"I think I'm ready." Vynn told Tiamat.
"It's the first time I'll be asleep for that long, though."
"Don't be afraid of what happens outside while you're under. We will protect you." She replied, looking out the window. They were in a room at the highest point of a tower. Dark Allegiance troops gathered outside with councilman Lord Matthew.
"I'm... sorry for doubting you..." The soul linker's tone changed to a more remorseful one.
Tiamat chuckled and shrugged.
"I don't blame you for being suspicious of me, returning just after the Dark Allegiance left Hugel to ask for such a strange prediction."
Vynn made his bed, and laid down on it.
"Who else in the allegiance knows of your visit?"
Tiamat simply shook her head.
"I suppose that means no one else knows about the um, other thing." The Seer asked in a much lower tone, in case of eavesdroppers.
"You've seen how sought-after you are for your abilities." Tiamat smiled pensively.
Vynn nodded, not having much else to ask.
"Well... I guess this is it." He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.
"Goodbye. See you soon, I hope."
"Farewell." she replied, leaving the room.
"Are we finally moving out now?" Councilman Nereus peeked his head through the door.
"Yes, hurry up." Thea responded, putting on her armor.
"I know where The Seer is."
The Finale of the Seer's Dilemma storyline will take place on:
Since most if not everyone should be staying home due to the pandemic, I figured it reasonable to separate the proper finale from the PVM portion in order for both allegiances to be present rather than forcing Light to show up on Dark's turn and wait until the end.
The rewards remain as listed in the
above posts, with the following change since the event is now spread out over 3 days:
- 1 of the participation TOH Vouchers and the 2 participation OCA will be rewarded for attending the Sunday Finale
- The winners' Hat Voucher will be rewarded for attending the Sunday Finale.
Once again I thank everyone for their patience and understanding in these uncertain times, and hope everyone is doing well.