What Makes a Pro a Pro?
Oi oi. Been a while. xD What's up? You know. I'd been thinking on this one too for a while.
MMORPG players want to find the word "Pro" to exist somewhere about themselves or others.
Growing up, the word has evolved for me.
To be completely blunt, the technical definition of a Pro Gamer is
a person who is payed to play a game as an athlete. Let's try to tear ourselves away from this and be more open minded by considering what it can mean.
Players who are "casual" do not like to be called "casual." Same as players who are "hardcore" or "try hard" do not like to be told they "have no life" or are "misguided."
This logic (which patronizes) serves no good. To anyone. And quite frankly, when >>I<< say someone is Casual, I'm not saying they are "not as good as me." They're just at a different stage of "Pro."
Stage 1
"Heh. I'm XXXTheGamePro."
Originally, it starts out with a person who
enjoys games and plays them often.
The self-measurement of skill is based on what they have fun doing. They've realized they do something different that helps define them and gives them self-esteem.
"How many games have you played?" (Seen the Game)
"Hey bro! How many games have you beat!" (Seen the Credits)
"How many games have you Completed?" (Seen the Sidequests/Eastereggs)
Many people see it differently at this stage.. Because to them, their pride (as a self-perceived Pro) for accomplishment rests in different areas. One player's preference may appear totally casual and undemanding to another.
"Hah, you play tetris? That's weak. Try Starcraft!"
"Tetris can be pretty challenging, but you're only mentioning Starcraft because its an E-Sport." xD
See the variables? =3
Stage 2
"I'm not a pro gamer.. But I could be."
This stage doesn't take long to get to. Its the moment when the person realizes that what they do is actually not as impressive as someone else. To the point where they see a giant Gap that is very difficult to rationalize in their ego.
When you see something like
this it can be fairly intimidating.
"I can't do those button combos in this fighting game.. -_- My fingers just won't work."
"How can you keep up with all this stuff? There's too many things going on at once!"
You can easily tell that this^ person has become now more Aware of what CAN be done..
if only they had the ability to do it.
Often times most people stay at this stage -- Forever -- if they lose interest in gaming. They believe, even if they cannot find the words to describe it, that this idea of being a Pro
isn't something they care about.
Others will slowly drift further along.. unaware of their progress.
Stage 3
"Wait. Am I playing like a pro?"
All gamers, who actively game, eventually reach this stage. No matter who you are, its undeniable that you will get noticeably better
without trying and reflect on your new capabilities.
This comes from two things:
#1. Neuron firing of your brain to your muscles, called
Muscle Memory..
#2. Reward Response. The satisfaction you get from something. Ex: Level up! Increased Stats! KO! Perfect! DOUBLE KILL! Head Shot! PENTAKILL!
These two aspects of your gaming, while unappreciated by your conscious mind, are absolutely adored and relied upon.
In your mind, you haven't had to Work to achieve this. You simply had Fun.
"I have fun playing Fire Emblem. xD Now when I play Final Fantasy Tactics, its a lot easier."
"I like RPGS. ^_^ I used to hate encounters, but now I'm excited if its with certain enemies that may give me a secret item!"
That's where the pride reignites with new flare. You weren't full of crap when you said "you could be."
The thirst for compliments and recognition, however, can lead to a dark place.
Stage 4
"Being Pro is overrated."
Once you reach this stage, being "pro" no longer matters to the self.. but to others.
In fact, its a lonely stage. Lonely.. Because there's much fewer people to relate to.
Many of the others have quirks, rude behavior, and principles that others find appalling; but you (at this stage) are able to see and respect them as the Good Player they are. Performance is a status symbol of unspoken respect.
That person talks crap, but they back it up every time. Respect.
That person goes out of their way to hide their potential. Respect.
That person isn't afraid to admit when they're wrong. Respect.
That person thinks of ways to get better instead of expecting others to. Respect.
That person will not expect you to know everything. Respect.
That person points out a person's strengths. Respect.
Because pride for gaming ability exists in these different stages to everyone, your performance and
knowledge will affect them. You can't unlearn the (your) best ways to do something, and its incredibly difficult
to teach or tolerate without them feeling condescended. You essentially appear jaded or uncaring. Transversely, because you don't feel challenged, its incredibly difficult for you to accept advice.
Its very easy to say "this is just a game," but to us, it's "time we spend to have fun." Same as you.
Can you try to understand that? "Fun." Not "Work."
You won't get stuck here for very long without running into the many issues I've mentioned above.
And because of this? Those around you will either "Catch On or Catch Up."