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BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
GM-Aki Offline
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BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Here lies a list of known bugs found by our darling players.

Before listing a bug here, please be sure it is a bug, read the description well.

This list will be updated by the GM's. Please be aware that this goes from equipments to monsters to quests.

Game Play Related (GM team)

->change to cooldown lowered to 1.5 sec effective next reboot
-Talkie Box skill isn't working at all when stepped on

Item and Monster Related (Ayu)
-Silk Robe[0] from WoE chests again 3rd time (should be fixed soon)
-other balance crap (should be fixed soon, both items waiting for approval only)

Item Description (Panda)
-crooked hat shows gift box formula while it still drops DB and BB
-Staff of Tethyr: description lacks the mentioning of the anticipated failure to regenerate SP when using "Heal" spell
[/s]-staff of tethyr still writes staff of thea occasionally although it should've been changed to staff of tethyr
[s]-Byeollungum still reads 5% bonus to boss monster instead of 50%

-Book of Charms Vol 1 has the wrong level requirement in desc (lv 70 requirement)
-double bound's activation rate should be 1% not 5% in item description
-Ivory Knife has an awkward "on yourself" that shouldn't be there in desc
-pecopeco hairband doesn't mention the lv 70 requirement
-Eyeball ring is wrongly displayed as eye ring in menus
-Biner is wrongly displayed as voina in menu
-Sprint mail has improper description about 3% heal boost vs 3% potion boost. It should be 3% red, yellow and white potion boost.
-Naga scale shield needs warning on how its effect is changed to "Reflect 3% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
-sprint ring: should read increase aftercast delay by 5% not decrease
-fruit of love: needs its formula display for chocotart and gift box if married
-stiletto is misspelled
-Blue Charmstone can be stored
-Red Thorn Fruit should be weight 6 not 4
-Linen glove should be 2 mdef not 1
-Flower Crown desc is incorrect

Following item needs a warning about their respective "unfixable bugs" (see below)
-Nepethis Bow
-Angelic Ring
-Staff of Tethyr
-Stem of Nepethis
-Harp of Nepethis
-Tracker's Dagger
-Croce Staff
-Veteran Axe
-Bradium Stone Hammer
-Elemental Sword

-Champion's clothes palette reverts to original colors during and immediately after Body Relocation. The time it takes to return to the custom palette seems to be the same time it takes the fury status to return as well.
-all palette changing skill affects a player's clothing palette
-"mid_camp" "man_fild01 "man_fild03" "spl_fild02" "spl_fild03" all got "Unknown Area" as map label.

-Invoker of Death: will not activate Vampire's Gifts and Hell's Dignity effect
-Eraser: will not activate Wide Soul Drain effect
-Roubel: impossible to script its effect on this svn, taken out completely
-Erde: lack of sprite for this item causing gravity error, taken out for now
-Red Square Bag: lack of sprite for this item causing gravity error, taken out for now
-Red bow: lack of sprite for this item causing gravity error, taken out for now
-Naga Scale Shield: changed to always reflect 3% melee damage at all times instead of ? chance of reflecting 3*refine% of the damage
-Staff of Tethyr: failure to regenerate SP when using "Heal" spell (may not be totally unfixable, need to try again with time)
-Chameleon Armor: impossible to script the "temperate magic immunity" effect, taken out for now
-Angelic Ring: can't do the 20% bonus heal for 3 seconds effect
-Nepethis Bow, tracker's dagger, Croce Staff, Veteran Axe doesn't cast their additional skill when you cast the mentioned spells
-stem of nepethis, harp of nepethis, krieg, biner, bradium stone hammer don't activate their status effect when using their mentioned skill
-Spiral Pierce by monster remains a melee attack within 3 cell range
-ghostring doesn't affect damage of spiral pierce from monsters
-elemental sword: can't chain bolts

Compensational Changes

Since some of the equipment is not functioning at all, or no point to the equipment's existence due to malfunction, compensational effects are given as followed. These effect should be added next reboot, but details may still change.

(note: other equipment not mentioned here may not have their full effect either if they have an unfixable bug, but they will remain as is. It is considered that those equipment are still valuable with their other functional effects.)

