In the order i created them
Because you said not to XD not my image though sadly XD I't Pikeru if you couldn't tell XD HUGS EVERYONE!
Also whoever asked I can resize ^__^
However try to give me somewhat small images if you can, otherwise there will be distortion. Even if you use Photoshop like it do, it can re size and crop but some things are just not lilkely to get that small.
How to make a logo
I suggest setting the size FIRST
Then zooming in to about 1100 size to draw it. I have an art tablet so it's pretty easy for me or size it in another program then take it to paint and use their straight line or curved line feature to make sure things stay in.
Personally I pick the first one I made ^__^ A sword on one side angel wings on the other demonic wings, in they fight together ^___^
I edited the Ying Yang Unity Logo
I did have a pure white background but that didn't look good so I didn't bother posting that one XD color from red to purple to seem more demonicy. I like the one with the white on top better cause you can see the design better and again Ying Yang like ^__^
The diamond logo!
Diamond PLUR logo
Respect it!