his hands on her shoulders. “We both know what will heal your wound, don't we?” Summerstream flinched. “Then, why don't you? Sophie had gotten the berries herself. Its a powerful healer, but the berries and seeds alone won't heal you. You're one of the closest people to Yggdrasil, Summerstream.”

Summerstream looked down. “Because... Because it doesn't feel right. Yggdrasil is sacred, and its wounded, too. I can't bring myself to draw the sap for my own selfish reasons.” Earl looked at her, then nodded. “I would only draw the sap to stop a war. Or try to stop one.”

Earl shook his head and released her shoulders. “What do you think hurts Yggdrasil more, having to consume the berries of the tree for the rest of your life, or taking some of the sap for yourself once? Think about it,” He smiled at Summerstream, “When the berries decay, they return to the ground where Yggdrasil's roots are. The tree takes the nutrients from these berries to grow stronger. So, what do you think hurts the tree you strive to protect more, Summerstream?” He patted her hands and stood.

“You are the only one that can make that decision, squirt. As for everything else, you know where we are if you need help. Don't forget that Em and I were once adventurers too.”

Summerstream closed her eyes partially and looked away. “I'll... Try to remember that, Earl.”

“I know this is hard on ya squirt. Em and I believe in you, and Sophie thinks you're a hero. You definitely aren't alone. Take the time to recover, and I'm sorry for slicing you open to check and be sure you're alright. You should be fine to get out of bed in the morning.” Earl ruffled her hair again before he walked out of the room.

Summerstream held where Earl had rested his hand before with both hands, and a faint warm smile on her face.

“I don't deserve this family I have. Yet, I have it.” She whispered as her wings twitched behind her. Summerstream picked up the book that Sophie returned to her, and opened it to read from the text until she fell asleep.

“A-ah!” Summerstream jerked herself awake some time later and looked at her lap. The heavy tome was still open, but it was too dark in the room for her to see the text properly.There was just enough light that let her see edges of the book. Shaking her head, she adjusted her glasses on her face before she closed the book and set it aside. The door to her room was slightly open, carrying soft voices and light into the otherwise pitch black room. Summerstream faintly recalled hearing a familiar song as she slept, shifting herself to sit on the edge of the bed with her feet touching the wooden floor. Behind her, she stretched her wings and grunted at the muscles that still screamed in protest. “Ow. I suppose they're still cramped.” She whispered as she took a deep breath in and stood up with a hand on her stomach. She stumbled as she tried to take a step, and did her best to use the bed behind her to cushion her fall. It helped her to go down gently, at least.

“Ughn. That's why Earl told me to rest.” Summerstream glared at her feet, and sighed. “No worse than having to relearn having to walk, I guess.” She muttered under her breath, then got back to her feet using the bed, then sat on it again. After repositioning her glasses, she looked around the room for a shape that looked like it would be useful. Summerstream looked at the shape of her sword laying as she had left it on the bed. “Better than nothing. It'll have to do.” She grasped the sheathed sword in her hand and judged its length before putting the end of the scabbard on the wood floor.

“All I have to do... is get to the wall.” She set her goal before she used the sword to help her to her feet. Using the blade as a crutch, she made her way to the door, and held onto the wall. A smile crossed Summerstream's face as she pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway. The voices were stronger, and on the shadow of the wall, she could make out Em sitting at a table with a cup in her hands.

“Why are they still awake?” Summerstream put her hand on the wall before leaning heavily onto her hand before making her way to the shadows of Em slowly. The Chinese being spoken became easier to hear the closer she became.

“But... ... now.” She could hear Em saying.

“... ... Fine.” Earl responded, and Summerstream saw his shadow join Em's at the table. Summerstream was getting feeling back into her legs, so she decided to move faster. Her own concern was threatening to join.

“Earl, Sophie's never been out this long.”

“Without the light of the moon, it is hopeless to look. What's more, the clouds are covering it. What little light we would have had to look by, is gone. And we both know how dangerous the forest is at night.” Earl's shadow patted what looked to be Em's hands. Summerstream stopped and pressed her back to the wall to listen silently.

