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BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Session Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Why does it do that in rachel? entering into dungeon lag almost gets me killed when Im surrounded by seekers and ecchio lol
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I used to have a comment here. I still do, but I used to do, too.
08-16-2009, 11:06 AM
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Vanira Offline

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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Eye of dullahan gives resistance to both demons and undead (noted in the item description), official one only undead: is this intended???Also, doesn't give immunity to poison status like it claims to Sweat (tested with a sapling's venom dust)
08-16-2009, 12:16 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE:??BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Vanira Wrote:Eye of dullahan gives resistance to both demons and undead (noted in the item description), official one only undead: is this intended???Also, doesn't give immunity to poison status like it claims to Sweat (tested with a sapling's venom dust)

Its uses differ depending even on which official you are going off by Sweat I'll try to change it for the next reboot to give resistance to only undead and give immunity to poison instead. Right now, the eye gives resistance to both races with no immunity to poison.
08-17-2009, 06:54 PM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
i opened some DBs and on some occasions red, green, blue plants spawned and created some lag. They also seemed to attack at crazy speeds... didn't move though, but much weirder than how DB-spawned plants used to act before the update...

08-17-2009, 09:36 PM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Yeah, they're still being spawned by DBs, Ayu. Thought they were taken out. o.o
08-18-2009, 10:22 AM
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Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
NO!!! DONT TAKE THEM OUT! I love the crazy plants. They make DBing so much more fun.
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
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08-18-2009, 10:28 AM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
I like the Morroc Incarnations better =x
08-18-2009, 10:33 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE:??BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
KohakuSan Wrote:Yeah, they're still being spawned by DBs, Ayu. Thought they were taken out. o.o

Changes/fixes take place at a server reboot or a patch, which we haven't had either yet.
08-18-2009, 11:05 AM
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GM-Aki Offline
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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Update on bugs, or why the reboot happened.

* Moved the Stewart (sign quest) in Orphanage a bit down cause he was on our little guy
* Moved the Binoculars Alchemist from morocc_in,76,163 to moc_ruins,118,176 that way he's where RMS points the players to.
* Homun will die when player does.
* Nameless will only spawn one Zombie and will open the warp wherever the zombie is killed
* Geffen 03 warp and monsters populated
08-18-2009, 08:00 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: BUG's report of heRO's SVN Update.
Ayu's Epic Fail List

-need to fix some new world monsters' skill bug that's causing them to use less skills than they should (thus easier)
-readjust drop rate on few items
-readjust some monsters' stats after seeing them in mass party scenario beyond test server parties
-*really* need to find a new reliable database source to follow item drop rates for the new items, especially equip x_x
08-19-2009, 01:03 AM
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