bloody didnt mention that we are not non-trans woe active. we are heavily trans woe active. but we will do our best to ensure that you do trans, i hope you like to trans and would join us in some fun trans woes. keep an open mind, play the game in ways you never have before. high end MVPing (randgris, ifrit, etc), high end dungeon partying, etc if you havent done those before on a low rate.
we are a very active guild with very lively guild chat most of the time and definitely help out guildies alot.
PM bloody, @who Ex, or find me on Nubb or Invertigo. or visit our guild hang out spot in hugel town
guild storage and other policies are explained in our guild forum, great shared castle drop system designed by bloody can help you get geared very quickly
we'd love for you to talk our ears off XD