“Even more reason to wonder where she is, Earl.” Em's voice was cracking, “She knows just how dangerous the forest is!”

“She isn't without her defenses, Em. We saw to this, remember?” Earl coaxed. Summerstream put her hand on her heart.

“What are they saying?” Summerstream jumped slightly at the voice in her mind. She did her best to ignore what he was saying to focus on the conversation of her foster parents.

“I'm just... I'm so worried about her, Earl! It was like this when Summerstream ran off, too.” Summerstream bit her lip. Em sounded close to tears, and she felt the same when she fled the village? She shook her head to focus on what was being said.

“And look at how the squirt turned out, Em.” Earl laughed.

“Earl, this isn't something to laugh at!” Em's voice cracked again. Summerstream clenched her free hand in a fist and stood straight. Using the wall as support, she stepped out of the hallway, causing the floorboard to screech as she moved. Both of her foster parents looked in her direction as she breathed in before speaking.

“Maybe she had to shelter for the night?” Summerstream suggested, looking from Em and Earl. Even she was unable to keep her voice from shaking. Summerstream swallowed once as she closed her eyes. A chair moved, and she felt something take most of her weight and guide her to one of the chairs at the table.

“I thought you were asleep Summ-Summ... Did we wake you?” Em asked as Summerstream opened her eyes. She shook her head. “I heard you groaning in your sleep so I came in to sing that song you always said helped.”

“No, I woke up on my own.” Summerstream smiled a little, “Thank you for coming in to sing, Em. It still helps.” She lowered her eyes as Earl sat back down and looked at her.

“I thought I told you to rest, damnit.” Earl sighed irritably and clenched his hands. Summerstream raised her gaze to look at him.

“You did, and I'm sorry for getting out of bed,” Summerstream sighed and clasped her hands together, and clenched them as she looked back down at them. “Your voices were just loud enough for me to hear. I ... decided to get up to come see what was going on.” She released her hands and looked back up.

“If... If Sophie isn't back by the time the festival starts tomorrow, I'll go out and look for her.” Summerstream declared, reaching for Em's hand. “I'll find her and bring her back.” Em met her gaze for the first time, her eyes red and puffy. Summerstream stared into Em's yellow eyes for a moment before she smiled reassuringly.

“I will protect my family.”

Summerstream was unsure if she was saying this to reassure her own worries, or to give Em something to hold onto. Something flickered in Em's eyes. Hope, perhaps? Fear? It was hard to tell.

“Little daisy, I can help you protect them. All you have to do is ask~” She heard the voice as Earl was helping her walk back to bed. The sentence she had left hanging in the air was the only thing she had said in the Common tongue in the past couple days.

“I will do this with my own power.” Summerstream scolded the presence as she laid back down.

“But, when will your own power not be enough, Little Daisy?” Was the response she heard as Earl patted her head to coax her to sleep.

She opened her eyes in the morning to one of quiet. Summerstream was doing the small tasks that Sophie would have done for her parents. Sun high came and there was still no sign of her little sister. Summerstream noted that Em was getting more worried over the course of the day. She bit her lip, and approached her adoptive mother.

“Em, I'll go out and start looking.” Summerstream offered, softening her gaze. She saw Em look up at her with wide eyes.

“Y-you will? O-okay.” Em responded, playing with the fringe of her shirt. Summerstream nodded in response and Em stopped and hugged her.

“Thank you. C-come home safe.” Summerstream could feel Em's hands shaking.

“I won't return until I find her.” Summerstream took Em's hands. “You have my promise.” Summerstream released Em's hands and turned on her heels with twitching wings.

She ran upstairs to get her sword and a torch before putting her cloak on and exiting the home. With a soft sigh, she looked around the village first. It was the best place to start. It was the middle of the afternoon by the time Summerstream finished searching inside the walls of the village to no avail. Summerstream sighed irritably as she made her way to the village gates, ignoring the stares she was getting. Once outside of the village, Summerstream looked to the nearby forest and started to walk into the bush. The snow was packed firm, and she started to run.

