Wallee Wrote:Yeah they cant wear much equips...
Oh yeah they can use every first class skill
Oh yeah they have buff upon each lvl
Oh yeah they can *easily* hit insta cast
Oh yeah its the class that can hit the highest flee whitout *exterior buffs*
they can wear toh wings and zodiac wings.
they have a whole sets that gives bonus just for them
HECK??they have a npc in hugel selling slottted crazy gear...
But yeah we should give them special wings.*cough*
point 1. first class skills are crap really, even when combined they're crap, especially against trans classes that know how to play their class.
point 2. those buffs upon each level, only last until level 99, then you're stuck buffing yourself, and the buffs, yeah not really that that good, it's almost necessary for SNs to survive at later levels.
point 3. about the only reason why people make SNs. unfortunately level 10 bolts aren't exactly that powerful with anyone toting proper mdef.
point 4. they need the flee just to survive because of their low low hp and defense. and even then they're pretty weak, especially if you're going instacast, you don't get that high of flee unless you don't care about having any damage with bolts whatsoever.
point 5. toh wings would be insanely hard for them to get as most of the trials SNs even with their buffs and such would have a very difficult time killing the monsters, or even competing in pvp or mass battle. it is doable, just not likely. zodiac wings, would be good though going through the quest itself would be agonizing enough, which is why the wings are pretty good for
any class.
point 6. there are many sets that give bonuses
ONLY for a specific class, archer set, merch set, swordie set. granted these are card sets, but there's also armor sets like goibne's that most other classes can wear that SN aren't able to wear.
point 7. haven't heard about that, really didn't care so much about anything other than angelic set, which the baby wings do complete, however still lack something to make up for not having a card slot like the angelic protection it replaces.