Heyo folks. A friend of mine said I should try RO. That was almost a year ago. I laughed at him and went back to playing other games. Well I transfered over to a new computer and finally decided to try RO three weeks ago. When I found out it was pay to play I believe I said, "Meh, never mind that crap." Except my friend wouldn't let up. He said "You should join me on this sweet free server heRO." I sighed, said "fine." and joined heRO. XD Three weeks later I'm loving this game and this server. So yeah. This place is all sorts of awesome. :3 Oh and hi
good to see you like it here
so what's your friend's name and your in-game name?
anyhoo, customs info etc are in the forums and wiki.
irowiki.org and ratemyserver.net is also useful
GL and HF!
My friend doesn't use the forum, dun know why but it was Baelik. My ingame is Merret Vaus. I just kinda... Made it up when I started thought it was good for a priest, and now I really like it :3
This place is cool people here are cool you should have a fun time here.
Represent priests to the fullest Merret, I love the class and all what you can do with them.
The first lesseon a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he does not grasp the essential meaning of his life.
And thus he isn't a revolutionary if he doesn't understand.