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The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Kenshiro-san Offline
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The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
He's so awesome. He's a really awesome person. It's all I think.

That's all I've been thinking about after a while. It's been a few weeks since Shikari left. He's been there, good and bad. Just like when we married. It was a laugh then... but things seemed to be a bit more serious now...

"Hey Sme! Wait up~~!"

"Well c'mon~, we might as well walk, Sel postponed the wedding for Aeo, right?"

"Yes but..." Can't he get wizards aren't made for running?

"Hurry!! Let's go one south, it should be fun!"

"Alright." She sighed and ran after Telecaster, her formal wedding dress dragging on behind her as she held the rose on her head safely.


"Oh wow, what a beautiful spot!" He said excitedly. They sat at a pier, staring down onto the ocean. "I love the music too."

He's so obssessive over music. Not that I mind...

She stared at him as he looked out into the setting sun. "This place is beautiful.. I can't listen to the music though. I'm... quiet."

"Oh?" He smiled.

I love it when he smiles.

"Say Sme, what do you think happened to Aeolian?"

"I'm sure she's fine... You made me wait two weeks remember?" he laughed.

"I'm so sorry!!!" She remembered when she and Telecaster were to wed, and due to some inconviniences she had to keep him waiting for two weeks.

"It's alright.. I'm just teasing!" but he was too late. Already silent tears of shame appeared in Naoto's eyes, and she turned away from him.

I'm not going to let him see me cry.

Telecaster leaned towards her and wiped her tears away. "I said I was kidding..."

"Fine... but you know I'm sorry... You knew what was happening." she said in a sad tone.

"I know. Cheer up, maybe Aeolian will log on tomorrow and they can marry!"

She smiled. "You're right."

They both looked up and saw small stars shining. Naoto's hand reached his and held it. He smiled again. She began to lean on him slowly...


I can't help it. Daughters can be the greatest at ruining moments.

"Hi Waffle!" Telecaster responded seemingly happy.

"Hi... Waffle." Naoto wasn't too happy.

I'm watching them talk. And talk. And talk.

I need to do something. I need to tell him how I feel. But I don't even know. I'm such a fail...

Bah, not worth it.

"See ya guys"

Naoto rushed off to a corner of the beach. She stepped slowly in the water and her dress began to get wet. She didn't care.

Behind her she heard voices.

"I found her!" Telecaster called out to Waffle.



"Bye Waffle, bye Bodom!" Telecaster and Naoto yelled out happily. Naoto was relieved... she could finally spend some alone time with Telecaster.

He walked over to Naoto, his tuxedo already drenched in water. She giggled at the sight. She loved the sound of the drops of water as they fell into the tide... drip...drop...drip drip... drop...



"I..." she blushed. "wow, look at the time..."


"It's so late... the stars are beautiful."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, of course!" Naoto smiled.

He took hold of her hand again. Naoto felt her cheeks burn red and kissed his cheek quickly, trying to distract herself from her blushing. It failed.

He looks so calm... The setting sun helps a lot too...

She looked at the incubus doll on his head and smiled, thinking back to the memories on his birthday...


"Hm?" he turned towards her and smiled sweetly. She felt her heart beat faster, and her blush appeared again. She gripped her dress tightly in her fist as she opened her mouth.

"I... well... um... I..."

Stupid. Stuttering again.

"Yes?" Telecaster was now looking directly into her eyes, she could feel his attractive stare digging into her now deep red face.

"I wanted to tell you that... I..."
Click on ->[Image: Smiley7.gif]<- to know about Algid Skepcis! We're so awesome not even Naruto believes it.

Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

09-01-2009, 08:02 PM
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Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

Posts: 930
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RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Part II

She yawns and wakes up slowly. Aeolian and Selrahc had gotted married already, and Telecaster had accompanied her.


She blushed at her own thoughts. She couldn't tell him yet how she really felt. Not yet. Suddenly she received a small letter from Telecaster.


She was excited.

He's on, he's here!

"SME! Hey, Sme, how long would it take us to go to Comodo?" it's his favorite town. And he's been with me to Amatsu and Moscovia too many times.

"Walking? About an hour and a half or so. What for?" he replied.

"Oh goodness... Well, let's tele! Meet you there!"

The young wizard rushed and spoke to the Kafra Service quickly. She warped to Morroc, then headed to Comodo. There, standing and waiting, as amazing as ever, was the young hunter. His falcon glided around him and eyed Naoto suspiciously. She ignored it.

"Where's your spot again Sme?" she asked while smiling. I'm going to make him happy. It was about time we went somewhere he liked.

"Um... follow me." he dashed off into one direction and after a few minutes they arrived at a beautiful beach with glittering purple sand and clear blue water. There was a small boat tied to the docks nearby, and two palm trees provided the perfect shady spot for any exhausted adventurer. Naoto arrived panting again and dropped down on her knees, getting her wedding dress dirty with sand. Telecaster frowned and apologized.

"I forgot wizards don't run..."

"Nya? Again??" she crossed her arms.


"Daijoubu. Wasn't your fault. You're used to high agility jobs. I'm more of a caster than a runner."

"I thought Setsu was both...?"

Wrong thing to say!

Naoto ran after him around the beach with a rolled up newspaper in her hand (no one knows how she got it, she always seemed to have a few rolled up in her hair for easy whacking). She finally caught up and whacked Telecaster square on the head. He fell on the sand, rubbing his head in pain.

"I'm sorry... I won't comment about a pretty sage..."

"Huh?" Naoto began feeling a small amount of jealousy.

"You're a beautiful wizard though!" Telecaster said quickly, saving himself another whack.

Naoto looked away. "I hope you mean that."

"Of course I do!' Telecaster was nervous. Why was it so easy to hurt her feelings?

"Well then! I think you're also a very awesome and sweet guy." Naoto turned towards him again and readied to pounce.

"I still find it hard to believe someone would say something like that about m-"

He couldn't finish the sentence, Naoto had jumped on top of him, knocking him backwards into the sand and splashing water everywhere. The tide was rising, but it wasn't too high as to drown anyone. The young wizard smiled evilly at Telecaster, who was now laughing. In a few seconds their laughter faded, and only the small splashes of minnows and other sea creatures were heard. A few popping sounds appeared, and Naoto hid her face on the hunter's shoulders from fright. He stroked her hair and smiled.

