Ok I'll bite
Roger is the only person who has stuff I want to buy.
I've been on/off hero since near the beginning and its obviously not the same since back then. (very low population now)
I buy from Roger because, (lets be real here) he is the only player who actually sells stuff I want. Literally no other players at the time I was buying diablos robes were selling them so I literally was buying out his shops whenever he restocked.
I am a casual solo player now so I can't really farm diablos robes on my own, however I know how to make raw Zeny so I don't mind buying from Roger.
As for buying from other players... I don't know I can't control what they want to put up in their shops, mostly stuff I don't want, stuff I know is overpriced and again lets be real here useless in most cases. (80% of hatter hats)
***Side suggestion if it wasn't already suggested literally make all hatter hats costume craftable. I would actually like to wear some of those hats as costumes***
If Roger doesn't have something I want I try main, usually crickets then I use the hunting board, which has been very good.
Thanks Sephiroth literally filled my last couple requests.
As for Roger's tactics, no opinion really... As long as he is following the server rules its fine. On high population servers KSing MVPs is very common I think I saw on main one time they were saying like "just kill it faster" or something, I mean they aren't wrong. His business practices? Hmm I honestly can't tell would need an example. The only thing I could think of would be ice picks and there was only one other person selling one cheaper than him. Is that too low? I don't think it sold yet. That would be the only major monopoly type thing I see. How does he do it? I just assume he has help from 1 or 2 people to MVP in bio3.
After coming back here from a long break I tried asking main how much for a Quah-Nomag Gloves? This was new to me and I got some replies compared to Roger, asked for a deal either no deals or like 1m off or something and I said no thanks and just bought from Roger. I asked main how much for an Orcus Bracer? Again got some replies compared to Roger but this time actually got a deal so I bought from that player. I gave them the chance for a sale, I don't have patience to haggle. On a low population server that is also very old, its really hard to sell ANYTHING and this is an accessory, its not something you need lots of to upgrade, I am sure people are just sitting on lots of them.
How to beat Roger? To be honest I don't think you can unless he quits. He has been here a very long time and plays a lot (like his name says). But if Roger were to quit that is A LOT of stuff gone. However, could anyone else actually take his place if he were to quit?