Posts: 85
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Joined: Apr 2009
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
Name: Human
Age: ???
Class: Ninja
Created in a small, abandoned old house to the northeast of Amatsu's glorious main city, test subject y-386 was sheltered in a dank and deep basement far from the mind-numbing society leeching away at the planet's life. He was not born by parents of flesh and blood, but instead by a computer, test tubes, and the mind of a genius scientist now residing somewhere in the north of Lighthalzen.
He was left to grow and fend for himself since birth, growing up upon the land outside Amatsu. He traveled to the shrine just west of his home and played there everyday. The monsters that wandered around the land did not bother him; they saw him as one of them. They fed him and cared for him, protecting him.
Eventually, however, a man came from the city to the south of the land -- from Amatsu -- and made his way carefully to the shrine. The man, a powerful shaman, made quick work of the beasts around the shrine with only a phrase and some hand gestures, turning the beasts to ash, and y-386 noticed this. At that moment, he felt his first feeling. He felt rage. He felt a pain so strong, he lost control. The rage came from love of his monster-friends, whom had taken care of him and played with him, and had loved him. He attacked the shaman in a bestial manner, punching and scratching and kicking the man. The shaman spoke a few soft words and the boy stopped, frozen, tears running down his cheeks. The shaman smiled to the boy and wrapped his arms around him, picking him up then carrying him into the shrine.
"What is your name?" the shaman asked in a hushed tone as he poured a small cup of herbal tea for himself and the boy, both sitting in front of the statue of the shrine. The boy said nothing, intrigued by the curious sounds the middle-aged man made. He sat as the shaman sat, his legs crossed before him with an elbow resting on his knee; he was copying almost everything the shaman did. "I see. The silent type." the shaman chuckled as he noticed the boy mouthing the words as he spoke them. "I can see you are human, atleast."
"Hoomen." the boy spoke in a quiet, crackly voice. His eyes widened as he noticed the sound coming from his mouth. It sounded nothing like the quiet gurgles of the Hydra or the roaring of the Kapha, and definitely not the clack-clack of the Karakasa it made as it moved (it was the only sound he had ever heard them make).
"Human, hm. Then that is what I shall call you, all right?" the shaman smiled calmly. The boy returned the smile sprightly.
The boy then lived with the shaman, learning the ways of simple solitude, cleaning and taking care of the shrine.
One day, someone came to visit the shrine. It was a rather stout man, wearing heavily-padded garments and a huge bow-tied rope at his back, keeping his pants up, his shirt closed, and seeming to have more than just that purpose, perhaps being a protective garment. The boy watched from behind the statue as the man handed the shaman a piece of rolled-up parchment, then disappearing into the ground and reappearing outside, beyond the water outside the shrine in a mere second.
"Master, who was that?" Human asked, intrigued as to what kind of person had the ability to simply move through the shadows with such ease.
"That was Cougar Gai, the head shinobi of Amatsu." the shaman replied, looking over the letter intently. "It seems I am needed in Payon. There has been an outbreak of zombies and odd fox-looking creatures the villagers call Ninetails. Ninetails... Hm. Human, it is time I gave you something. It is very precious to me, and I know it will be good for you to have." the shaman spoke as he walked off behind the statue and pressed a small button at the base of the gleaming-golden giant. He reached into a small compartment and pulled a couple things from it, handing them graciously to Human and smiling. "These are for you. I made this mask, killing one thousand Ninetails to help someone in the Payon caves. And this blade," he pointed to the small, straight-edged blade with a red handle and ribbon tied to its end, "Was given to me as I trained in the arts of Ninjutsu; it amplified my magical abilities and helped me to become stronger. Now," he continued speaking as he started walking away from the boy, taking nothing with him but the clothes on his back and a small pouch of water, "I am going to Payon. You need to go to Amatsu, and eventually leave this island. Maybe someday, we will meet up again, Human." The shaman was gone, leaving Human standing there, tears having welled up in the boys eyes, staring dumbly at the ashura and mask.