"Relax... it was just some fireworks." he said calmly.

She raised her head and observed how the small sparkles of the fireworks fell around them. The young wizard was blushing deep red and hid her face. Telecaster frowned and sat up to remove her hands from her face and held onto them. She looked up at him and he smiled. They both slowly closed their eyes as their faces neared each other and their lips met. As they pulled away slowly, Telecaster stared curiously at the now red faced wizard. Her eyes were glittering in the night.

She was also observing him, but not with curiosity. Slowly her mouth opened.

"I.. I'm sorry." she bowed her head and turned away. Telecaster slowly made her turn towards him again.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"That... I... shouldn't have done that."

"It's fine. Really."

"It... was sudden, I shouldn't have done it..." tears began to fill her eyes.

"Nao... don't cry..." he wiped her tears which were now cascading down her cheeks. "I... liked it."

"Y-you did...?"

Telecaster leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "Why would I lie about that?"

Naoto blushed and looked into his eyes. They were filled with sincerity. Her nervous frown turned into a soft smile. His eyes answered her question before she could ask it. Slowly the young wizard fixed his hair away from his face and leaned forward, kissing him softly. He pulled her close and kissed back. The young wizard pulled away gently again and her eyes shone in the firework's light.

"I..." she stammered.


"Um... I... think..."

"What?" he was growing curious. Naoto shook her head.

"The sand is really pretty you know." she smiled nervously. Telecaster smiled teasingly.

"You alright?"


"Let's see... I... Um... I... think... Then you suddenly change the sudbject."

"Wha-what? I don't say those things. I think you're going crazy." She backed away slowly. He musn't know now...

"You can always trust me you know. Just... tell me."

"It's going to make you uncomfortable."

"It never happened before, did it? Try me."


He sighed. "If you're sure." He poked her side. "I'm incredibely curious though."

Naoto cringed. "No pokeeen'!"

"Aww..." he poked her again. "But you're fun to poke!"

Naoto stood and pouted. "You know I'm ticklish. Stop."


The young wizard jumped on top of him again and began to tickle him. He laughed and tried to push her off of him. "That's not faaaair!" he whined in between laughter. She stopped and laughed along with him.

It's been yet another day... and I haven't gotten the courage to tell him how I feel. It's too soon. He probably doesn't feel the way I do. After all... he could have any priestess or dancer if he wanted to, why would he marry a silly wizard? Heck, he could even have a sage. They have the same spells I do... and more... and they can help him, endow him.... I'm just a silly and childish wizard with an impossible dream...
Click on ->[Image: Smiley7.gif]<- to know about Algid Skepcis! We're so awesome not even Naruto believes it.

Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

10-12-2009, 08:56 PM
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Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

Posts: 930
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RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Part III

Naoto yawned and sat up. She looked around at the scenery and noticed she was lying on beautiful, glittering, purple sand. Clear blue water maintained her feet wet and cool, and fireworks sparkled over her head. She blinked slowly.

What am I doing in Comodo...?

Oh... right. Last night I was with Sme...

Naoto's fingers brushed against her lips. Her eyes opened wide as she remembered the night before. Her cheeks began to redden and she covered her face with her hands.

I can't believe I did that... He probably thinks I'm easy now...

She sighed. Why was she being so hard on herself?

She hugged her knees and watched the fireworks. Suddenly she received a message. As she read it her breath was taken away. She began to write a reply.

Sme's here... wow...


"AAAH!" Naoto fell backwards onto the sand. She spat out her pinkish white hair as she glared at Telecaster. He smiled nervously and helped her up.

"Did I... scare you...?" he asked, worried.

"Um, well, kinda.." Naoto fixed her wedding dress.

"I'm sorry! Soooo sooorryyyyyy!!" Telecaster frowned and apologized. Naoto stepped away.

"Relax, it's fine, I just didn't expect you to be here so quick." Why are you here now...?

"Are you sure? I'm really sorry."

Naoto kissed his cheek. "I'm sure."

Telecaster smiled and held her hand. She blushed and leaned her head on his shoulder. The young hunter stroked her hair, and they both watched the fireworks blast in the sky.

He's so wonderful... and so silly... I wish I could tell him how I feel...

She looked up at his face. He was smiling at the fireworks, the tide brushing against their feet softly. A soft breeze blew through his hair, and Naoto thought she saw the incubus doll give a slight wink. She saw his eyes reflect the stars and the light from the fireworks and smiled. He looked down into her eyes, making her blush. She turned away and frowned.

"Hm? What's wrong?" he asked, worried.



"Why do you have to be so... perfect...?" Naoto turned towards him again and smiled.

"Perfect? I'm not per-"

"Yes you are. You're handsome and wonderful and nice and sweet, you're a gentleman, passionate, not to mention you're extreeeeemely attractive physically. You are a great listener, and very social..."

"Wow, I can't get used to you listing so many great things about me like that."

She stuck out her tongue at him. "Well then, get used to them! They're all true."

"I highly doubt it." he gave a nervous frown. "There's a lot of things about me I don't like."


Telecaster's hand shifted onto hers. She caught herself blushing pink again. Maybe I should buy the blush and just keep it on...

"It's hard to make me mad. But when I do get mad... it's not good." he said in a low tone. Naoto saw a hint of shame in his eyes. She poked his nose.

"C'mon, you're just awesome."

"Hey, I thought you didn't want to poke!" he smiled again and poked her side.

"I thought you said you weren't going to poke me!"


They both laughed. Naoto's eyes shone from happiness.

Being with him is so fun... It's like there's no one else in the world but us. As if all the problems don't exist, no leveling frustration, there's no worry about feeding Setsu the Sohee, there's no trouble about selling items to have enough money for teleporting and warps, no latest equip buying frenzy... She touched the rose on her head softly and smiled as she remembered the day Telecaster surprised her with flowers. How did he know I loved roses...?

"There's this awkward silence again now, Sme."

"Well, you just talked didn't you?"

"Yeah but it's gonna go quiet again."

"Oh. Sorry then..."

"It's not your fault. I just.. don't like these quiet moments... they're so awkward..."

"I understand." he smiled again. Naoto grew nervous.

"It's just that... I tend to flirt a lot if things get too quiet. I don't want to come off as... well... 'easy' to you, ya know?"

