Honestly, there should be an "other" option for the infinite other things that could be taken into account.
Personally, I believe in the pre-Christian Germanic Pagan belief of Norse mythology. All Hail Odin! (Religion brought to my attention from studying Norse myth due to the curiosities brought about through RO.)(--Also, I'm kidding.--)
But on a more serious note, I believe that some greater power does exist. Not quite sure what, or even if it's a god (maybe ALIENS!
), but something definitely governs our creation.
Even if we were all just created from a huge explosion, we were still created. All humans, animals, plants, and elements alike have some sort of dominant characteristic, so who's to say that we aren't goverened, atleast in creation, by some greater being?
How else would we evolve, hold memories, have emotions and know how to survive (instinct or otherwise)?
More and more questions may and will arise, and the thought may be pondered forever until some form of apocalypse is reached.
I believe fully in protecting the planet upon which this and every other life thrives, as it is sure to fight back eventually ({ice caps melting/global warming, earthquakes, volcanic erruptions}+var.human_characteristics[waste, chemical release/destroying environment, war, constant technological industrialization/evolution, home building, burning off forests]*int.years_of_impact=Cause for Earth to fight back.)
Off to next class. Bye heRO Forums!