Greetings all. o_o
The ~Monarchs Of Justice~ is currently recruiting people.
Its a newly created guild, but its doing fine.
All we ask is for you to be active and to be nice. o_O
Joining the ~Monarchs Of Justice~ has many benefits. O_o
Anyway, this guild is a relaxed kind of guild, we mainly chat, party
and have fun. We may WoE from time to times depending on the mood of the other guild members. But we are not a WoE active guild.
...Unless our guild member's feel like going to the WoE every single day that there will be one.
In any case, you also don't have to go to the WoE if we ever do go. o_o
To contact me, most of the time you can just contact any Kira character you find in-game. =p
My main character is Kira the Infinite.
You can also contact anyone who's in the guild to join.
I hope you consider joining!