ding ding ding~ hi :D~!
im sure many of you are anime/manga fans~
but are there any cosplayers out there? o:
for those who dont know what cosplay is~
cosplay or "kosupure"~ is short for "costume roleplay", a type of performance art whose participants outfit themselves, with often-elaborate costumes and accessories, as a specific character or idea.
basically you dress yourself up as an anime/manga chara or a chara from a game ^-^
its fun ._.
you should all do it .-.
but if you have already done it~ post pics and show heRO your achievement[s] 8D~
heres my shinsuke takasuji [gintama] cosplay
before you start complaining how ugly it is try making a yukata by yourself @-@
and heres my dagger [kuroshitsuji]??cosplay that i started working on :D