He reached up, placing the mask to his face, then realizing there were no eye holes, he placed it to the top of his head, tying it behind. With the ashura in hand, he closed his eyes, concentrating, then yelling out a few familiar words he remembered, having been engraved in his mind from his first time of emotion, "Exploding Dragon!" In an instant, a spark formed in the middle of the room, before the golden statue, exploding in a pillar, setting the floor and the ceiling ablaze. Human walked from the shrine, not a smile nor tears shown in his eyes. He now knew what to do: He was going to speak to Cougar Gai. He was going to become a ninja, and he would eventually find the only person he cared about. Then he realized something quite strange -- the shaman, his mentor and who he considered to be his father, never told him his name.
"This... This will be difficult." He walked to Amatsu.
[More to come in the story titled First Shot: Final Strike!]
QQ - 8x Bragi Clown
Sun - 8x Shield Paladin
Bur - 8x Esma Soul Linker
Nekkid - 7x Battlesmith [Fisher]
Curio - 7x FS Sage
Bao - 6x Str SN [Gets Bait]
Human - 6x Caster Ninja
Win - Support Alche (Hom.: Lif)*
Crest - Baby Monk*
(*= Soon to be made)
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2009, 04:08 PM by SeifuSnow.)
05-23-2009, 12:38 PM |
King of the Nosmos
Posts: 33
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Joined: Jul 2009
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
(This story spans a few servers and as such I will mention characters that do not have any connection to characters on this server)
Selrahc Schtauffen Guardoise
Class: Crusader
Age: 20
Gender: Male
As a swordsman, Selrahc had stepped off of the Airship from the Schwarzvald Republic, seeking to get away from the horrors of his hometown in Lighthalzen. It wasn't long before a man known on the battlefield as the Dark-Paladin, found him, trained him more in the ways of the sword. The man whose enemies feared him as the bringer of death, and whose friends knew him as Benny. Benny took Selrahc under his wing, trained him and taught him the skills he needed to pass his Crusader test. From there, Benny guided Selrahc's progress, teaching him the ways of the Shield and its usages for protection as well as attack.
Selrahc followed Benny loyally, until the fateful day that the proud Paladin faced off against Dark Lord. Shouting and throwing his mighty shield at the fiend, he yelled for Selrahc to flee. Selrahc stood frozen in horror as he watched the man who had helped him become who he was die before his very eyes. As Dark Lord and his minions turned on Selrahc, he put his feet to running and ran as far as he could. He drifted from tavern to tavern, racked with guilt over the death of his master. He buried himself in sorrow and agony. Until the day she came into the bar. Cindy Tortuga, known as the Flying Turtle for her speed and durability in combat, discovered Selrahc at his lowest point and turned his eyes outward again. She took him in just as Benny had, teaching him to find his courage once again.
For the next several years, Selrahc trained under her, pledging his loyalty to her. Until yet again, disaster struck beneath the Nameless Isle, deep within the Cursed Monastery. As Selrahc and Cindy faced off against the mighty Beelzebub, the rest of their guild dying off quickly, Cindy sacrificed herself to save Selrahc from such a similar fate. Again left with no option but to run and save himself for the sake of her sacrifice he ran. This time however he chose to live as she had taught him.
When he finally returned to his new home in Izlude from that dreadful campaign, he first slept for many days at the inn. Until he finally awoke, recovered from his grave wounds, nursed back to health by the patrons of the Inn. He stumbled back into the great Prontera, where while he was staring at the great fountain dedicated to Odin he heard a voice behind him.
"Would you like to join us in our search for the truth?" came the voice of a female wizard.
Selrahc turned around to face her. He thought for a moment, and nodded, deciding to turn his skills to a new leader. And truely beginning his most heROic quest.
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2009, 06:52 PM by Selrahc.)