Telecaster tilted his head. "Flirty?"

"Well... I just get really shy around you, so I try not to be too flirty or something but-"

"Go ahead." he chuckled.


"Go ahead, flirt."

"But, but that's the opposite of what I want to do!" Naoto became frightened.

"Oh, then nevermind. You don't have to if you don't want to." He looked back at the fireworks. ... Is he using reverse psychology with me?

"FINE. I will."


"Well, we don't have to be quiet. We can keep talking... or... we can do other things~"

"Like what?" he tilted his head again in curiosity.

Naoto leaned forward and moved a lock of hair from his face. She slowly let her lips rest on his and closed her eyes. "Like that." she said as she pulled away and stared into his eyes.

"That's... interesting." He's uncomfortable...


"What?" he asked.

Naoto stood and got a running start. Telecaster stood too and looked at her curiously, until she ran towards him. He was about to run off, expecting a whack from the magical appearing newspaper, but instead was pushed onto the sand, the small puddles of clear water splashing everywhere. Naoto had jumped on him.

"Rawr!" she said playfully. He was laughing.

"You like to jump, don't you?"


She began to snuggle in his arms. The hunter looked down and watched her begin to doze off. He smiled and put his arms around her. As soon as her breath steadied he stroked her hair slowly. Naoto began to mumble. Telecaster bent over a bit to listen.

"Mm... school... homework... must finish..."

He became serious. Naoto mumbled again.


His eyes shone. The wizard cuddled more in his arms and he held her close. After what seemed to them a few seconds, Naoto awoke. She yawned softly and looked at Telecaster. Suddenly realizing she had dozed off, she became flustered.

"Oh! I'm sorry, how long was I asleep?"

"Just a moment."

"Wh-what? No no, I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?"

"Relax, it was fine."


They sat up again. After a while, Naoto turned suddenly. She heard feet shuffling accross the sand. A giant, silver like peco had appeared, with a crusader mounted on its back. He held a strong sword on his hand, and his blue cape hung gracefully over the peco. He looked at the two.

"Hey guys. Here you are." the crusader said.

"Selrahc!" Naoto said joyfully. She stood quickly and petted the peco. Selrahc smiled down on them.

"I'll leave you two a moment here eh?"

"It's alright, we weren't doing much..."

"Well, I need to go tank for Ama. So I'll see you guys later." Ama was the new priest in their guild and an old friend of Selrahc.

"Alright, see you later!"

"Bye Sme."

Telecaster waved goodbye. Naoto turned back towards Telecaster. He opened his arms slightly, and she ran towards him, but didn't knock him down. She rested her head on his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around her. They held each other close, Naoto unaware of her growing blush. He began to play with her hair, twirling the silvery pale pink/near white hair around his fingers. She hugged him closer and dozed off again...

Another day without me able to convey my true feelings. I should consider telling him how I feel... He knows I like him, but there's more. I want to tell him, I want to say it, but it's just so awkward... Why would anyone love a wizard? For their Area of Effect spells? Nothing more, we're just like sages, only we can't help or move while casting. Our tests are harder, and no one... no one would marry a wizard, because they can't help.

But then... why did Sme accept to marry me?
Click on ->[Image: Smiley7.gif]<- to know about Algid Skepcis! We're so awesome not even Naruto believes it.

Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

(This post was last modified: 10-12-2009, 09:03 PM by Kenshiro-san.)
10-12-2009, 09:01 PM
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Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

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Joined: Jun 2009
RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Part IV

That b*****! Ugh! He's such an idiot! "Sorry" doesn't make anything better!

Naoto paced around the grand, purple sanded beach. A stalker sat near her, his head hung in shame. She occasionally glared at him.
"You became such an A***! I mean, I know I was bad, but come on! I didn't look for chances to humiliate you. Ever since we've broken up you've acted like a complete jerk!" Naoto growled. She was fuming.
"I know... That's why I want to change. I know I'm a jerk... I didn't know you were feeling this horrible..."
"Yes Shikari, I was! And I held my tongue too!" Naoto yelled.

"Hey, come to New World!"
"Why not?"
"Not in the mood."
"What's wrong?"
"None of your business."
"Are you alright?"
--censored reply--
"Where are you?"

Naoto was growing bright pink for the millionth time, but this time there wasn't any Telecaster around causing it. Instead of the usual shy pink and red blush on her cheeks, she felt the angry pink blotches of blush growing. The young caster gripped her arc wand tightly in her hand and glared down at the sitting stalker. She found him horribly disgusting in an ethical way. Such a jerk...
She wiped the angry tears from her face. Suddenly, Selrahc's words came to mind.
"I think you should apologize."
She sighed and agreed in her mind. Sel's right. I need to prove I'm over it. I can't get angry over spilt milk, what's done is done. Holding a grudge won't do anything.
"Mm...?" the stalked looked up at her sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry. I was really hurt when you did those things. I shouldn't have flamed you either, talking would have been better."
Shikari didn't reply.
"Don't think this means I forgive you though."
"Don't worry... I..." Shikari stood and looked beyond Naoto. "I can see you Waffle."
Naoto turned and saw her daughter standing a small distance from them, hugging her knees. The baby dancer fixed up her blonde hair and waved towards the two of them.
"Don't worry! I'm just making sure the conversation doesn't get too hairy!" she said smiling. Waffle turned towards her new pet and scratched its head.
"Leave my daughter alone Shik, she's doing nothing wrong."
"It's fine... Just saying."
"Be the stalkee now."

