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awkward moments ._.
Luminous Offline
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awkward moments ._.
:D today i was bored so i was browsing through my old school photos
and i come across a picture of my 1st grade teacher.
and she was just a normal teacher and left no big impression or anything
but i remember there was this one really awkward moment i had with her

the night before i was watching a movie with my mom about a girl who got raped~
uh~ i was only 6 at that time so i didnt know what rape meant
i just thought it was another way to say grape ._."
so then the next day~ i brought grapes for snacktime~ [yumyum]
and you know how when you're little~ the teacher is like your idol and stuff~
so i wanted to share some grapes with my teacher :D~
then i remembered the new word i learned from last night and decided to use it
i walked up to my teacher and said
hi miss elliot :3~! dyu want some of my rapes?~

i got a 10 minute time out Cry

who has awkward moments to share? :3~
08-10-2009, 04:43 PM
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Ellie Offline

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RE: awkward moments ._.
I punched our substitute teacher in kindergarten.
God, she was a *insert random explicive*
stop doing dickers
08-10-2009, 08:05 PM
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Aneko Away
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RE: awkward moments ._.
Lol, my Kindergarten teacher pulled me by the hair so I punched her in the face. When my dad found out what happened he told my teacher that he'd punch her in the face too if she pulled his hair. :D
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08-10-2009, 08:49 PM
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Whispers Offline
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RE: awkward moments ._.
I had an awkward moment once - just to see what it felt like. It wasn't so bad. Mad
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08-10-2009, 08:54 PM
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Child of Bodom Offline
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RE: awkward moments ._.
I once punched myself in the face to see if i could nknock myself out = D
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08-10-2009, 09:54 PM
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Luminous Offline
oh~ you touch my tralala~

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RE: awkward moments ._.
lol i just had an awkward moment on ro :D
you see i havent played ro in a looong time~
so i just felt so happy to be home :'D
so when i killed my first poring
and like 4 fellow noobies gave me the O_o look
08-10-2009, 10:14 PM
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Story Teller Offline
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RE: awkward moments ._.
I arrive at school so early that I didn't know what floor I was in and accidentally came in the girl's bathroom. At first, I thought the school had a "renovation" for adding stalls and such (thank God, no girls were in school). After finishing removing my excess water I came to understand that I was in the girl's bathroom. (in our school, the location of the boy's washroom on the 2nd floor is the same as the 3rd floor's girl's washroom)

Tiredness can make you do stupid things Mad
[Image: tumblr_ny8egaizy41ugfaiio1_500.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2009, 10:48 PM by Story Teller.)
08-10-2009, 10:46 PM
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Alcestis Away
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RE: awkward moments ._.
My high school has a fashion show every year by the textiles department. I was modeling a dress for one of the student designers and I needed to go pick it up in the middle of the show from a certain room. Now, we had many dress rehearsals and we kept the same room for each one. For some strange reason someone thought, "Hey, let's change it and screw everyone up!" I ended up running into the changing room for the guys. There was no one in there, but there were maybe 7 guys sitting outside. I eventually realized I was in the wrong room, but those 7 guys saw everything. They laughed at me everytime I walked by them! :< That was a fuuun evening~
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08-11-2009, 03:00 AM
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Whispers Offline
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RE: awkward moments ._.
I doubt anyone would have noticed anyway, Story.??Laugh

I remember an awkward moment or two!

Back in the sixth grade someone wrote "Mrs. Tiger is a Bitch!" on the wall of one of the bathroom stalls.??So, the teachers went around taking handwriting samples from all of the students in the sixth grade building (this was in podunk Dewar, OK which had one school.??The entire campus was K-12).??Apparently my tiny "r's" on paper looked like the giant "r" in the bathroom stall.??Not taking into account that my "r" was drawn using only my wrist and fingers and the "r" on the wall was so large it was probably written using the elbow and shoulder they started blaming me.??For the rest of the year they harassed me about this.

No matter how many times I told them it wasn't me and I liked Mrs. Tiger and her science class they were still convinced I wrote it.??Those times they took me out into the hallway were always awkward.??Especially since this school still believed in Corporal Punishment (inflicting pain to discipline - namely spanking with a wooden paddle at this school).??I never got paddled for it, but it was always in my mind when they took me out of class to tell me I wrote something I did not.??D:

Another awkward time was when I worked for InfoNXX (Now the famous KGB we see adverts for all over).??InfoNXX/KGB is Information 411 - directory assistance.??There was this girl who worked there that never did anything.??She was kinda cute, I guess - natural flaxen blond hair, skinny, beauty marks - but not to my liking (I like red or black hair and someone who's not a bitch.??xD ).??She was always away from the computer but never got in trouble for it.??She said she was given leave by the team manager, but she wasn't doing anything with this leave (managers generally give leave for certain tasks like making posters for the next call center event or the like; it was only for an hour at the most) but talking to people and was on leave for hours.
One day she was on leave for practically the entire day and we were busy as hell.??We were in the red (meaning our in calls were greatly outweighing our out calls) and that always irks the customer due to the hold times.??She walked past right after someone next to me had finished a call and she remarked, "Why is she never on the phones?"??This started an inbetween-calls conversation betwixt everyone in the immediate area.
Some people remarked how she had been off the phone that day for four hours.??Others remarked how she had slept with a few of the higher-ups.??I stayed out of it, I'm not one to speak divisively of others.??They were all directing their words to me as well as the others, though, as if I had intended to be a part of the convo.

