Ok so im gonna re-list the links here from the discord announcement for quick access :D
and under each i will write my personal impressions. Those missing will be updated when i have the chance to experience them.
"Fire Hit" https://i.imgur.com/x9KLukC.jpg
uhm i dont think i have seen it yet.
Critical Wounds https://i.imgur.com/51D9orz.jpg
uhm the old one wasnt bad, the new one isnt much different, ok.
ok i like the new one.
Dragon Fear https://i.imgur.com/4GYT4KX.jpg
new one is awesome. goodbye forever to those generic white circles.
Wide Confuse https://i.imgur.com/eOG5T9z.jpg
i dont think i have seen it yet.
Fire Wall https://i.imgur.com/Z7s05DM.jpg
I like the new flame bu i totally dislike the fact the flame disappear visually at the end of the cycle animation.
Lightning Crash https://i.imgur.com/S7LBaXp.jpg
i dont remember the old-old one, the old-new one was cool but was bit uhm, too much covering of the landing point, the new one is cool.
Fire Endow https://i.imgur.com/wocGUCM.jpg
its nice
Earth Endow https://imgur.com/7SrI7bp
its nice
Ice Endow https://i.imgur.com/fISwLuF.jpg
its nice
Wind Endow https://i.imgur.com/H8NMxbe.jpg
its nice
Meteor Storm https://i.imgur.com/6QrmzHb.jpg
ok so: i love the new mini nuclear shrooms explosions but the meteors falling from the sky are too static. The original meteors had rings of shockwaves animated around them while they were falling, it would be nice if the new meteors also get those for completion.
Auto Counter https://i.imgur.com/oDImUGT.jpg
i havent seen it yet, but from the preview seems cool.
Brandish Spear Cast https://i.imgur.com/G7GwwXd.jpg
i havent seen it yet.
ok i saw it and, uhm, its meh like the previous one.
Brandish Spear Hit https://i.imgur.com/7xvk91f.jpg
i havent seen it yet.
ok i saw it and, uhm, its meh like the previous one.
Spear Quicken https://i.imgur.com/8WNRdjd.jpg
i havent seen it yet.
One/Two Hand Quicken https://i.imgur.com/SNKCM0v.jpg
i havent seen it yet.
LK Concentration https://i.imgur.com/wGK4mZA.jpg
its cool.
Pierce https://i.imgur.com/VBxKLum.jpg
i havent seen it yet.
Hammer Fall https://i.imgur.com/677845Y.jpg
is a lot cool.
Weapon Perfection https://i.imgur.com/bQqLQWr.jpg
kinda nice. the original one wasnt bad but maybe too long of an animation.
i dont dislike the new one tho.
Uhm yeah less epic than before but those are nice lightnings.
i didnt dislike the original one, this new one is uhm... has bubbles too big and too round.
uhm less visual clutter i think? ok. Coins are still there soooo i guess its fine.