07-17-2009, 06:43 PM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
Threads: 71
Joined: Aug 2009
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
(Since I'm developing four of my characters in my story thread, I don't want to make their character sheets until that story is finished, to avoid spoiling anything for those who are actually reading it. Instead, I'll post character sheets about others that don't have a story. Yet >.>; )
Name: Tenno Shichiro
Class: Alchemist
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Hometown: Amatsu
Shichiro was born to a middle class family in the land of Amatsu. He was the sixth son of seven, born to a family that made a living off of the land, and the restaurant that it owned. His mother tended the grocery and his father the restaurant, his brothers all working in one or the other. Unlike his brothers, however, Shichiro didn't want to stay at home. The legends and stories of Amatsu lore bored him, and he wasn't interested in how the land worked because of spirits, or religion. He was more interested in finding out the truth behind his world around him-- he couldn't accept folklore and myth as truth.
His father saw his desire for knowledge, and sent him first to Alberta, since that was the only city that the ships went. However, he had been left with a further direction-- to eventually make it to Juno and visit the Alchemist's Guild. There, he would learn the truth behind creation, or be disappointed with what he found, and return home. It wasn't like losing one pair of hands would have effected the family's business, anyway.
After reaching Alberta, Shichiro first became a Merchant, having needed to make money in order to fund his trip. He learned the ins and outs of the financial world, and because of his previous background having helped run the family business, he quickly picked up what he didn'tknow about the corporate world. He would occasionally send money back home to help with the farm, and his father realized that hoping his son would return was just a dream-- but he was forever proud that his own blood was able to make it outside of the lifestyle that had been lived by that family bloodline for generations.
Once he was financially set, Shichiro travelled to Juno. It was there that he learned about creation, taking an interest in both alchemy, and the life and creation of Homunculi. While this didn't explain everything about the world, it taught him that something could not come from nothing. All the crops and the success of his family on the farm and in the restaurant came from the land, and also from their hard work and diligence. That was something that was instilled in the Alchemist from the very start.
He still searches for answers with a scientific background, from the mundane to the surreal. He believes that with diligence, he will be able to find a plausible, concrete answer to any question he comes across. As such, he has a personality that is constantly calculation and reasoning. He is always eager to go headfirst into a situation if it promises answers, alone or with companions.
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
(This post was last modified: 10-21-2009, 09:42 AM by Zerrif.)
10-21-2009, 09:42 AM |
Junior Member
Posts: 3
Threads: 1
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
This profile is under heavy edit to remove the vulgarities/profanities, I have starred out letters within these said words..
((Pic is him, despite Sprite is different :3))
((InGame Name: Aleksandr~ ))
"Kids like us should wear a warning label....
<:Say what is your name boy?:>
My name is Aleksandr, and I'm not a damn boy!!
<:Do you have a last name:>
Hell no, Why would I want one, I don't have a damn family!!!
<:So, how old are you?:>
I'm 17 ...
<:So your hair is err?:>
Oh so Vibrant Red. Open your damn eyes!
<:Your eyes they are? Your hairs in the way..:>
..Prick...My eyes they are Emerald green.. but I can change them you know..
<:My...You aren't very tall:>
Shut the bloody hell up!! I'm only 5'0"..
<:You must not be very heavy..:>
Your starting to piss me off..I'm only 120 lbs.
<:Ok then, What are you?:>
Wouldn't you like to know?...
<: Are you a Male or a Female Shape-Shifter:>
I'm Male, Are you f**cking blind..? And Shapeshifter...All I can do is change my eye color you fool..
<:Say, Do your prefer Males or female?:>
What the hell is it to you...
<:What kind of person do you perceive yourself as..?:>
Lemme tell you something Mister PRICK!!, These questions are getting very annoying..On topic now, I can be a rather vicious b***h , yet some other times I may seem as shy and timid as a scared little child. But hey, I got all the goodness of a hormone-driven teenager reactions and arrogance all bundles up inside me. But hey, If you see me on the ground shaking and babbling incoherently like I'm having a epileptic fit.. I just may be hallucinating something just awful, but you can thank on one of my previous Masters for my condition. Hey, many say I had a multiple personalities: Like, a Cruel side yet to be seen, a Sadistic side, even a masochistic side, a protective side never seen,??even been reports of a Ooh-please-don't-hurt-me side.
