Hello heRO! I'm Lillia and I'm going to be trying out this server as soon as I'm able to get the client full downloaded. Unfortunatly, I'm on dial up and because of that the download for the game will take me quite a while. So, in the mean time I thought I'd get aquainted with the forums and get to know the community. It's a pleasure to be here and meet you all, and I hope you treat me kindly. I've played RO before, and while I'm not a complete noob there are still a lot of things I don't know so if I end up asking you a really obvious question just bear with me lol. It's been a while. Anyway, I hope to be in game with you all soon!
If you need any assistance either with where something is, or if someone named *cough* Nurse Joy or *cough* Silk give the wrong directions to something just ask for me on main.
The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.
Lol I'll be sure to seek you out if I get bad directions xD
As for upgrading, I've been trying but they don't have high speed in my area yet--and by the way they're taking their precious time I doubt I'll get it any time soon. >.> It's discrimination I tell ya.