Yuriohs Wrote:I want Bishops to be able to become BB's (Battle Bishops) so I can own while givin some buffs.
I heard that Bishops are gonna be giving some AoE Debuff Poison spell. Not sure if its true because I haven't seen anything else on that./
While I agree with you on that, I still have to make fun of it~
Debuff poison doesn't sound??like much. Detox on sins/rogues rarely get used due to how common green herbs and??cheap green pots are, and??Slow Poison is quite possibly the least useful skill in RO at current.
Maybe??something??slightly more offensive than mace mastery or Magnus Excorcismusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmusmus.....
And while I do hope Gravity will work with extended classes again, I think they've decided to not invest in those classes anymore... (Will Soul links still work on??the new classes when they come out? or will it be bugged for a while, or will they just not work at all?)
If they ever add that, They should bump up Ninja's skills so it'd be epic
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2008, 07:44 PM by The Legendary Joe.)