Pixie was ...displeased... so I had to pry these from her and let her cool off a bit.
Results for December 2012:
Fairies' Might: Sold to Storage Merch for 5.5m
Fairies' Magic: Sold to PY-Linker for 9m
Drooping Pixie: Sold to PY-Linker for 3.5m
Pixie's Letter: Sold to Amom-Ra for 8.5m
GM Service: Sold to Storage Merch for 18m
HeRO Helper Hat: Sold to Agil for 6m
X-mas Surprise: Sold to Wandering-Merchant for 5.5m
Refined Festivities: Sold to Baconator for 16m
Feast for the New years: Sold to Raine Sage for 18m
Mayan's End of the World: Sold to Wandering Merchant for 12m
V4P All-stars 2012: Sold to Agil for 23m
Figurine Collection: Sold to Seth- for 14.2m