A hunter appeared running towards them. Naoto suddenly felt a huge weight on the pit of her stomach. Sme... and Shik... Goodness...
"Hi Shikari." Telecaster said.
"Hi Sme." answered Shikari.
Naoto stood and sat next to Telecaster. She saw Shikari's face and felt pity. I don't mean to make him feel bad now though... "I'm sitting next to Sme because I haven't seen him in the whole day. I waited for him for five hours, I deserve my little reward eh?"
"Yeah..." Shikari answered. He stood to leave. Waffle stood too and ran towards her parents.
"HI DADDY HI MOMMY!" she hugged Telecaster and Naoto. "I have to go now, so daddy can watch the conversation between you and Shik now, 'kay?"
"It's alright... I'm leaving anyway." Shikari said gloomily. He shuffled his feet away from the pair, but not without sending the you wizardress a small message.
"I know we had our differences, but in the end you're still the cute girl I fell for."
Naoto looked frustrated. She watched the stalker fade away and turned to Telecaster. Waffle then turned to them both and teleported away. The hunter and the wizard stood alone. She looked up at Telecaster with tearful eyes. He frowned and hugged her.
"What's wrong?"
"I said... bad things to Shik..." she sobbed a bit.
"But... did something really bad happen? Did he do something wrong?" he let her cry on his shoulder.
"Kinda... well, I'm just a bit angry with him.. him being a jerk and all. But I feel horrible because I said such horrible things..."
"You apologized though, right?"
"Then it should be fine."
Naoto frowned. She clung onto Telecaster and he held her in his arms. "I can't help but feel guilty though..." he said.
"What for?"
"Ever since I came up... it seemed to start going downhill..."
"No, no no, don't think that... It's not your fault... We were going downhill anyway... way before you came up. You arrived when it was almost over. So don't blame yourself."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." she hugged him close.

He's so wonderful... But.. do I... are these feelings real? Is it just infatuation?

She looked up at him. Telecaster smiled down on her. She shyly smiled back. Slowly their faces neared each other, and Naoto's breath was stolen away by the young hunter. The wizard stared into the hunter's eyes. Realizing her face was turning deep pink, she looked away.
"Something wrong...?" Telecaster asked Naoto.
"No... Nothing." Except that you make me blush so much...
"Are you sure? Don't look away..."
I'm turning all emo. That's Hisoka's job. She's the smart aleck gunslinger, not me.
Naoto ran off. Telecaster frowned and called for her. Noticing he received no reply. the hunter sat on the sand, trying to figure out what just happened.
A splash was heard, and shortly after, the mingled laughter of two adventurers. Telecaster leaned up a bit to observe the wizard lying on him who was now fidgeting with her dress. Naoto frowned and gave up. She was about to playfully kiss the hunter when...

"Erm, am I interrupting..?" asked the crusader while 'ahem'ing at them and being, as usual, on his large peco. Naoto turned deep red and stood quickly. Selrahc extended a hand towards Telecaster and helped him stand as well.
"Um.. no, we weren't doing anything..." Naoto said nervously.
"You sure? I can just leave and let you guys have your time to.. er... do whatever it is you were doing." said the crusader, and he frowned upon the hunter. Telecaster felt himself shrinking. Naoto was Selrahc's older daughter, and his younger daughter was already flirty around a fellow guildsman, who was constantly being threatened by the strong crusader to stay away.
"It's alright Sel." Naoto hesitated. "I apologized to Shik."
Selrahc smiled at Naoto and patted her head. "That's my good girl."
"I told him it didn't mean I forgave him though."
"Fair enough. You'll forgive him when you're ready to."
Silence fell upon them. Selrahc eyed Telecaster curiously, examining him. The hunter, in turn, shrunk away slowly, intimidated by the large crusader. Selrahc broke the silence.
"So what were you guys doing then, if you weren't doing anything important...?"
"We were talking..." Telecaster mumbled. Selrahc glared down at him, he expected the usually talkative Naoto to answer. He shrugged it off and walked away. "I'm going to go help Ama level." he said.
"Bye Papa Sel!" Naoto called out happily.
"Bye Nao!" Selrahc began to run off, but halted he turned to Telecaster. "Bye Sme."
"B-bye Selrahc." Answered the scared young hunter. Selrahc unmounted his peco and approached him.
"Listen up Sme. My daughter has been through a lot. You know I'm worried about that probable marriage between Ama and that dang Tristein. Don't make me worried about Naoto too." he told him with a very serious face.
Selrahc smiled and patted his back. "Alright then. See you guys later." He mounted his peco again and ran off into whoknowswhere.
Naoto turned to Telecaster, who looked at her with a curious face. He prepared to run as she took a running start. BAM!
Both were knocked onto the ground again. Naoto bit his cheek playfully and laughed. He rubbed his cheek and looked down on his chest where Naoto's head lay. He watched her smile and yawn... then slowly doze off....

He's really comfy.... *yawn* Oh wow... so...sleepy... so very... zz....
Click on ->[Image: Smiley7.gif]<- to know about Algid Skepcis! We're so awesome not even Naruto believes it.

Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

10-12-2009, 09:20 PM
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Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

Posts: 930
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Joined: Jun 2009
RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Kenshiro-san side story

