i can order another..but i dun know wut to ordar....omg wait i just got my vanil~ :DDDD can i pwwezzz makes me a vanil ? :3 the jelly-ace one not the snail looking thingie ._. i wants it! :D make it supah cute plox~ XD *willing to pay 200k* :3
May I cancel my order? If you're not on it yet...If you're not doing it yet i wanna change it to a Chung-E make is super cute :O Thanks Cloudy~
200k+ a Siggy~ :3
Sorry if you've already started on my request Cloudy. I changed my style ingame, and hopefully this is much easier to draw out, but if you haven't started on my order.
Sorry if this causes any inconvience. The hair on the back is the same as the screenies you took. Thanks soo much