So, I was sitting around in Prontera earlier today and thought to myself, "Ya know..out of all the loading screens we have, there's ONE that we don't have, which would be awesome", so I discussed my idea with a couple of the GMs and now I'm here
Alright, well..I was would you guys like to participate in a screenshot to be taken to represent heRO? My idea is..I'd like for as many players as possible (which would probably be best after WoE, since so many people sign on then) to gather at a particular map (which hasn't been decided on yet) and all of us sit in an orderly fashion to spell out, "heRO".
We thought one of the desert maps would be a good idea for this, but haven't come to anything concrete yet, especially since I don't even know how many people would be willing to do this. If this does go through, I would also not like any emotes to be used for the screenshot. I believe the representation is supposed to be that of heRO, not emotes, so if everyone used emotes, I believe it would take away the purpose of the screenshot (i.e. the gathering).
Anyway, so there you have it. Post what you think about the idea, why it is good and you are supportive of it, why you are against it and think it is a bad idea, if you would like to participate, so forth, and so on.