Part I

Kenshiro quickly buffed the party and bent over to heal the hunter. The clown was staring at her, and when she looked at him he'd look away. He's changed since he proposed last time... Although... so have I...
"Alrighty, done." she said as she wiped her hands clean and put them on her hips. She smiled sweetly and walked ahead. "Let's go get those Skoguls, boys!"
The party followed, and she walked slower to let them all ahead. Can't let the priest die now can we? She's the one saving you kids. she thought to herself. Up ahead she heard yelling.
"Quick! Use Ruwach! Hunters use Detect! Now!"
Kenshiro quickly moved her hands in a graceful manner and a blue ball of light swirled around her. She ran up to the party and gasped. xtwilightx's health was dropping fast, and others were slowly falling one by one. Vitality doesn't help much if you don't give it time! she thought, and quickly she began to revive each member. She stood again and cast Kyrie Eleison on the whole party.
"It may not help much but it guards you until I can help." she explained to a few puzzled members. She turned to the clown who was now bloody with cuts and scrapes from the Skogul. As she ran towards him, she could see it was not one nor two, but three of those demons approaching him rapidly, taking every chance they could grasp to try and murder the poor clown. He backed away slowly, deeply wounded, and Kenshiro saw the Skoguls heading towards her. She panicked and quickly healed xtwilightx the clown, and his cuts and deep gashes that covered his body slowly disappeared. He felt revitalized and headed to the aid of the now running priestess. Members of the party ran to aid him, but a Breeze began to approach them from behind. Kenshiro quickly cast Kyrie Eleison upon them once more and healed as much as she could. Before she could run, however, a Skogul had snuck from the clown and appeared behind her. She noticed her Ruwach was now fading, and the Skogul began to appear and disappear as she backed away slowly. It raised an arm and cut her side. She bent over in pain and looked around her. The members of the party were slowly falling, one by one...
I am such a fail priest.
"Kenshiro! Teleport!" said a voice from one of the now falling men. She tried to stand and attempted to teleport, only to be thrown back to the ground by the snickering Skogul. The priest's eyes began to close as she could not handle the pain any longer...
"NO! Kenshi!" the clown yelled and jumped quickly between her and the Skogul. The Breeze now began to fade away, beaten by one of the few still standing members of the party. Kenshiro forced her eyes open and saw her saviour, xtwilightx. She began to heal herself as she watched the Skogul miss its attacks. He was determined. Slowly she finally stood and began to heal and buff him.
"No, go ressurect the rest." he ordered, and the priestess, amazed by his determination, ran over to each member and ressurected them. She buffed them and sent them over to xtwilightx to help. She blew a lock of red hair from her face as she began to regain control of the party, buffing, healing, buffing...
Finally the Skogul began to fade away, defeated. Everyone becan to cheer.
"WOOT! We did it! Alright!"
Kenshiro sulked. "Sorry for being fail guys." she said. Everyone turned to look at her.
"You're not a fail... No one would have seen that Skogul behind you, you were busy helping everyone else and that's what a priest is supposed to do."
A bit cheered up, she walked ahead. "Let's find a better place to rest." she suggested and the all followed. They stopped at large gate and sat in front of it. They all smiled and laughed, contented by their success with the monsters. This is my first time at Odin's Temple too... I guess I didn't do that bad. she accepted and smiled to herself.
Kenshiro suddenly felt she was being watched. She looked at xtwilightx, and found his slowly reddening face staring at her. He stood and ahem'd to everyone. Kenshiro sidled away, afraid of what was to come. The party members smiled teasingly. Do they know something I don't...?
"Kenshiro..." he said, and he put one knee on the ground and reached for her hand. Kenshiro blushed and nodded as he grabbed hold of it gently. "You've always been on my mind... and... I want to ask you a very important question."
Everyone began to ooh and aah at the scene. The priestess was almost as red as her hair, and a slight breeze blew through it.
"Kenshiro-san... would you marry me?" he asked. Silence fell upon them. Everyone's eyes rested upon the priestess. Her eyes filled with tears of joy slowly as she nodded.
"Yes xtwilightx, I'll marry you." she said, and he stood and hugged her. Everyone clapped and whistled.
xtwilightx whispered in her ear. "I'll pay for the wedding." Kenshiro gasped and whispered back.
"At least let me pay for something!"
"Fine..." he sighed. "The rings then?"
"Yay, alright."
He kissed her cheek tenderly and smiled. He turned and proclaimed to everyone. "I'm marrying a hot priestess!" he said, and he and Kenshiro laughed.
"When's the wedding going to be?" someone asked. Kenshiro and xtwilightx looked at each other.
"Hugel?" someone suggested.
"I've already married there..." Kenshiro replied, remembering her wedding with Zymiriel, and the divorce afterwards.
"Well, not Glast Heim." xtwilightx said.
"You're light allegiance. We can't marry there." she pointed out.
"Lutie?" asked the clown.
"Is it working this time?" someone else asked.
"I know! Prontera!" xtwilightx said excitedly.
"But that's the most expensive church!" Kenshiro pouted. "You want to marry there?"
"Why not?"
"I don't know.. how soon?"
"How about tonight?"
Kenshiro looked at the wedding ring she still owned. Guillermo had told her only a special officer could get rid of it. She had no wish to remember her fail relationship with the soul linker who married her and never came back. She frowned and looked up at the clown. "No. Tomorrow. It'd be better." she said. "And you also have enough time to get enough money, right?" she asked. He nodded and smiled. Kenshiro held his hand. She decided to get started on the wedding plans, so she teleported everyone back to Prontera. There she saw Naoto.
"Nao! Guess what?" Kenshiro said. "I already know! Guillermo told me the news, it's all around Prontera!" Naoto answered. She smiled and hugged her priest friend. "You think you and Telecaster can come?"
"I don't know..."
"What's been going on? You stopped leveling and everything."
"It's just that-"
"Nao, don't tell me you-"
"I'm going to tell him after the wedding, I promise!"
"But Nao! How can you make him wait like that? Besides, where are you going to find the perfect spot?" Kenshiro frowned.
"I'm sorry! I'll see what I can do! I probably won't go to the wedding, but I promise I'll do my best!"
"Alright. But since you probably won't be able to come, can I ask a favor?"
"Sure. Name it!" Naoto said, fixing up her Mystic Rose.
"Do you have anything I can wear for the wedding...?"
Naoto gasped. "Are you crazy? Of course!!" She pulled Kenshiro north of Prontera, and in a small corner she began the makeover.
"First we need to get rid of that headgear. It's pretty, but you need something that goes with the dress!"
"I'm... dressed in black..." Kenshiro said.
"Exactly, so try this wedding gown. If it looks strange, we'll ask Styla to style you up."
"Alright.." Kenshiro put on the dress and gasped.The dress was white with light pink lace. "It looks wonderful!" she looked at Naoto and hugged her. "Oh thank you!"
"Hmm... It needs a little accent... Something that completes it. Something that... Ah. I know." Naoto gently removed her Mystic Rose and carefully secured it in Kenshiro's hair.
"Your rose? No, Nao, I couldn't possibly-"
"It looks beautiful."
"Naoto, this is your most prized possession..."
"And it looks wonderful on your red hair. Trust me." Naoto smiled sweetly.
"But its yours, and Telecaster gave it to you..."
"I know. And I'm sure he'll be glad to see you with it too, he'll know I'm making a good use of it."
"Are you sure...?"
"Of course! Now go back to Prontera, you'll see how beautiful you really are."
Kenshiro smiled and hugged Naoto. "Thanks Nao..." she said, and bowed. Naoto smiled and watched Kenshiro run away to the center of Prontera again.
Click on ->[Image: Smiley7.gif]<- to know about Algid Skepcis! We're so awesome not even Naruto believes it.

Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

10-12-2009, 09:26 PM
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Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

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RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Part II

Kenshiro walked around Prontera and looked for the special officer to get her ring removed. As she did, she heard whistling and comments from random knights.

"Ain't that a beaut?"

"T'bad she's married."

