The only skill we tampered with a little is sight/ruwatch, and yes I know some people were mad about that, but we did compromise and reduced it. Aside from that, all other skills are working as eAthena made them in our current SVN, if you have any complaints, you'll have to take it to them.
With each SVN update there are various changes to skills, some positive, some negative, you should be thankful we have reset on the server, so you are not nerfed like they are on iRO and left with no possible solution.
Are all skills working exactly as they should, I honestly don't know, but it's mostly not in my power to change them. I can somewhat edit the settings (range, name of skill, cast, delay, etc.), but the behavior itself and calculation are hard-coded, I'm not an eAthena dev.
Are we on the most recent SVN? No. They release one about everyday, we are on a stable SVN that was released a few weeks ago, then we started to work on it. We couldn't just scratch all our work and take the most recent everyday. I don't know and don't care to know what svn they are on in other server and how their skills react there, this is what we currently have until the next update. We are trying hard to fix what we can, you'll have to bare with what we can't change, please just adapt.
If you think something is a bug, please post it here, but if we say it's not in our power to fix, please respect it.
Heaven Drive:
As for Bowling Bash I couldn't find anything about it, so no one reported that as a "bug" on eAthena in the past week, I can only assume it's working as it "should".