To be honest, a few high 7x and low 8x reviews are never a bad thing.
Who really reads the 95+ reviews where they basically always say "active GMs, lots of events, nice communities, no lag, frequent update and server is balanced!" Every review over 90 for any server has a tendency to say that same thing in different words. Cynical little me never bothers with reviews over 90 when I look at reviews. They're either die-hard fans who are writing for the sake of boosting server rating, bribed reviewers, or people who have no idea what they are talking about... It's just far, far too hard to have such a perfect server (which I don't think heRO is "perfect") to score something like 100 ><;
Real reviews somehow always come from 70-89 ones in my humble opinion, where although the character limit is restrictive, but those reviews still point out just how much a server stands out in its strength, and is realistic to point out some flaws.
After all, we don't know what to work on if no one tells us what the problems are