Nepentis Bow
Original Effect:
0.5% chance of arrow repel whenever you use double strafe
Compensation Effect:
Add a 2 cell knockback to falcon assault

Stem of Nepentis Bow:
Original Effect:
1% chance of freezing target when you use musical strike
Chance increased to 2% if it's +9
Compensation Effect:
0.7% chance of freezing target when you attack
Chance increased to 1.5% if it's +9

Harp of Nepentis
Original Effect:
1% chance of stunning target when you use musical strike
Chance increased to 2% if it's +9
Compensation Effect:
0.7% chance of stunning target when you attack
Chance increased to 1.5% if it's +9

Original Effect:
Has a 10% chance of inflicting Bleeding status when using Backstab.
Increase damage of Backstab by 15%.
Compensation Effect:
Increase damage of Backstab by 15%.
3% chance to cause bleeding when attacking.

Original Effect:
Adds a 10% chance of inflicting Poison status when using Sightless Mind.
When performing a physical melee attack, small chance of increasing ATK by 10% for 5 seconds.
Compensation Effect:
When performing a physical melee attack, small chance of increasing ATK by 10% for 5 seconds.
5% chance to cause poison when attacking.

CP (Panda)
-the CP's roster won't let me switch a slot to any two digit numbered slot, like 10, 11 and 12
08-08-2009, 10:41 PM
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Story Teller Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
LOL, the picture is just for laughs :D

[Image: tumblr_ny8egaizy41ugfaiio1_500.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2009, 11:01 PM by Story Teller.)
08-08-2009, 11:00 PM
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Yuriohs Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
The Same Goes for LK/Pala's if the want to use concentration/Spear mastery.

*Aki: added to cosmetic bugs*
[Image: m9ahiejpg.gif]

The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.
08-08-2009, 11:15 PM
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Aqualys Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Allowing people to view your equipment (by checking the box in the equipment window) is automatically turned off when closing the client. Not sure if it's a bug or if it's supposed to be like this, but I'd tend to think it should stay checked.
[Image: Combination.jpg]
08-08-2009, 11:21 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
if it stays checked by default to allow open viewing of your equip, there's riots in woe tomorrow
08-08-2009, 11:35 PM
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Proxyt Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
I already talk to Ayu about it but I think it deserves a little more attention Icon_biggrin;
After casting Defender we get -1/3 move speed.
However after that if we get agi up the speed does not increase at all.

[EDIT: I also found riding a peco or wearing peco hairband will NOT increase move speed at all while you have defender on. This means with agi up or any move speed+ buff, you will remain at 2/3 move speed.]

Ayu explained Agi does not "stack" with anything anymore, but I think defender doesn't count as stacking to anything... it's a neg buff lol, and it's kinda important when we're stuck at 2/3 move speed regardless of buffs/peco/eq...

PS: Can anyone confirm the -1/3 move speed on level 5 defender is official? Seems like a pretty big thing for RMS to be wrong about...

Tbh it just seems like they implemented the -1/3 move, but script is messy so it can't be increased at all, whether by defender 5 or buffs/eq/peco.
[Image: willowsig.png]

Proxyt- 95 Powpow Palaladin
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(This post was last modified: 08-09-2009, 12:49 AM by Proxyt.)
08-08-2009, 11:49 PM
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Ellie Offline

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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
I think Aqualys meant that you open the window, check it, then close the client, next time you open the client, it'll still be checked.

Do people have the time in WoE to stop and check other's equipment? XD
stop doing dickers
08-09-2009, 02:16 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Crooked hat does drop DB and BB, not GB. That's just an item description error *adds to list*
08-09-2009, 03:10 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
double post for bump:

Seems like a few files are still missing in full installer when it comes to ingame item sprite for some of the latest ep 13.2 equipment (the few new ones that drop from the old MvPs directly). For now, use the method listed in the sticky regarding skill window problems to update your sakray again even though you used full installer, and in the meantime Vanadis will look into what files are missing there to add them again soon.
08-09-2009, 04:08 AM
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Story Teller Offline
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RE:??BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Ellie Wrote:Do people have the time in WoE to stop and check other's equipment? XD

I would Ok but only if they check that box thingy that let's you see it
[Image: tumblr_ny8egaizy41ugfaiio1_500.gif]
08-09-2009, 04:26 AM
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