Anywho, when the team lead (not manager, lead is under the manager) walked by I relayed what people were saying (minus the sleeping with people part, of course.??That would have been unnecessary.??=p ) and put in my own two cents that we were extremely busy (even the people who don't work the phones, like trainers and receptionists, were handling calls) and perhaps now is not the best time for her to be on leave and just chatting people up.??He agreed and went to talk to her.??Apparently she told him that the team manager had given her leave to do this or that.??He called the manager on his cell phone - as he was away on lunch - to confirm this.

The next day I'm dragged into a conference room by the team manager and his buddy, a manager from another team.??He starts yelling at me and making accusations that I was going over his head and spreading rumors about him having sex with this girl.??That what other people do is their business and if she says she's on leave by his command then I should accept it.??I tried to tell him that I was simply relaying what I had heard to the lead (again, I never mentioned the other people saying he was sleeping with her) and I had never given my input into these conversations.??He didn't believe me, to say the least.??Every time I tried to get a word in edgewise he and his buddy double-teamed me.??I was in there for an hour getting bitched at for telling the lead that the girl needs to get on the damned phone when we're so busy that even the people at the queue (name for the receptionists' desk) were handling 411 calls and she's doing nothing but sitting at someone's table talking to them when that person, too, should be handling calls!!

Were it anyone or any time else I wouldn't have cared.??We were just busy as hell, she wasn't on the phone at all for the second half of the day, people started complaining to me about it (I have no idea why I had to be the one to complain to), and she didn't even seem to have the sense of responsibility to think, "Hey, the board is beeping and flashing a bunch of red numbers.??Maybe I should get back to work."

It's like, "Excuse me for having a work ethic; and I never said anything about you screwing around with her.??Do you have a guilty conscience or something, guy???Maybe you should just refuse the pretty little blond four hours of leave the next time she asks for it and maybe people will stop talking."??Am I wrong???D:

gah... That happened so long ago but it still pisses me off.??GRR!?
Damn you, Luminous for bringing up that memory!??Mad

You want another awkward moment???I just remembered one!??=D

Wow...I just typed it all out and it's a really long story.??So, I'll abridge.

I had a friend who was my best friend.??I had to leave town when I was a teenager because my dad did some things that forced us to leave the state.??I came back a few years after he died because my siblings had moved back and they missed me, blah blah blah.??When she (friend) found out I was back in town she was ecstatic.

This is where I need to abridge.

Long story short - She wanted more than friendship with me which was more than I wanted out of the relationship.??At the time a relationship wasn't the best for either of us.??She had just gotten out of a really bad, abusive relationship and I had just started a job, was living with my brother, and had no car or money.??It wasn't a good time.??She keeps hinting and pursuing anyway until she meets this guy on the internet and stops returning my calls.??Apparently all she wanted out of me was a romantic relationship or none at all.

I start to distance myself from her and call her less - maybe once or twice a week - but I never have any success anyway.??One day it finally pisses me off when I get her voice mail for the tenth time in a row over the past few weeks.??She wants to throw away our friendship for something so trivial???We can't just be friends???This guy she met on the net is more important to her than her friend of ten years???I was pissed.??He boyfriend starts to tell her I'm stalking her.??I didn't even have a car!??I called her maybe once a week.??How was I staking her???D:

A while later my birthday rolls around and she has the decency to get me some things, but doesn't stay longer for more than half an hour.??Being my best friend I knew she turns her phone off before she goes to bed so no one can wake her up in the middle of the night for w/e reason.??I was reading up on one of the gifts she got me and found out something interesting.??I decide to call her and leave her a message about it as it was about midnight and I knew her phone was off... of it was supposed to be...
It rings a couple of times and she picks it up and asks me why I'm calling so late.??I tell her her phone was supposed to be off since it was so late; I was only planning on leaving a message about this cool thing I found out about the gift.??I hear her BF in the background voice his disapproval.??Apparently she either forgot to turn off her phone or just lied to me about it in the first place (she lied to me a lot.??Another one of those reasons I didn't want to be with her).??In any case, that was the last straw for her boyfriend.??Her boyfriend was a cop, btw.??He was just a patrol officer, but she believed everything he said about my being a stalker nonetheless.??Even though - again - I only called her once or twice a week and I had no way of following her around and spying on her or w/e it is stalkers do.

The next day she calls me out of the blue to tell me she's buying a gun.??I didn't realize why she was telling me this until she removed me from her MySpace and never spoke to me again.

So, the lesson of the story, children, is that if you have an insanely gorgeous friend of the opposite sex their boyfriend/girlfriend will sever their ties with you.

That's another story that pisses me off.??I guess I don't have awkward moments but periods of time of great distress.??xp


Yes, that is abridged. =p
And, damn you again, Lumi for bringing up that memory! That was a really sad memory. She was the best friend I ever had and her BF completely brainwashed her into burning our bridge. Icon_cry
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(This post was last modified: 08-11-2009, 04:40 AM by Whispers.)
08-11-2009, 04:38 AM
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Story Teller Offline
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RE: awkward moments ._.
that's some interesting stories you have there Whispers. Btw, I was a walking zombie when I had that awkward moment in school. I was in the "zone" you might say
[Image: tumblr_ny8egaizy41ugfaiio1_500.gif]
08-11-2009, 05:28 AM
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