TheAbyss Wrote:Fruityla Wrote:Quik: That has nothing to do with them being noble, genius. That's called being strong, something you can achieve with a little training. When exactly have they ruined events...? You may want to tame that overactive imagination of yours.
Fates: That doesn't make you any less of a traitor XP How do we know you can be trusted as a leader, hmm?
[OOC: Lin should just bang all your heads together and make the squabble stop already XP] how dillusional can you get, seriously every time you post I say to myself "Okay it can't get any worse than that, but somehow you keep topping urself... No shix its gonna be the nobles for the most part who will be richer and therefore more powerful, and therefore they would dominate PvP. Its also funny how you mention that just a little training can catch up to nobles who are 9x trans, when u're a level 95 monk who can't level for her life. It also takes several months for the average player to trans, that qualifies for easy training? Even after you get to 9x trans they're gears are already ages ahead of yours, and you have to try and catch up on gears, but the gap keeps on widening =x.
OOC: This is where I haveta say GM's close this topic cause this is getting out of hand. Quik, really this was unecessary to post. You are insulting Linnea for no reason now and obviously taking this topic that was MEANT FOR ROLEPLAY way too seriously.
If you think about it also by us sending money out of the server with bullions we lose money, lower inflations, and some nobles are not trans look at Tiya for example, or Cutty Flam.