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From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
Yuriohs Offline
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From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
Edited ( I fixed a good bit?)

Street Minista

That was his nickname when his name got known across the lighthalzen slums. This is where he was born, where he was raised, where he witness the injustice of the people who put them there. Because Lighhalzen's inner city was a great attraction to different people most didn't know about what went on in the slums. Street found out the hard way.

Street was raised by a nun who taught him no matter what, always help those who can't help themselves. To Street, this nun was his mother, and he would do anything to protect her. They would do runs around the slums for people in need of help by making sure everyone had food, water and shelter the necessary things. Most of the common people were just trying to survive, but they didn't really care for here lives. They've been there for so long that they feel there?s no hope for them anymore. Street always preached to the younger generation that no matter how bad things got there was always hope. He cared for people in a way that was different from most people. But every night and morning when everyone went to sleep, he would look down the hill and see lights from the main city. Street was mad, he couldn't stand that the people in the city had to live so easy while everyone else had to work extra hard to survive! Not only didn?t to live but survive and people understand that below them. And that?s what street always thought people outside the slums thought.

But the fire and hatred in his heart was sparked one day when Street was a teenager, some agents from the Rekenber Corporation came to arrest the nun for illegal smuggling of Cheese, Milk ,Meat, Aloe Leaflets (Food) from there facilities and were escorting her out of the slums into a "secured location." While Street was flipping out, no one did anything else. Some said it was pointless and they weren't worth anything to go and try to help the nun.
Street didn't take this quietly.

He stood up on the Tavern, and delivered this speech in the response of people not responding to this atrocity.

We don't have to let people who think they are better than us stomp on us like dirt. We endure some of the hardest conditions in one of the roughest areas. So why do we act like we can't do anything to stand against people who probably just sit around on there hands all day? They don't know the meaning of hard work, they don't know what its like to try and survive everyday of there lives. While there deciding on what outfit to where to a festival, were deciding whether or not to use our shirt as a sheet for warmth.
We can't take this quietly; unlike the residents of Lighhalzen below us we are tough! Nothing has stopped us from living to another day and no one will ever do it.

That nun and I have helped you live you life a little bit easier and when someone comes to take her off you continue with your business? She has the powers to help you all she cares more for you all then I will ever do and yet you still don't care enough to go and help her out?

For those of you who do care come with me and we will get her back and show Lighhalzen the error in there decision to put us here without any attention.

There is one thing the nun never told to Street, one thing that everyone but him knew.
That the nun was an escaped High Priest Margaretha that managed to take over a nuns physical form by transforming her holy property to ghost and possessing her.
When the first people of the slums came years ago they saw her bio body and left her alone.All except a nun that took care of her angry spirit. Agents from the research labs came to look for her, but the citizens refused to cooperate. The Nun was very old an approaching death, but she still managed to keep the research agents from taking margaratha away. The agents eventually hired mercenaries to mess up the slums until they got an answer. Margaratha then promised the nun protection if she gave her body up to her. The nun accepted knowing that margratha and her bonded over the years and margaratha told the nun about what happened to them in the labs and all the torture the went through. She said it reminded her of this place the slums. This would help the village from going into a violent state. Once taken over, the High Priest transported the agents to the bio labs where they weren't heard from ever again.
Some of the citizens felt sorry for street because of this. They knew Street knew her as a mother but she was a monster, and how could they help out a monster?

The Citizens who were older, and new the nun, the real nun stood up and went towards the tavern. The younger kids that Street helped grow and learn and never give up hope stood up. The people who worked at the mill and the people who stole for food and money stood up. Eventually everyone stood up and with Street at the head of the crowd began formulating a plan to get her out of there.
But first, one of the oldest members in that village told street the truth about the nun. He listened and thanked the old woman. To him this info didn't matter, it just proved to him more that he need to rescue her and show lighthalzen that they won't sit down this fight.

The nun taught Street the ways of a priest and he embraced that. He wasn't a fighter physically, but spiritually and emotionally Thanatos couldn't stop his power. And with the help of others, he could accomplish anything.

Eventually there plan was to knock out the guard and send the fastest kid to run and plant a bomb one of the mill workers made at the main hall. While the commotion spurred, Street and other people who were able to fight would rush in the labs and save the her. Street waited for the bomb to set off and when he saw it go, he quickly moved out. They were running to the building, when the kid that placed the bomb was running to them with guards behind him. Street quickly recited a Safety Wall Spell on the kid. And while the guards were trying to hit the kid, Street Decreased there agility and let the other people take care of the slowed guards.

