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What do i do now?
Moetownman Offline
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What do i do now?
OK im a swordsman base 20 job 17

i dont have much money and i really dont know what im doing...

can i get some help on what i should do?Thinking
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01-28-2009, 01:10 AM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: What do i do now?

Go aldebaran->Yuno->Airship to einbroch.??

Save there.??

Go one map south and kill Metallings.??

They give a nice 2460 base xp and 1245 job xp.??

Drop the iron ore to the ground as they are very heavy and worthless.??

Keep the iron as they are lighter to sell them to a blacksmith when you will have a bunch of them.??

Npc the large jellopy for quick zeny.??


Find a guild that will coach you on your leveling/equiping/skill_building and to make the game more enjoyable for you by adding a social factor.

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(This post was last modified: 01-28-2009, 01:23 AM by Général_Argos.)
01-28-2009, 01:22 AM
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Motenai_Ronin Offline
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RE: What do i do now?
Juggernaut's Geonosis is a petri dish of social epidemia ^-^
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
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Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)
01-28-2009, 01:59 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: What do i do now?
Level 20 seems a bit early for metalling.

I would suggest go to payon, then 2 map south and kill wolf for a few levels.
01-28-2009, 03:41 AM
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Moetownman Offline
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RE: What do i do now?
Can any one help train me and teach me...

im a swordman

base 27
job 20
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01-28-2009, 05:14 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: What do i do now?
Asking main always helps on advice.

I would go with Pandora's suggestion for wolves as well. At lv 27 you may need to use a lot of healing items though. You can buy Meat at Payon (they are the cheapest healing item considering how much they heal) and the wolves themselves drop a bit of healing items too. Just be careful since if there are other wolves nearby when you attack one wolf, they all come to fight you.

A few death may occur at first, and you lose 1% of exp every time you die. However you do get quite a bit of exp back for every wolf you kill, so the loss is rather minimal.
01-28-2009, 06:42 AM
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KrazeEKrakker Offline
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RE: What do i do now?
I would say Peco's until 35ish and then tear Metalings up...

however, 1 north of lighthalzen. /ok
01-28-2009, 06:51 AM
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Ellie Offline

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RE: What do i do now?
Mukas! =)
Not as much jexp, but I like them

(but turn off your sound effects if you go to them)
stop doing dickers
01-28-2009, 11:33 AM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: What do i do now?
well IMHO if you're just starting out and don't really have that much money, i would stay in payon until 39.
at lvl 1x (out of novice training camp) go right from payon and kill willows. After a bit go kill spores.
Then when you get enough flee or vit (around 50 agi OR 50 vit), go to wolves (2 south of payon).

As a swordie, you should be going either vit or agi no matter if you are going knight or crus. I would definitely suggest agi because IMHO in the lower levels agi is your best bet for safe solo levelling...

anyway, as a rule of thumb, below level 40 in heRO i would recommend everyone (EVERYONE! even mages, archers, and whatever) to go agi-dex. you need a total of 15 or 20 dex and the rest should go to agi. You don't need STR yet, let your weapon do the damage for you. Stick to spores and wolves so you don't waste money moving around etc.

THEN reset to whatever class you want it to be at 39 -> still FREE.
Archers and GS = full dex (should be 6x) -> that amount of dex is necessary even if you go for support (INT) dancer/bard, max DS and get dex-adding passives first with a bit of range-adding just to stay out of geo's range or try floras/mi gaos if you can't handle geos yet

caster Mages (sage and wiz and ninja) = full INT and either 1-hit wolves with lv 10 firebolt (or its equivalent) or try mi gaos or geos etc

would-be TU and support priest = full INT and go heal-bomb until priesthood

autocasting sages = either go full INT so that you can hunt geos until job50 or go full AGI and get a DoC (still don't need STR yet)

would-be AGI saders/knights/alche/BS/ranker TK/TKM/sins/rogues/monk/priest/ninja = stick with some dex (15+) and loads of agi and go hunt anywhere you want/can (where monster's don't hit you every time they attack)

would-be VIT saders/knights/alche/BS/ranker TK/TKM = get 55 vit and 25 dex and go hunt anywhere you want/can (where monsters don't have more than 70-100 ATK)

would-be bow rogues = get 40ish dex and 40 agi and go hunt anywhere you want (and can) with a dagger until job change... keep stat-ing DEX after 40 agi until at least 80 dex

would-be Grimtooth sin = go get 20 dex and rest goes to STR. levelling will be a bit hard because you have 1 AGI (even with increased dodge), but when you get grimtooth, having high STR really pays off... well you can get around this by levelling fast as an agi-dex thief and resetting later...

would-be spirit monk = go AGI with a bit of dex and get a stunner as aco and reset later

i wouldn't recommend getting INT as a merch even if you're going caster-alche... go get to alche job first, then reset for that case...
same goes for SLs... stick with low dex high agi until job 50 TK and job change...

and also for brewers/forgers, just go AGI-str-dex until 99 then reset dex-luk or dex-luk-int later on...

i may not have addressed all possible builds, so other builds should see which path suits them best, if you want a consultation just post here and i'll try to help...


01-29-2009, 04:54 AM
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Frogboy Offline
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RE: What do i do now?
oh btw, you can reset at level 40 and still be free, unless that was changed recently, but i don't think so =) level 39 just to be safe though, cuz by then the 1 level isn't gonna make that much difference.
01-29-2009, 12:44 PM
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