The map that I'm hunting sleepers have geographers. I use Absorb spirits on them sometimes but that kinda slows the process. Well, it's free 112 sp.
About the build, I made this monk just to hunt sleepers anyway, if I can hit 99 with him that's great, I may trans and get Dangerous soul collect and Snap but If I can't, I will just make money with him and stay with my knight =)
I'm pumping dex right now, dunno if I should pump some agi later to dodge some hits (I doubt I will ever dodge them 95%, since they need about 210 flee and that would require way too much agi, even with my panties+undershirt, but even if I only reach 50%, that's teoretically 50% less damage to me right?). How much dex do you think I should get? I was thinking about 75 to have the 50% cast reduction...
Sorry about all the questions, I really have zero knowledge about monks...