Heeeeeeeeey, I can actually do this! Albeit 75% of all my screenshots are me accidentally pressing scroll lock and 20% are for quest guides, I think there's something there still :D
[In game character name for rewards: "Sinegami"]
[Entry #1 / Category: Laugh]
I can't even...
[Entry #2 / Category: Party/Event]
6 people transing party!
[Entry #3 / Category: Laugh]
Make peace, not war!
[Entry #4 / Category: Party/Event]
That one time Guild Quest...
[Entry #5 / Category: Misc]
That one time Circe became Forge...
[Entry #6 / Category: Winter/Xmas]
And for last just some random screenshot :D
Edit: Aww, i have way over 5 entries and it's hard to make a decision which ones to leave, and i was only able to narrow it down to 6 >.< I'll leave this one for Panda to decide which one she doesn't like most >:D