It was higher than 25m, Cane. I think it was in the 30m range. I didn't win anything because everyone outbid me in everything and I even brought 40m for this thing. When I logged off they bids for the hats was still going at over 200m
Results for July 2012:
Fairies' Might: Sold to Auxillary Archer for 15m
Fairies' Magic: Sold to Auxillary Archer for 20m
Drooping Pixie: Sold to Auxillary Archer for 19m
Pixie's Letter: Sold toMarguerite for 12m
GM Service: Sold to Auxillaty Archer for 23m
HeRO Helper Hat Selection: Sold to Sold to Dung for 15.5m
Miner's Treasure: Sold to Seishuku Ryuu for 55m
REVOLUTIONS!: Sold to ~BabyPink~ for 23m
Take Your Plant for a Walk Day: Sold to iaMrEaLLyPoOr for 27.5m
Bastille Day: Sold to mizu aoi for 63.5m
Beyond Transcendence: Sold to Kerianne for 245m