Simple the Empire must change to a Republic, where the people as a whole should decide who runs their country not those with the most coinage.
Aaronock did or did not anyone from the empire make a single message or effort to help those in the Morroc Incident. No, i am not using it as a tool for propaganda I am just back my so called Empty Words with evidence supporting the fact that the Empire on a hole is not fit to rule this country.
Yes you three and Death Dealers as a whole are like my Family, but if someone doesn't rise up to stop this corrupt system before it becomes to strong then all those who a vowed to protect will be treated like dirt as they are now. And if that means I most forsake everything so be it.
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.