I usually don't hunt for gears unless it happens to be my leveling spot. I just sell whatever gear I do get from where I level at and I use the zeny to buy what I need from other people, it has worked nicely so far.
I find hunting for low drop (such as card) way too boring now, I did it in my first years of RO, but I can't stand it anymore. Gotta make the most out of the time I can play.
On a side note, if you find you like to hit sleeper a lot nothing stops you for looking out for future peco cards and a upgraded chain[3] (not mace[3] x_x), the 1HKO VS 2HKO will definitely make a nice difference in time and sp.
Suggestion: if you don't have a guild endower you can always make an endower for a few friends together, once it's leveled you remove the gears and only leave elemental ore and you can share the account with many people.