ok, so
next to server, you've created a new one with IP: and port number 3784, yeah?
You've created your name with a blank password?
Your firewall has been set to allow it through?
"Make love to me Snake! I want you!"
"You're supposed to hit her"
"Damn right I'm gonna hit that!"
-Metal Gear Awesome
what about the host name, it sais it is required, do i place the ip number again? if i place that number twice and then the port number it sais connecting, and it can last ours without connecting.
ok this is the things i have on, i might be doing something stupid XD where it said select on the upper part, well i was not told what to place, so i just placed HeRo instead, the rest well i did what i was told so i dont know what am i doing wrong, i hope this helps.
If you are planning to use the heRO Ventrilo, you *MUST* use the download that Ryu Van Burace put up in his post on Page 4. Any other client other than the one he posted cannot contact the server, and therefore cannot connect.
No, you just need to download the oldest version that's all, I downloaded it from Filefront because the link on page 4 doesnt work for me, the version is 2.1.3 Don't think too much, here is your problem, noob
G'night , see you tomorrow on vent
not to Steal GT-Hiro's thunder, but now would be a good time for a Vent-Werewolf event, hopefully we can get it GM - sponsored? And hopefully that way there's less people cheating~
I don't see why we can't do it, there's tons of channels for it to work...
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)