<:Is there extra special Abilities you have?:>
Well, lets see. I do have a rather good body strength so I can wield Blades among other heavy equipment. I can manipulate my own physical energy to a small extent into a fiery wave which can be useful. Oh, Then there is my extremely high metabolic rate and immune system. I generally recover from injuries and diseases way faster then others.. But hey Im not where near d**n invincible..
<: Last question, Anything about your past I need to know about?:>
Aleksandr...Tch yeah thats my name. If you think I'm just your average run-of-the-mill teenager. Guess what your right!!. Im just your average run-o-the-mill teenager. But don't think my life is all milk and honey. Oooh no, I got more problems then I care to have. Open your bloody ears cause I'm only going to speak myself once..!!You see, Im a orphan in one aspect as I didn't know my parents really, nor do I care for the bloody b***ards. Giving me away to pay for gambling debts that they racked up, If you only knew how bloody much that piss me off when I learned of it. But it got better when i was say maybe around fifteen years of age, I managed to sneak my way from that egregious b***ard who 'owned' me. I was free, wandering wherever the hell I felt like it. But wouldn't you know, fate had other bloody plans for me. One dismal day, Somehow, I was tracked down by me 'Owner's' goons and taken back..Swell ain't it, to be captured and taken back. Only to actually get my arse beat many times over and thrown into a Arena..To add insult to injury I was called a pet...Im no ones damn pet..Well..Being thrown into a fight with someone elses 'pet', wasn't something I wanted to do..In the end though I lost the fight and my 'owner', being the unstable arsehole he is, really thrashed me for my lost cause I cost him alot of zenny. Ohoho, I sustained more injuries from my 'owner' than I did in the fight. I got a nice little souvenir, a good gash above my right eye. Ain't that just swell, and to add insult to this, It has left me very loopy and unstable. Nothing like a swollen head wound to make your day brighter..Well, In the end, after losing another fight, I received another beating, but from what i was told, I ended up snapping and killing my 'owner.' But what came from it was my freedom..well it was bittersweet, still got that bloody souvenir..Least I'm on my own doing what I damn well please.
1. Any updates added will be in his first person view.
2. No using Txt Speak 1337??speak if you RP with me.
3. Use bloody common sense -.-
4. Will use .organize to Set my Status, OOC or IC, Please pay careful attention
5. Used In-Game and in Forum RP (if I join/Start one). Anyoen who wants to RP with me just pm me.
(This post was last modified: 10-22-2009, 08:15 PM by Aleksandr.)
10-22-2009, 06:49 PM |
Liberated Chick
Posts: 11
Threads: 1
Joined: Oct 2009
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
Name: 'Deja Sirio!!'
Nickname/Self-Made Title: 'I am the Protector!!'
Age: '... 38' (in reality 27)
Gender: '*points at breasts*'
Hair: 'Platinum Blonde ;P' (naturally black)
Eyes: 'A FIERY GRAY!!'
Sexual Orientation: 'Gay!!' (she ranks 4 on the Kinsey scale; predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual)
Family: 'Only Tai-Tai!! *though he's not officially blood...*' (no existing blood relatives)
Marital Status: 'SINGLE!! *pounds chest* AND A PROUD MEMBER OF THE SINGLE ARMY!! *for now*'
Previous Relationships: 'Err... no... *T_T*'
Hobbies: 'Poring watching!'
Favorite word: 'F*G!!'
Favorite food: 'PANCAKES!!'
Favorite animal: 'PORIIIIIIINGS!! *foams at mouth*'
Humor: 'Pessimistic! Though I like to act happy to throw idiots off track! >:D'
Religion: 'Religion is for losers that need something to believe in! *pounds chest* I believe in myself!'
