I've decided to start a riddle event (totally ripped off another server, bleh.. sue me ).
This "event" is only in the forum, so it's good for people who live in different time zones
Here's how it works:
I ask a riddle, you have to PM me your answer through the forum, with the title "Riddle" and inside your 1 answer and your in game name.
From the moment I post the riddle on the forum you have 24h to pm me your answers. After 24h if all the people with the correct answer win. Each riddle will have a prize of 1m zeny divided amongts the winners, like the lottery, so if 5 people win they get 200k each.
In addition to the zeny, the first person to get the correct answer also gets 5 Allegiance points.
If no one has gotten the correct answer after 24h, I will add a clue and there will be a new 24h to send another answer.
I'll try to have at least 1 riddle per month and try to make them varied. Sometimes more than 1 answer will fit the clues, but you have to find the one true answer
The riddle will always be in this post (the first post of the thread). In blue is the current riddle, I'll also leave the older riddle in grey, with the answers in beige (since we have a beige background).
DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWER IN THE FORUM!! If you reply to this post, it's only if you have questions/suggestions/comments about the event. The answers have to be sent via PRIVATE MESSAGE in the forum only! Dont PM them to me in-game either. hope that's clear for everyone ^_^
Temporarily removed by GM-Ciar to use during December 8 2016's downtime