Intern-Nara Wrote:Any discrimination, racist comments and remarks are not allowed in this community. However, different discussions about your own opinions is welcomed. 
Any chance I can see what Lord Adhdhsaufjcas said? D: I don't want this to have "No" explanations censored and just be an unfair thread. If it was really bad I may understand it though!
I voted For. I don't really see the problem, as long as it's not hurting anybody. Opponents of gay marriage have started to say that gay marriage DOES hurt everybody, due to this popular standpoint on the issue. Can you believe that, in Prop 8 commercials, they basically said that if gay marriage continued to be legal, the kids will become gay? WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
And they say that it ruins the sanctity of marriage... you know, the sanctity that was preserved through allowing divorce and marriages like the 24 hour marriage that Britney Spears had, but it'll totally ruin things if you let two people who actually love each other marry. Yeah alright.