"I'll love me a lady like tha' 'round me when I'm killing."

Kenshiro tried to ignore the attention. She disliked it. She found some of her friends and ran towards them, but stopped. From behind them she thought she could see someone mouth a word at her. She strained her eyesight and looked closely... And the figure of one of her long lost friends seemed to stare back. He glared at Kenshiro and mouthed what she feared the most.


Kenshiro's eyes saddened. She shook her head and looked again, only to see that the figure was gone. What am I thinking... Yru quit a long time ago, he wouldn't be around Prontera would he?
Shaking her head, she sat in Prontera. N e R o was next to her, and quickly a line formed, all her friends chatting and complimenting her. She smiled and blushed a bit. I wonder where xtwilightx is... she pondered. Dirge of Cerberus appeared.

"Kenshiro! Meet my daughter, Yukihime!" he said, and smiled broadly, obviously proud of his new fatherhood. Kenshiro beamed.

"Wow! So Yuki has you as a daddy now?"

"Yeah! We're gonna go get her some wings!"

"Oh that's wonderful!"

"Not as wonderful as you though." he said teasingly.

"What?" Kenshiro frowned a bit, nervous.

"You and xtwilightx! Your marriage! Everyone knows about it!"

"Oh! Yeah!"

"By the way, you look wonderful. He'll love it."

Kenshiro blushed. "You really think so? Think it's not too fancy or something?"

"Nah, it looks perfect. You have a great sense of style. He's really lucky."

"More like Naoto. She was the one that dressed me up."

"Oh wow, she has some real talent then. Probably all that practice to dress up for Telecaster. On their honeymoon, I heard that she dyed her hair light blonde, and her dress a soft yellow and pink, along with that Mystic Rose. Everyone said she looked great."

Kenshiro smiled, proud of her best friend. "Yep. She's great."

Suddenly everyone started cheering. Coming from north of the Plaza was xtwilightx, wearing an elegant brown tuxedo with a soft green shirt underneath and a small white tie. He wore a brown hat, and looked very neat. All his wounds had disappeared and as he approached the group he put a Romantic Leaf into his mouth. Slowly they all made way, and Kenshiro stood at the end, smiling. He gaped at her as she ran up to him.

"I have to ask Aki or Pandora to take off the darned ring, but as soon as they do we can get married." she said, smiling.

"Uhuh..." was all xtwilightx could say. Kenshiro felt uncomfortable.

"Something wrong?" she asked. xtwilightx shook his head.

"No, you just look..."

"Erm, too much...?" she said and frowned.

"Beautiful..." he said, and gaped at her again. Everyone began to nudge him and pat his back, congratulating him. Kenshiro bowed her head slightly, and looked up at xtwilightx.

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself." she said politely. He blushed a bit and sat next to her. John Galt slowly approached Kenshiro and snickered.

"Which wedding is this? Number... twenty?" he teased. Kenshiro was not amused.

"It's my second."

"Oh really? I think we can all doubt that." he said, and laughed. Kenshiro decided to laugh along, no matter how fake it was.

"I guess I'm just really lucky though."

"Make sure you don't divorce this one."

"I'll make sure if we do, he pays for it." They both laughed heartilly. John blessed Kenshiro and smiled.

"Good luck Kenshi. I hope he makes you happy." he said, and left. Kenshiro felt pleased.

They continued laughing and smiling with everyone, Kenshiro being teased and flirted with. It began to grow dark, and so each of them headed to bed, excited for the day to come...


Kenshiro ran back to the center of Prontera, clutching her dress. Guillermo had told her that Pandora was on. She had waited all night to remove the ring, and now was her chance. She patiently waited next to merchants whistling at her, but she ignored them. After a short wait, a small girl approached her. Kenshiro looked closely at her.

"Pandora?" she asked.

"Yes, what do you need?" she asked in an eager mood. Kenshiro showed her the ring on her finger.

"Oh, congratulations!" said Pandora, but then frowned when she saw Kenshiro's reaction.

"I'm getting married today, but I can't because I have this ring. I talked to the Deviruchi, I'm divorced, but I heard you need a special officer to take it off...? So I asked you. Is it okay? Can you remove it?"

Pandora smiled. "Watch." She grabbed Kenshiro's hand and a blue aura spread around her glove. She grabbed the ring gently with her index finger and thumb, and smoothly pulled it out. Kenshiro gaped.

"Amazing!!" she yelled out. Pandora grinned again, threw the ring in he air and snapped her fingers. The ring turned into glittering dust that slowly disappeared as it descended down to the floor of the plaza. Kenshiro's eyes were wide open.

"All done? Nothing more?" asked Pandora, smiling at the priestess's reaction.

"No, that was all, thanks!" she said, still amazed at the spectacle.

"I'll take a leave then, goodbye!" and as Pandora said this, she began walking away, another blueish aura spreading around her as she seemed to fade in the breeze...

Kenshiro rubbed her eyes. She looked at her hand. There wasn't a ring. The priestess quickly yelled accross Prontera.

"I'm getting married! I'm getting married!!" she yelled, hugging anyone in front of her. A booming voice echoed accross the city.

"The Trial of Heroes is still in progress!" it yelled out, and Kenshiro frowned. She looked at a clock in a nearby building and sat to wait. Patiently she waited for xtwilightx to finish with the Trial of Heroes...
She began to doze off....

She was back at Hugel. A soul linker was waiting at the altar. Kenshiro smiled, the soul linker had beautiful red hair flowing down to her chest. Suddenly behind her a stalker appeared, long red hair also. He frowned.

"What do you want?" she asked, a bit afraid.

"Don't you remember me?" the stalker said.

"I only know two stalkers... D-Dusk Stalker?" she stuttered, stepping
back. She noticed they were not in Hugel anymore.

"No. Shikari you dummy. What, are you afraid?"

"You didn't come to my wedding."

"You... you were... I was.... didn't know..."

"Didn't Naoto tell you?"


"Fine." he said. He slowly turned, and faded away just like Pandora had done...

Kenshiro looked around her. She was now in the Moscovia Forest, running from a Mantis. Someone had come between them and stabbed the Mantis swiftly. There was something wrong though. There were two Kenshiros now. One of them was an acolyte... and the other was a priestess. Priestess Kenshiro walked up closer to the scared acolyte, and saw a taekwon running up behind them. The acolyte Kenshiro thanked the person. They introduced themselves, and priestess Kenshiro decided to listen.

