at least to me, after a while of looking, it looks alittle like someone sticking their middle finger. The first T being the thumb and pointing finger, the second being the last two, the ^ being the middle. It works backwards too so it might. Since the ^ falls below the tope of the T, it could represent the finger divide.
you should get ahold of a file called GRF Tool and take a close look at a file called "manner.txt" because that is the file that govern's what is filtered and what isn't.
mine for instance says the following:
i noticed that theres a ^T included there, so i wonder if it uses bits and peices of the word as well
or # counts as an "enter"
Character: Kelta 8x fs high priest
message me if you wanna party
there is no quitting ragnarok. some day you will be back. back until the day that the game simply no longer exists. and then you will create your own version of ragnarok. because it lives in your blood.