As there are a total of 17 votes who favor the time change, we'll change the WoE time to the following:
Saturday 11:00AM server time: trans WoE
Saturday 1:00 PM server time: retro WoE
This will replace the Sunday time schedule. We don't have a date of implementation yet, but once we do, we will give at least one week notice. Please be aware that this may or may not happen at the same time as castle rotation though. This should happen within month of January, or early February at the latest.
As it is a tied vote of 10-10, neither side has reached any supermajority over the other. We will maintain the number of castles as is for now (total of 2 trans, 1 retro over the week.) However, this also points that a reasonable number of people are interested in closing castles. We may look at other ways/changes to WoE that may decrease the castle count instead.