"I'm Sir Ryu."

"I'm Kenshiro-san." said the acolyte shyly.

"I'm the sexy Zymiriel." said the taekwon. Sir Ryu laughed.

"Ahaha, interesting. What are you two doing around here?" he asked.

"We're leveling. I'm going to be a sexy soul linker." blurted out Zymiriel. Kenshiro-san hid slowly behind the brave taekwon.

"Ah, daring. And you, little acolyte?" asked Sir Ryu.

"She's going to be a priestess." said the taekwon proudly. Kenshiro-san nodded.

"Ah. I'll leech you two if your little acolyte friend there buffs me." he looked curiously at her. "Can she even buff?"

Kenshiro-san took this as a dare. She stepped up proudly and puffed out her chest. "I can buff well! I'm going to be a priest, the best priest in the whole kingdom!"

Sir Ryu laughed and walked towards an unsuspecting Les. "We'll see about that. Keep me buffed." he said, and he raised his sword high in the air. He brang it down hard on the Les, and it howled in pain. It turned and with its sharp nails it cut a deep gash in Sir Ryu's cheek. He began to bleed rapidly, but this did not stop him. Kenshiro-san stared in awe at the sword's swiftness. Sir Ryu was angered. The Les kicked him onto the floor and was about to hit one last time...


Zymiriel had kicked the Mavka straight in the face. It fell sideways and fixed its wings. Sir Ryu staggered to his feet and glared at Kenshiro-san. "HEAL!" he yelled, as he quickly ducked to avoid a flying Zymiriel who had attempted to kick the Les again. Kenshiro-san's legs trembled. She slowly raised her arms and pointed them at Sir Ryu. The Les, now rabid, neared them. Behind Kenshiro-san, a Mantis began to creep up, its pincers waving widly. Sir Ryu's eyes opened wide. He ran towards Kenshiro-san. The Priestess Kenshiro was now standing. She was casting heal at Sir Ryu, but it seemed to have no effect. She began to cast Kyrie Eleison wildly at the acolyte Kenshiro-san, but it was all in vain. She watched in horror as Sir Ryu pushed the acolyte Kenshiro-san onto the ground and jabbed is sword into the Mantis's pincers. The Mantis howled in pain, attracting nearby Leshijs. Kenshiro-san's eyes began to water, about to cry. She was terrified. Zymiriel weakly stood up, now in defense from the Les.

"K-Ken! Heal Ryu!" she yelled weakly. The Les gave a final hit and Zymiriel fell to the ground, bleeding and deeply wounded. Kenshiro-san looked around her. Tears flowed out her eyes, leaving wet traces in her now dirt filled face. She yelled out and began to heal Zymiriel wildly but in vain.

"Zymi! ZYMI! Sir Ryu, Zymi! No!!" she said, sobbing now. She heard a scream, one that crept into her very soul, so she felt it inside her bones, making her skin crawl. It was not a shriek, but a cry for help. She turned to look at Sir Ryu. He was on the floor, the Wood Goblin healing the Les and the Mantis. They all began to creep up to him, as he crawled away. Kenshiro-san ran over to him, she began to sob, leaving a trace of tears behind her...

"Kenshi? Kenshi? Kenshi you'll miss you're wedding!"

"RYU! NO!" Kenshiro awoke abruptly. She had lied down near the fountain in the Prontera Plaza, and apparently dozed off. Naoto pursed her lips.

"Him again? Kenshi, everyone's waiting for you at the church."

"Nao...?" Kenshiro looked up at Naoto, and saw that Naoto's eyes were swollen, and her nose was red. "Naoto what happened?" she asked her friend as she stood and wiped off the dust off her dress.

"N-nothing. Everyone is at the church now. xtwilightx is still getting the money, I sold a card for you and slipped the zeny into your pocket while you slept. I hope that's okay...?"

"Naoto, something's wrong..."

"Don't worry about it, alright Kenshi?"

"I have to... You were crying..."

Naoto stood again and frowned deeply. "Kenshiro Saitama. You are about to get married. You're late to your own wedding. What are you doing worrying about me?"

"You're my friend." Kenshiro held Naoto's hand and walked with her to the church. On the way, Naoto decided to explain what happened.

"Kenshi... what if he doesn't feel the same way?" Naoto asks, and Kenshiro could tell she was really worried about the matter.

"He will. I know it."

"But... what if.. what if he gets angry at me?"

"How can that ever happen?"

"I'm scared Kenshi..."

"You'll do fine. Just say what you feel."

"But... what if... just what if... he gets disgusted or disturbed by it..."
They were right outside the church. Kenshiro clutched her friend's shoulders tightly and looked in her eyes.

"Listen to me Naoto. And you listen good. Telecaster is a wonderful man. He's absolutely great. He knows you like him. He knows you could be in love with him. Just tell him you simply love him. Three words Nao, 'I love you'. Simple to say. And they mean the world. If he doesn't feel the same way by now, my name isn't Kenshiro Saitama, and Songpyun isn't a bitter super novice."

Naoto smiled a bit at the joke and blushed. She hugged her priest friend tightly and kissed her cheek, tears swelling in her eyes again. "I hope your wedding goes well, Kenshi. xtwilightx is really lucky."

"Thanks. And I'm the lucky one."

"Haha, whatever you say." Naoto smiled and ran off. "G'bye Kenshiro!"
Kenshiro waved at her friend as she ran off. "G'bye... you crazy wizard." she whispered to herself. The priestess looked up at the huge church and stared at it. So... this is it. I'm getting married... She stepped into the building.

Inside she wandered down the long hall, and saw the altar. It was breath taking. Everyone sat there, in the rows, but when they saw her they ran up to her to greet her. She smiled. Behind her she heard heavy footsteps. A crusader with a brown hat walked up to Kenshiro. He smiled. "I heard. Naoto told me."

"S-Selrahc!" Kenshiro's smile widened. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged back carefully, he was known for his huge crushing hugs.

"Kenshiro, I want to tell you, you've been like a daughter to me. So on this wedding day... would you allow me to act as your father?"

