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Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers, join)
Everoth Offline
Chivalry Heart

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RE: Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers, join)

It was 4 in the morning and the men in the white coats where still working, some looking at papers and some talking to each other about something he couldn't even hear, blinking he felt as some liquid entered his eyes, he tried to rub it off but his arms where tied, he felt something on his face as he had a hard time breathing, starting to grow desperate he moved trying to get free, but one of the men outside just pressed a button, he could felt a shock all over his spine, he couldn't move anymore...still he looked at them as they looked at him carelessly...and then why went back to their papers, he felt as if the night was covering on his eyes.

In the never ending night of his eyes he heard a whisper..."hey...hey...wake up little men...or you are to weak to even open your eyes?..." Eleandatil opened his eyes, he was on the same place as before, the doctors where still if they never white little ants...." hey..." he heard the whisper again as he turned his head to look but finding no one, then as he looked to the front he saw how his reflection on the glass in front of him, then division between the liquid and the fresh air outside didn't did anything but to smile, a twisted grim that scared him a bit, the bubbles moved in front of him as the image stood without moving.

"Hello Eleandatil, theres no need to be afraid, i am here to help you " his reflection said to himself as Eleandatil started thinking if he was starting to grow insane, in that case fate couldn't had been much crueler against him, " You are not insane my child, and i am here to even the scales" the image said to him as it tilled his head a bit " My name is Erebos, Its really sad what has happened to you, and i want to let you know, that the past sadly cant be changed, but the future..." he stopped a bit, Eleandatil started to remember all those times when he had wished to just run away....and then the time when he did...

the image straighted his face a bit, it seemed to move closer to him " you see, i can feel your pain, i can feel that rage, i see that you want to prove them all that they are wrong, that you are stronger than you look...and even more than anyone, and i can help..." this made his heart rush, Eleandatil was promised his revenge, to the ones that had laugh and made him think he was less than what he was, still he knew everything that was granted had to be payed with a big price...

Thinking for a bit he still doubted, some part of him still wanted to forgive, to start again, to continue...if he was able to get out...The image seemed to came out of the crystal as it seemed to be just in front of him with the same smile " you see, if you accept, i can get you out of here...give you power beyond anyone could dream of..." the image came completely out of the crystal leaning to his ear whispering softly " and i could give you that girl you like so much...with my can have anything you want..." Eleandatil felt his heart stop.

She...someone who he could just have on his dreams...anything he wanted, Eleandatil nodded, the only thing he desired, was that for the rest of his life, things went his way...a loud and disturbing laugh was heard, twisted and disturbing that even the men outside the glass seemed to have heard, looking everywhere from where it came.

The light seemed to be absorbed from the room as from the deepest of the darkness a well known creature came out, the Dark Lord hovered out of it with his arms crossed as the men started to run, the Dark Lord hovered in front of Eliandatil and broke the glass, after freeing him the voice seemed to be hearing on his head " Meet your new General..." the voice said as he was covered in the darkness, new cloths appeared on him, on his back he could feel a guitar.

When he holed it, he could see it was alive, its eyes looking around the place as the fierce teeth closed and growled...he felt different already, nearby him he could see some others inside capsules, as he walked to them he looked at the Dark Lord who broke them without even asking, they where on the ground unconscious, one opened his eyes but closed them almost intermediately, as he looked even further there where more on cells, number on their cloths and handcuffs on their hands, again without even asking they broke...everyone was free...and Eliandatil didn't even knew what he had released without knowing...

The laugh was heard softly on his ears as it whispered " its time to go, you have so much to learn..." the voice said as the darkness as it started to engulf them and as they vanished behind them where left that was almost intermediately found by the ones that had hold them in the facility, equipment that had gave them the advantage to suppress the guards and push to the exit, which in the end had closed their doors, where no magic not ability was able to open, witch was once a light for them, now they where sinked in the same darkness as before, desperate for a way out of the niffleheim they where in...

(ill finish tomorrow, i have to go )
05-12-2008, 01:19 AM
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RE: Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers, join) - by Everoth - 05-12-2008, 01:19 AM

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