no worries, was just pointing out that there was an exception to a previous statement. and I'm pretty sure I've seen zealtous use sonic blow, but I've been wrong before. As for custom pets, I'm not certain ALL of them have a skill (I certainly don't think my Lesavka has one)
HibikiTheAlchemist: 9x/5x Biochemist
~~Rose: 99 Lif (First homunc on heRO to evolve!)
Hibiki: 95/50 Brewer alt
Rogue Skye: 91/50 Dagger Rogue/Farming alt
Blueberry Poring: 8x Monk
Arrow Chucker: 7x Bard
Shotgun Sinner: 7x Shotgun/Launcher Gunslinger
Rapid Fire Redemption: 7x Revolver/Gatling Gunslinger