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Chronicles of Faeheim ~ Fate of The Unknown
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Amdusias Offline
Usurper of Faeheim's Throne

Posts: 1
Joined: Oct 2018
Post: #18
A Call To Action

Time after time, Pixie and Lucretia prove to be a hindrance for Faeheim... Every day that passes is a successful lie told to the citizens of our great nation. This cannot continue. I will not stand by and allow it. I'll reveal the truth the royal family has kept from even those closest to them.

Yes... it is I, General Amdusias. I'm back, still disappointed in this government and hellbent on bringing change. But, how do I still linger as a spirit, you ask? The secret lies with the dreamstone, the royal family's little secret.

You see, while I was acting as head of this nation years ago, I had our defense contractor, Kushiel, investigate dreamstone. Now, just to clarify, I don't agree with his views, but his golems successfully protected Faeheim from The Unknown several times in the past, not to mention I didn't hire him, Pixie and General Cynbel did. Anyhow... He discovered something peculiar. Dreamstone can not just absorb and store magic energies. A soul with a high enough magic charge could be absorbed as well.

And so I learned the truth... Every fairy that has ever died in the Faeheim Archipelago, in the sky islands of Caerulia, and in the new Faeheim, is trapped within the dreamstone core. It can likely even trap powerful enough spellcasters as well.

Pixie and Lucretia keep hundreds of thousands, if not millions of souls, trapped in their basement. Can these souls feel? Do they suffer? Most unbelievable of all, how could they have considered giving up the stone to The Unknown? Why not end it all and destroy the core, even if it means ending the trapped spirits?

We cannot be a part of this. Perpetuating inaction in matters like this is tantamount to complicity.

To all fairies who share this belief, I ask that you join me. Together, we'll establish a new government, sovereign and with no royalty, separate from the immoral institution that runs Faeheim, and far away from it.


The next event will take place on Saturday November 3, 2018, at 8:00 PM EST!

This event will start on the road loading to the old Caerulia Palace. The map is identical to the current Pingvi Race map. Amdusias and his forces will rush through it, attempting to take over the old Faeheim Palace! Your mission is to prevent the invaders from reaching the end and conquering the palace!
    Event Details
  • GM-Ciar acting as Amdusias will march to Faeheim Palace, spawning mobs. You must survive while following Amdusias.
  • There are 3 checkpoints before reaching the "palace", these are just wider areas than the usual narrow road. There will be 1 MVP spawned at a checkpoint which the heroes must defeat to proceed.
  • Once Amdusias reaches the end, a similar situation will occur as with the "Protect Amaria" event. An immovable crystal will be spawned as a "Follower" (Something like a homunculus that can be attacked by mobs), and players must defend it from Amdusias for a certain amount of time. If the crystal is broken, the heroes fail and the event ends.
  • Players of any level may join. There will be no access to storage, repairs or GM heals, but there will be just ONE GM map-wide resurrection that can be used by popular vote.

    For winning, you'll obtain the following:
  • 250 Reputation Points
  • 5 Assumptio Scrolls
  • 3 Bloody Branches
  • 1 Old Card Album

    For losing, you'll obtain:
  • 50 Reputation Points
  • 3 Old Green Boxes

If there's any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Hope to see many people at the event!
10-31-2018 01:39 PM
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