Thought I'd show off some'a my art. Sorry, I've got a bit of a performer's blood, and they stop for nothing to show off.
I was a Multimedia Arts major 2 years ago until I changed my outlook in life. Hope you like what you'll see. All of these are sketches OR sketched then scanned and drawn on my PC with AI.
And as a plus, my alternate Identity is AJ/SD, so if you know me from somewhere else, well... I highly doubt those chances.
So this site uses BBCode, right?
Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Desktop Background
Pok?mon Amalgamation - Groudon+Steelix=Steelodon
Abspike - (fictional) evolution of the Pok?mon Absol
My latest (and not so old) work:
Alisa The Fugitive
It's 1.3MB, so it's a pretty big picture.
So it's been 2 years and this is all I've done?
Most I can't post because it'd violates forum rules. Works & Sketches with partial or full nudity and all that.