Aww. I've already done a bunch of the pictures for them. XD
I just wait to get a large bunch before I run them through the watermarking script and upload them.
There's also the fact that the reason why I even redid all the others is so they all follow one general style (and to avoid them all being on the same background. Namely, Pront walkway), and because Pandora and I thought it'd be best to have them feature as many custom hairstyles and palettes as possible, as well. (making @go, @model and @dye very much timesavers)
And no, keep the non-exclusives on there. However, in their effects part, put down that they are also available via whatever.
So Celeb wings would say:
- Luk + whatever
- Another effect
- Obtained via Birthday Quest 07(?), 08, 09
- Also dropped by Masterdrops.
Do the same for any official gears that are given out, or have different effects, as the way of obtaining them is custom.