Ok, so this is my own friendly opinion to this matter,
I am just a standard solo player who don't have an above standard items, for me, the implementation of the said npc timer will only kill the balance between standard player versus above standard player(this is the players that have single or dual god items or tanee card or so on so fort ..)
what do I mean? yes it will give each and every player a shot on every MVP's but the question is will it be also give equal damage or equal aspd? if not, It only means that 99.9% of good to kill MVP's is good as theirs. not to mention that their team has good mvp cards already. And it will only kill the hard worker players trying to camp almost most of the time just to get glimpse of the mvp to have its time and maybe next time if the Over Powered One's is not around maybe then we standard players can kill it.
And yes, most of the time we, hard workers has the MVP. maybe you can call it greed but if they want that MVP also he/she can camp it like we do because thats the only reason we standard players are getting a share of the MVP's
PS: I will also include the players that has below standard items. what about them