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GT-Hiro Offline
Shadow Drifter

Posts: 677
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RE: kernel32.dll:setfilepointex(orsomethinglikethat)
O_O first time I've seen the whole compatability issue. But if you are gonna get a new OS, which isn't too expensive if your only going with the upgrade software, I'd recommend trying to find windows XP service pack 2 or 3. They've "officially" stoped making them, but there should still be some floating around. If it comes down to just being able to play, vista home premiem or vista ultimate works best. But if your gonna do the upgrade, make sure your computer meets the specs needed by either OS. Its recommended for 1gb RAM for XP and at least 1.5gb for vista. At least 40gb hard drive, prefered 120gb+. and at least an intel pentiem 4 processor.
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
09-16-2008, 11:59 AM
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RE: kernel32.dll:setfilepointex(orsomethinglikethat) - by GT-Hiro - 09-16-2008, 11:59 AM

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