“Sophie? Where are you?!” Summerstream shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth, “Sophie?!”

Her heart thundered in her chest as she ran, yelling into the trees as a familiar wind gusted to carry her voice deep into the dark forest.


She stopped for a moment to catch her breath and look over her shoulder. She could see the dusk light behind her fading fast. “I'm running out of time.” Summerstream turned away from the direction of the light and continued running. When darkness finally reached the depths of the silent forest, Summerstream took out the torch she brought with her and lit it. As light illuminated her surroundings, she looked behind her to see if she had missed anything. Some of the ground had felt different as she ran over the fallen logs and snow-covered branches. There was a single, lone set of unfrozen footprints crossing her own tracks in the snow that were deeper than the ones that Summerstream herself had put down.

“Aha.” Summerstream smiled as she breathed out in relief. She crouched down at the tracks to check the direction, then rose and followed them after checking that her sword was still on the belt. Underneath her cloak, she could feel her wings twitching angrily. Summerstream clenched her free hand and breathed in before letting it out in a long, gradual release and repeated this several times as she hurried along the deeper tracks. She felt her wings stop twitching as she saw a light in the distance and ground her teeth. Moving quickly, she made her way through the forest towards the distant light. It was flickering in the silent forest.

She was surprised when she stepped out into the clearing. It was mostly empty except for a lone bundle of fabric on the far side of the fire half buried in the snow, and the fire itself. Summerstream walked around the fire to crouch beside the bundle and fiddle with the ties as her heart beat in her throat. Dark red hair greeted her as she pulled open the bundle of fabric. Her eyes widened as she pulled at the fabric to reveal her sister's sleeping face.

“Sophie...” Summerstream whispered as she got to her feet. Something flew by her head as she took a step back. Summerstream turned around to face a woman stepping out of he shroud of darkness.

“Ho~ Your reflexes are better than I thought~” Came the cold voice. Summerstream tiled her head, and noted that the accent was from the Payon area. She didn't respond, but watched and observed the woman as she moved her hand to her sword. “Not that it matters~ Orders are orders after all... And some of us are better at following them than others.”

Summerstream bit her lip and drew her sword. “Reveal yourself.” She ordered, pointing the blade at the woman.

“Oh, but my sweet, sweet former Lady.. I already am revealed~” The woman pulled back her hood to reveal bright pink hair, and ears covered by slim angel ears. “Tsk, tsk... Pointing a weapon at me~ Did I not give your sweet, dear sister your things to return to you?~”

“Yuriko.” Summerstream growled and glowered at the younger woman. “Why are you bringing my family into this?”

The robed woman standing on the other side of the fire laughed. “Because, my sweet former lady!~ He wants your blood scattered on the snow. He wants to see you suffer!~ For that we will even attack your friends and family.” Yuriko laughed, and put the tip of a knife on her bottom lip. “Of course he wants you dead too...” The pink haired woman smiled, then threw the knife she was holding at Summerstream. She swatted it away with her sword this time, sending it into the fire. The fire hungrily reached for the leather grip and started to eat away at it.

“I'll kill you, Summerstream. I'll kill you like you and your friends killed the Morikage. No one will recognize you once I am through!” Yuriko shouted as she removed her cloak and jumped at Summerstream with only her assassin cross uniform on, “And then I will kill your beloved sister!”

Summerstream barely had enough time to discard her torch before blocking Yuriko with her sword. She grit her teeth as she pushed the other woman away. Fighting was much easier without her shield.

The fire caused the tempered steel of both her sword, and Yuriko's katars to shine in the night. Summerstream focused more on Yuriko's movements and her own blocking over attacking the assassin. She had to do it if she wanted to live through this encounter. Blood splattered the snow as the katars bit into her skin.

At one point, the pair broke apart. Summerstream was breathing hard, and she had both hands on her sword, which she pointed at Yuriko. Blood seeped from her wounds and trickled down her arms and chest. Yuriko flicked the blood of the half fey off her katars into the snow in a wide arc and grinned crookedly. Summerstream's sword grip was slippery from her blood.