Kenshiro's eyes opened wide and shined in the candlelight around the church. "Yes..." she said, and smiled again. "Father." she murmured. It felt familiar and she liked it. Someone shouted.

"Kenshiro, Guillermo wants you to wait for him!" someone said.
"What? But the Trial of Heroes line is pretty long, no? What if-" Right then a small letter materialed itself into Kenshiro's hand. She opened it and began to read.

"Wait for me! The ToH line is long, but I want to see you married!!
- Guillermo"

Kenshiro pouted and wrote on the back of the paper. "Hurry, I'm gonna marry as soon as xtwilightx gets here!" she wrote back and closed her grip, as she watched the letter disappear in her hand. She sat up near the altar and talked with everyone there. People came up and gave her presents. Anduin Lothar began to tease and argue with Selrahc over who was Kenshiro's real father. She sighed and look at the candles. I wonder how Naoto is doing with Telecaster... She then received another letter, from Guillermo again.

"I'm hurrying!! Please wait!!"

She replied again. "Hurry! We're waiting for Dirge and you!" she watched the letter disappear again, and quickly kept receiving replies...

"I'm trying! Gah, it's a long line!"

"Dirge said he was almost done! Hurry Guil!"

"It's not like I can rush GMs, you picked the wedding at a bad time."

"True, how was I supposed to know that ToH would end so late??"

"No one knew, ah, if I'm not there get married. I wish you luck."


"Has Naoto told Telecaster?"

"She told you too? No. She said she was going to tell him after the wedding."

"Oh, she's there?"

"No, she's preparing for her moment. I hope it goes well..."

"Yeah, me too. AAAH this line won't move... Go get married. I'll go to one of your other weddings."



"Fine, have fun waiting for your prize."

"Haha, thanks. And congratulations."

"Thanks to you too."

"Dirge is here!" someone yelled out. Kenshiro stood quickly and saw the gunslinger walk into the hall. He looked at Kenshiro and smiled, saying in spanish. "Te ves mejor que nunca." ((You look better than ever.)).

Kenshiro blushed. "Thank you! Zychan, come come, where were you?"

"ToH, couldn't get Yuki her wings..."

"No? Well, there's always the next ToH.."

"Yeah, at least she finished. Did I miss the wedding?"

"No, xtwilightx isn't here yet..." Dirge of Cerberus nudged her.

"You owe me that 800,000 zeny from his Vanilmirth hat."

Kenshiro facepalmed herself. "I'm sorry! Ah, I forgot... And he's paying for the wedding. I have everything... But he pays for the wedding perse."

Dirge of Cerberus smiled and patted her head, careul not to ruin her hair.

"No te preocupes, don't worry, you don't need to pay me back."

"I have to... Right after the wedding I'll go hunt some Firelocks or Evil Druids and sell some things."

"No worries, really." Dirge of Cerberus felt flattered that Kenshiro was so worried. She, however, could not pay much attention to the conversation. She was worried that xtwilightx wasn't going to marry her. He's late... maybe he backed out...? She looked up at Dirge of Cerberus and he could see her sadness.

"He'll be here, don't worry." he told her and hugged her.

"But I'm a fail priestess... What if he doesn't want to marry me anymore?" she asked, worried.

"Now why on earth would I do that?" a voice said. Everyone's head turned to the entrance, where a clown was standing. He looked incredibely handsome as he removed his brownish hat and hung it on a wall. He walked forward and smiled. Everyone cheered and began shoving Kenshiro closer to him. She was blushing and staring at him.

"Er, too much?" he asked.

"No.. you look... wonderful..." she said, and blushed again. Kenshiro smiled as she felt his fingers around hers, holding her hand. The wedding lady happily accepted their money for the wedding, and sent them to the altar. There, the Father told xtwilightx to propose again. The clown kneeled and held Kenshiro's hand. He looked directly into her eyes and spoke in a gentle but clear voice.

"Kenshiro-san, my beautiful priestess, would you grant me the honor of marrying you here and now, in this church?"

Kenshiro blushed deeply and looked around. She saw Anduin Lothar blow his nose loudly on Selrahc's cape as the large crusader growled. Catching Kenshiro's eye, he smiled at her and nodded. Kenshiro's eyes moved to the last row, where Dirge of Cerberus was sitting. My dear best friend... He smiled at her and nodded. Kenshiro looked back down at xtwilightx and his hopeful face. The priestess, now aware of the long silence, choked out a "Yes.", and cheering was heard along the church, where a few nuns had gone out, shushing the crowd. Kenshiro heard shouts from the Prontera Plaza, and a booming voice was heard, announcing their wedding. She received a message from John Galt, congratulating her again. As they said their vows, she felt xtwilightx squeeze her hand gently. Finally the words were heard. "You may now kiss the bride."

Kenshiro and xtwilightx looked at each other, smiling. The priestess closed her eyes, and the clown pulled a lock of red hair away from her face, letting his hand rest gently on her cheek as their lips neared each other. His lips are so soft... Kenshiro thought. xtwilightx smiled at her and looked at Selrahc. The crusader sighed and gave a gesture suggesting that they may continue. As everyone cheered, he embraced her and kissed her deeply. Anduin Lothar yelled out in protest.

"My daughter! My daughter! You can't kiss him like that! HEY! SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!" he yelled out, and Selrahc brought down his shield hard on the hunter's head.

Kenshiro held xtwilightx's hand again and ran out of the church, with the crowd of people following them. She laughed and smiled as she saw how the clown was stumbling along the stones, trying to keep up with her. As everyone ran off yelling the news around Prontera, they talked to the Kafra and warped to Izlude. Too poor to go to Jawaii, the honeymoon spot, they decided to stay there. xtwilightx carried her around Izlude and smiled. He set her down under a tree, and there he kissed her again. Kenshiro blushed and tears of joy were streaming down her cheeks.

"I can't believe this..." said the clown softly.


He fixed her hair away from her face again and pulled her close to him. "I'm now officially married to the most beautiful priestess in Midgard."

Kenshiro blushed and kissed him again. "And I'm married to the handsomest clown in the kingdom."

And I love you so much...
Click on ->[Image: Smiley7.gif]<- to know about Algid Skepcis! We're so awesome not even Naruto believes it.

Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

(This post was last modified: 10-15-2009, 03:12 PM by Kenshiro-san.)
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