I was transfering my items to other account by Baron Samedi. (He's a fishing friend 3 weeks ago until the day he scammed me.) When I said BRB i log in my other account then he's offline. I did not screenshot on him because (what i thought I can trust him, this transfer is for the second time actually. The first time I did this, he returned back my items, but this time he gets and scammed all my items.) I waited more than 30 minutes for him to be online again. And he did log in. But when I pmed him 3 times I said "Baron, can you return back my items now?" "Please I need my items" "Give it back please" he did not respond then he logged off again. The time we dealed is around 10:00-10:30AM May 27, 2008 server time. Well, i also think that that was my fault trusting a person like him. BUT I'm still waiting for GM to help me regarding this problem. I need my items back and Baron Samedi get banned. Please don't allow players like this on your server. HELP ME PLEASE.
@who faye and you'll see me
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2008, 02:13 AM by gladysfaye26.)