“Why?” Summerstream asked as she narrowed her eyes as she leaped forward. Yuriko easily caught the blade on her katars.

“Like I said. Orders.” Yuriko responded, sounding bored. She tilted her head and jumped back before bringing her deadly blades back up. Then pink-haired assassin charged at the injured half-fey.

The pair continued fighting as the fire became embers. It continued until Summerstream tripped over her discarded torch that was laying near the dying embers, and fell backwards into the snow, leaving red streaks that joined the splatters from the wounds she sustained. She saw Yuriko smile as she towered over her. Summerstream closed her eyes.

Summerstream knew the Morikage hated her. She knew the man that had claimed her as his wife hated her. She was pretty damn good at burning bridges, now that she took the time to think about it. She waited for Yuriko to strike her, but it never came. Footsteps sounded in the opposite direction. Summerstream opened her eyes and sat up. She was on the side of the clearing that she had entered from, and Yuriko was standing over the bundle that had hidden Sophie, applying something from a small red bottle onto her katar blades before crouching down to place one of the blades against the sleeping girl's throat. Summerstream's gaze widened before it hardened and she crawled to her left and edged closer.

“Don't you dare!!” Summerstream yelled as she vaulted across the clearing to tackle the assassin. Surprised, Yuriko cut the fabric of the bundle as she was pinned to the ground. The assassin tilted her head, then grinned.

Summerstream followed her gaze and immediately got off Yuriko at the sight of blood seeping out from the cut. Yuriko got to her feet quickly tilted her head to watch.

“Sophie? Sophie!!” Summerstream yelled as she pulled her sister out of the cloth. Instead of slicing Sophie's throat, Yuriko ended up slicing down the girl's torso instead. Yuriko started to laugh.

“Hmm~ Hmm~ Perhaps I might let you live a while.” The assassin laughed as she ran off into the trees. Summerstream looked over, but shook her head. She unfastened her cloak and wrapped it around Sophie's body.

“Hold on Sophie, please...” Summerstream retrieved her sword and picked up Sophie and looked overhead to check if she had clear sky access before spreading her wings to fly back to the village. Her adrenaline had melted into fear that gripped her heart. She adjusted Sophie so that she was close to her as she landed running in the middle of the festival. People recognized who she was. At this point, Summerstream didn't care. She ran straight into her family home.

“Em! Earl!! I found Sophie!” Summerstream yelled. Earl practically jumped down the stairs to look at Summerstream, with her bloody arms, a cut across her cheek, and with Sophie in her arms. He took Sophie from Summerstream's arms and ran off down the hall. Em came down second and pulled Summerstream into a side room to treat her own wounds.

“I couldn't...” Summerstream whispered. “I couldn't protect her...”

“That doesn't matter. You found Sophie, and you brought her home. Earl can fix her.” Em coaxed as she drew a cloth over the crisscrossing cuts on Summerstream's arms. The half-fey hissed quietly and jerked back in reaction. Em gripped Summerstream's wrist and continued to wash the wounds before bandaging them. She then did the same to the other arm before cleaning the wound on Summerstream's cheek.

“She still ended up hurt.” Summerstream protested once Em finished treating her injuries.

“And what if she had died? What would you have done then, Summerstream?” Em countered. Summerstream opened her mouth to respond, but closed it after making a quiet squeak. Her shoulders fell as Em rested her hands on the half-fey's shoulders.

“Come on. I'll sing you the lullaby you like. You look exhausted.” Em coaxed and gently pulled Summerstream to her feet.

“Y-yeah. Sleep sounds... good.” Summerstream whispered as she stood. She let Em bring her upstairs gently with a hand on the small of her back.

Her dreams were of the fight with Yuriko and, the only difference being that her sister was killed in front of her.

Summerstream sat bolt upright in the dead of night, breathing hard. She looked around the dark room as she fumbled for her glasses. She was alone. Her arms and legs dully ached as she moved to stand, and shook her head slightly. Then she remembered her dream of Sophie dying. The memory sent her running lightly down the hall, and down the stairs, and down the hall on the first floor. She stopped at the door and swallowed, before putting her hand on the doorknob and opening the door.