The regular workers were really big, and could pass off as a Minotaur. They quickly made away with the guards and was able to save the kid. They were then at the house that leads to the bio labs. When they entered there were guards waiting for them.
There were way to many to debuff at once and not enough time to do anything. Street at the moment thought it was over, but he knew he wouldn't go without a fight.
At that moment 1 Assassin Cross and 1 High Wizard came out of the shadows. Till this day this image sticks in his mind when he sees his leader in battle. The High Wizard and Assassin Cross had large dark wings and a helm that matched the darkness they were hidden in. The SinX quickly drank a reddish bottle and disappeared. "Go in and save Margratha" The High Wiz said. Street knew these people meant business and that being slow wouldn't solve anything. He rushed the people he had with him to go in and find her while these people deal with the guards. Before he left though, Street Blessed the High Wiz, and protected him with a safety wall. The High Wizard thanked him and Prepared a Storm Gust spell. An agent came out of nowhere with a cyclone rifle and tried to shoot The High Wizard. The SinX quickly killed him with a devastating Sonic blow and instantly killed the sniper. Street then descended down the stairs where his comrades were.

From the stories the old lady told about what margaratha went through in the bio labs, he was expecting a suicide mission. Instead, he saw margratha standing with a ton of other bio monsters behind her. When Street saw her and he ran towards her and hugged her. She embraced him back, but he noticed that her face was different. It didn't look of passion and love, it looked of hate and revenge.

"We are going to lead a rebellion into Lighhalzen with the help of the Dark Heroes." She told Street. I knew I should have told you who I was earlier, but I didn't know if you took my teachings to heart or not. But as I can see from you being here to rescue me, I know you have grasped some of what I taught you. I want you to take the people of the lighhalzen slums, and let them stay where they are until the rebellion is done. They show there true hearts and souls when they get up to attempt to survive and live there lives. Everyone should have an equal chance to live and be free, and those who prevent that chance, should die without redemption. Street, I have raised you well, but I ask you this. Do you believe that what your doing can change the worlds views of the poor, and under looked citizens of the world? If you do, then after the rebellion go with that High Wizard and Assassin. They will teach you how to use your priest fully to help people, but its up to you to show the world that helping the innocent and undermined is worth risking your life for.

This uprising, is to show the error of lighthalzens ways. To show them what there pride has let them do. The Light Heroes will be here soon to "Keep the peace" in this town and once that happens, we will retreat back to the dungeon. But this time, the entrance you see now will be sealed and there will be only one way to get in.
"She summoned a warp portal" but I will show the slum people only, the people who deserve to see us regulary and the people we can relate and talk to.
He walked in, feeling better that the person he respected the most was proud of him.

The uprising was settle down when the light heroes showed up but maragratha did remain hidden in the dungeon with other bio monsters. And until this day, only certain people can gain access to the bio labs. Street now resides with the Death Dealers, where he can help others achieve greatness, while helping othres in need.

The Darkness that comes within him, comes from his hate of the people who look down upon others and comes from humans who feel like there superior when they havne't been on the other side yet.
The Dark Heroes have been both ways, some more than otheres. But they know that the only way of totally helping others in bad positions, is destroying whatever is in the way of there sucess.

OOC: don't be afraid to rate my backstory as garbage, I might be able to make epic speeches on werewolf, but I might not be able to in the RPing field. Still, I wanna get into this more, so I might as well have attempted.

[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2009, 02:27 AM by Yuriohs.)
02-06-2009, 09:07 AM
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Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
hey change 1 assassin cross and 1 High wizard too "a assassin cross and a high wizard.

Besides that Beast of a RP Story Street.
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
02-06-2009, 02:16 PM
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Bloody Offline
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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
Quote:He stood up on the Tavern, and delivered this speech in the response of people not responding to this atrocity.

*hurls rotten tomatoes* booooooooooo boring speech Icon_mad
02-06-2009, 05:05 PM
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Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
*catches and throws tomatoes back at bloody* Also Street you gotta go over your story and fix the grammar up.
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2009, 06:47 PM by Avalon_Fates.)
02-06-2009, 06:40 PM
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Yuriohs Offline
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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
Well if you think about it, someone who grows up in a slumish area should know only how to speak to there own people and relate to them, not be proficient in grammar.

I don't think being grammatically correct makes people jump up and down to liberate them selves for tyranny.
(Basically I'm known for butchering grammar hard)

Thats bad I think because im pretty sure most people that RP have the best grammar Ive ever seen and are most likely grammar nazi's.

Maybe I should stop this before I get to addicted Sweat

[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.
02-06-2009, 09:09 PM
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teOx Offline
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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
yea alot of grammar and spelling errors makes people not want to read.

too bad fates corrected you by suggesting his own grammar error lol.
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2009, 09:31 PM by teOx.)
02-06-2009, 09:31 PM
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Avalon_Fates Offline
†Last Angel†

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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
yeh im known for being a English Major >.<
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
02-07-2009, 02:54 AM
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Galt Offline

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RE: From The Light of Curroption,A shadow of hope appears
Hey, Street. Great story. Icon_smile

Problem is that it might deter some would-be readers away because the paragraphs are like wall of text. o_o

But great stuff nonetheless.
Randomly materializing within heRO since 2008.

Hi, I copy and paste profound and meaningful quotes without having an iota's worth of what it actually means!
02-10-2009, 09:16 AM
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