have to say that tao on TOH 5 wings (the one with the autocasts) would be really hax on my wife's LK...
if i ever get that ever-elusive Tao card, i would force her to make a pally in her account too
x 1 turtle general and 1 Belzebub on a Nephentes Bow + 10
Lets face it, its the best bow for my aspd and my game play methods on so many levels.
190 aspd ds burst spam push away with chance to magnum for never miss and decent damage output,The lack of dex hintering my cast is compensated by belze. I believe id be pushing anyone so fast id be pinning people on walls in pvp.
Samurai Specter in an infiltrator.
Obvious reasons.
GTB on a + 7 Valk shield too.<- DO WANT.
LOD on a + 10 Double bound with 1 savage babe and 1 metaler.
+9 eddga shoes.
+ 10 Executioner With Phree card.
+ 10 Ixion wings with 1 valk rangdris,Thanatos,Dracula.
+ 7 Valk manteu with Eremes card.
thats pretty much it.
Never forget the old days.
-~Proud husband, father, and the luckiest guy in the world.~-
Beelzebub is accessory.
GTB on valk shield is waste since you don't get hit by magic and nobody uses fire/water converters.
LoD card doesn't work on range.
Why shoes, why not diabolus shoes for eddga to compensate the lack of HP?
Ixion's Wings only have one slot.
Why +7 Valk manteau if Eremes is a card that gives you cloaking, therefore trying to prevent damage?
And to everyone else in this thread, Tao Gunka Wings are NOT that hax >_>
My choice would be the Gloom under Night Card in wings. Hello, 20k DS on minivalk.
Just to make some people very angry-
Mistress in a +4 helm
But seriously-
For Prof- Fallen Bishop in Tidals
For my HW- High Wizard in sunglasses. (x2 casting speed doesn't mean much when you don't have a casting speed!)