There was a candle burning in the brazier in the room, illuminating the medium-sized room with a warm yellow-orange light. There were various tools and salves on the table to Summerstream's right, including an open white box that held bandages and a small pair of scissors. She put her hand on her heart, then looked to her left to the bed. She saw her unconscious sister with bare arms on top of blankets and bandages on her torso, mostly on the left side. Summerstream numbly walked over with half-closed eyes, shaking her head with parted lips.

“Sophie...” She whispered, then took her sister's hand. It was hard to tell in the candlelight, but Summerstream noticed Sophie's chest rising and falling rapidly. “Damnit. I'm such an idiot...” She brought the hand to her forehead as she put her elbows on the bed. “...I should have stayed between her and you... I shouldn't have let her get the advantage of my positioning...” She started to sob quietly, and she clenched Sophie's hand in her own.

“Please... Please wake up...” Summerstream begged in a feeble whisper, clenching her teeth after. “Please... Don't die...” She felt a warm hand rest on her shaking shoulder after some time of sobbing. Summerstream looked over her shoulder to see Earl standing there.

“She's battling the poison that was on the weapon right now. If she can get over that, then she's in the clear.” Earl said, and clenched Summerstream's shoulder. “Damn poison. I haven't seen anything like it before.” Summerstream clenched her teeth and looked to Sophie. She parted her lips, but no words sounded. She closed her mouth and lowered her gaze and closed her eyes tightly. Her hands were shaking when she felt her glasses being removed and warm arms around her, and a warm, soft presence to her right. Summerstream instinctively turned towards it and started to cry. Behind her, Summerstream's wings trembled.

“Shh... Its not your fault. I know you did what you could.” Earl whispered, while gently stroking the back of Summerstream's head. “I instead fear what would have happened if you were any later bringing her home...” He tightened his hug as Summerstream turned her head to press her ear to Earl's chest. He looked down at her and softened his gaze and started to rock the grown woman back and forth as if she was a little girl and continued to stroke her head.

“It's not your fault Summ-Summ. It's in the hands of the Gods, now.” Earl closed his eyes. “The best we can do is pray.” He opened his eyes when he felt Summerstream's sobbing become quiet. While she was still crying, her eyes were half-open and staring at the foot of the bed. They sat in silence until dawn light was starting to filter in the room, overtaking the faint, ghostly white light that had been filling the room for some time.

“...Come on. I'll make you some tea.” Earl whispered, “The sun is saying hello now.”

“That... sounds nice.” Summerstream whispered, finally turning her tear streaked face up. Earl smiled gently and released Summerstream from his hug.

“I'll meet you upstairs.” Earl ruffled her hair and handed her a cloth. Summerstream looked at it, and wiped her face before blowing her nose before putting her glasses back on and standing up. She walked to the door, and put her hand on the door knob before she turned back to the bed and looked at her sister's face.

“Hestia... Please... Don't take my sister from me.” Summerstream whispered quietly before she left the room.

Neither she nor Earl had noticed the candle in the brazier had burnt out during the night.
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The taste of our wine is as divine as the stars
Summerstream | Amelia Newman
Ithilethiel | Aquaris Harmoni
.Pavan. | Sheena Archer
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Wine Brewing Society
04-23-2016, 02:39 PM
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Sorrow of the Wind - by Summerstream - 03-13-2016, 07:08 AM
Characters - by Summerstream - 03-13-2016, 07:20 AM
Highland City - by Summerstream - 04-23-2016, 02:39 PM
Miracle - by Summerstream - 05-23-2016, 05:17 PM
Wake-up Call - by Summerstream - 06-29-2016, 08:20 PM
RE: Sorrow of the Wind - by VietNam90 - 06-30-2016, 03:54 AM
RE: Sorrow of the Wind - by Summerstream - 06-30-2016, 05:59 PM
Starlight Warrior - by Summerstream - 07-13-2016, 01:16 AM

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