Guild: 'I. don't. do. Guilds. >>'
Friends: 'Friends only make you feel worse.'
History: 'Lived at an orphanage for some time. Met a guy named Kinslayer, took me under his wing 'til I was a Rogue. Kind of got murdered by some evil Knight, but I was nursed back to health after a real long time, so here I am!'
Life-long dream: 'To have a Dancer squeal and writhe in my arms as I---... I should keep things more PG-13. *cough* To make love to a Dancer. *nod*'
(I do roleplays in-game and in forums XD; Anyone wants to, I'm available most of the time.
Oh, and the views expressed in my characters are not the same as mine, thank you very much.)
Protector: Uwah! All you f*gs after my baby brother! *holds Tai-Tai*
Tai-Tai: Big sister... *suffocates*
Ieni: B-but he's my fiancee! *tries to pull Tai-Tai away from Protector*
Protector: BACK! I will not hesitate to use my awesome Rogue skills on you, emo Bard!!
Ieni: Oh... *sulks*
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2009, 06:40 PM by Protector_Deja.)
10-25-2009, 06:38 PM |
Child of Bodom
The Satelite
Posts: 641
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Joined: Feb 2009
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
Once upon a time there was a young couple. The Mans name was Bodom and the womens name was anna. They were a simple folk living off the land as best they could. They were content with there simple life. On a very normal day much like any other Anna went to Bodom and told him she was pregnant. Bodom in his excitment went to tell the village. Most of the villagers were happy for him and Anna. But there was one person who was not. His real name was Vladimir, everyone refered to him as the sly one though. He had always admired Anna and had wanted her for his own. The news of her pregnancy through Vladimir into a jealous rage. He stormed off to his home where he made plans to take anna for his own.
The months went by and the couple got ready for the babies arrival. Bodom built a crib for the baby and a swing set for the kid to play on. One Day Bodom heard Anna screaming "AHHHH THE BABY IS COMING!!!" Quickly Bodom ran to her. (This next part is rather gruesome for the sight of birth is really gross so im not gonna tell you about it) A beautiful baby boy bodom said to anna. "The great gods have blessed us with a wonderful baby boy" His moment of happiness was short lived. For at that moment Vladimir came out with a rather large dagger and rammed it through Bodoms back, as it went protruding out his chest. Barely missing the child, Vladmir pulled out the dagger and Bodom crumpled to the floor, covering the child. Anna screaming in rage as she saw her husband cut down, Vladimir tried to calm her. She ran at Vladmir intending to take the dagger and kill him herself. Vladmir dodged her easily and threw her to the ground. Dropping down to his knees he grabbed anna by her hair and dragged her outside. He didnt know the child was under bodoms now dead corpse. Now outside he lifted anna by the throat into the air, he laughed and slit her throat from ear to ear. The child was luckily born with laser beams that came out of his eyes, and he quickly destroyed Vladimir with his eye beams. Being that his parents had given him no name he was simply called the Child of Bodom.
The End.
BTW this story makes no sense what so ever
Animal Path 99/70 Sniper
Asura Path 99/70 Champ
Deva Path 99/70 LK
Human Path 99/70 CLOWN
General Bo 96/67 WS /gg
Raine Sage 99/70 HP
My Name Is Phil 99/70
Jin Kazumi 98/69 LK
Boromir 83/59 Pally
I'm a Champ 93/50 Monk!
The Lionhawk 86/50 Wizard
Strip 76/48 Rogue
Im going to stand out above the crowd. Even if I got to
Shout out loud, Til mine is the only face that you'll see,
Im gonna stand out, til you notice me
01-29-2010, 12:43 PM |
Yggdrasil Scholar
Posts: 580
Threads: 11
Joined: Sep 2010
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
...I wonder why this thread died? T_T
I vote we rev this one up? I'll type something up over the day
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Wine Brewing Society
03-01-2011, 07:35 AM |