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Your 10 most underrated gears
GM-Ayu Offline

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Your 10 most underrated gears
Raydric/noxious aren't the be-all-end-all of all garment cards. Valk shields aren't necessarily best in pvm, and plenty of other good stepping-stone type of equips that are overlooked especially for new players who somehow want their gears to jump from boot[0] up to a variant right up to the top in one go.

In your opinion, what's the 10 most underrated gears/cards that deserve more mentioning or credit?
11-18-2009, 05:26 PM
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Sakurato Away
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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
Not listed in an order of best to worse

1. Falcon Muffler (10 Flee/ 5 PD)
IMO It's much better than a whisper card! Though, it may cost more than a whisper o_o which defeats the purpose of this so..let's hope not :3.

2. Vali's Mant is a great substitute until you can get yourself a raydric. Comboed with Vidars boots for +15% hp and -15% neutral at a MUCH less cost than wools and tidals it's awesome !

3. Vidar's Boots! +9% HP / SP!

4. Goibines Greaves, 5% HP/SP here but a bit cheaper than Vidars may be good for a new person. Think not all jobs can use vidar's shoes anyways~!

5. Friccos shoes *-*. I use these on my creator still in PVP JUST for the +% to healing from white pots. Anyone carrying whites should consider using it as a foot gear to get more out of their money ;3.

6. Goibines Spaulders, a nice piece with -10% from long ranged. Put this on a hotkey and switch back and forth between vali's mant depending on dmg type and you have a make shift noxious :O. AND you didn't pay 20m for them lol.

I can't think of 7-10 at the moment..when I do I'll edit or just make another post :O

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11-18-2009, 05:39 PM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
I don't really have a top 10 as in 10 in order but:
-Aliot card
-Bapho Jr card for pvm
-Frigg's Circlet combo
-Valis Combo
-Mithril Magic Manteau
-Safety Rings
-Slotted Panties/Undershirt combo
-Falcon Muffler
-Goibnes Combo for newbies
11-18-2009, 06:13 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
Trying to put these in order.

10. Sailor Cap: Oh yah I went there, this little fancy custom is actually pretty nice and not even too difficult to get. It has some okay stat bonuses that actually make it worth using till you get the higher end headgears.
9.Goibne Armor: 2 vit and 10% hp, not bad for beginners, didn't wind up higher on the list due to it being such a heavy armor that only fighters can really afford to use it.
8. Geffen Helm: Why people haven't realized yet this is the easier to acquire spiky band[1] on crack I'll never understand, but this little 1-2mil hatter is one of the BEST to get I think.
7. Frigg's Circlet: +2 int, 10mdef, and 50SP, its actually a useful gear that I'm surprised more mages aren't using early on anymore.
6. Iron Wrist: Why aren't more merchies and swordies using these? Bash and Mammonite got a wonderful boost from these accessories. I wish rogue class could wear them but figures Gravity didn't want to for some reason.
5. Fricco Shoes: Beautiful, can't ever go wrong with +2 agi and 10% more heal from pots. THIS is why pots>fish folks Icon_wink
4. Falcon Muffler: Beautiful item, better than whisper for anyone even if you lose 5flee, 5PD is much more valuable and you don't have a huge weakness to ghost attacks!
3. Goibne Spaulders: The basic long range reduction gear
2. Vali's Manteau: Can't deny the power of substitution, this thing packs 4 def and 15% neutral resist.
1.Vidars Boots: Hands down the best shoes you can get before you get whatever your end game shoes will be (valk shoes, tidals, or variants or soon to be diabolos boots), or they ARE the best for extended classes without +9 sandal[1] or shoe[1]. It amazes me there are not more parties to Thana 3 just to farm these things together as a guild or with friends but that's how it rolls.
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*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

11-18-2009, 06:15 PM
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Motenai_Ronin Offline
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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
I use these all / or will use em in some form. Gauging underrated-ness by price *and* popularity

1. Stone Buckler

2. Bow Thimble

3. Dragon's Breath

4. Lord's Clothes

5. Gungnir

6. Gae Bolg

7. Shadow Walk

8. Phantom Spear

9. Long Horn

10. Katzbalgur
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11-18-2009, 06:30 PM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
# Sacred mission[1].??5 def, 1 slot, 2 int, 3 vit (liek 3% hp) mdef+3 indestructible??Means you will never loose your shield buffs in woe (use battle chant for self-dispell to remove Strip, also that skill is soooo underrrated).??I was planning to use that shield for my gc pally, I got 67 of them and I think already sloted 3 of them using ~31~32 sacred.??But then I leaved ro :/??imo pallies should dump their valk shield
# aliot card
# str core >>>>> mantis ring
# gold acidus card as a substitute for verit in +4 footgear
# Mysteltainn sword
# Bongun card for pvp
# Errende Ebecee Card for woe
# Hydro card for snipers
# Marine Sphere Card for woe & pvp
# Wikebine Tres Card for snipers woe

only 10? :`/
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(This post was last modified: 11-18-2009, 06:43 PM by Général_Argos.)
11-18-2009, 06:41 PM
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Zaratus Away

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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
No real order.

- Vali's Manteau or, quite the same, Harpy Card. Basically a cheap Raydric.

- Vidar's Boots for stated reasons.

- Bathory Card for PvM Parties and tanking certain stuff (yes, you Coma.) (I really met people who asked me why I would have a bathory card in my armor >_> )

- Link Hat/Fruit of Love. You need 10 dex less at the beginning and are able to hit high agi enemies in higher levels without needing that much dex.

- Eye of Dullahan. 4 % Demon and Undead resist is so pro.

- Caesar's Sword combined with Fire Endow. Yes, it is for Moscovia but you can easily oneshot Les with Bash.

- The Hero Cake Hat (more Heal, more exp, less damage for new players? Pro.)

- Dragon's Breath (Due to that I can tank Hydro. Almost.)

- The Spiderweb Wing Combo. Less damage from neutral and 2 to all stats and with the Purple Hat Doll you got a perma "heal" if you don't take too much damage.

- Dagger of Counter. Yes, Soul Linkers CAN break emps.

I would like to add the Magni's Set for Swordsman as no 11.

Ayantis 99/70 High Priest
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11-18-2009, 06:43 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
In no particular order:

1. Dustiness Card
-pains me to see dustiness on sale for 300k few days ago. Blocks some mvp's jupitel thunder very well at cheap costs, and makes seeker's JT a mere shrug. Put it in something cheap like a muffler or *even cheaper*, mythril magic manteau (those mdef makes its "combo" with dustiness even better), and you have like a 400k equip that nullifies some powerful magic. In PVP, if your gears aren't quite there yet and "you die to asura/AD no matter what anyway", you might as well go with dustiness to fight off those wind endow sinx/ws. You have a decent ~1/4 chance that the endow of choice is wind.

2. Hode card
-because this is the other 1/4 chance of endow of choice! Also works extremely well in our custom Fairy Paradise dungeon where almost all elemental attacks are earth based (heaven's drive, earth spike, earth attribute attack) especially against garden keeper.

3. Aliza doll
-does anyone even realize that this thing got 5 def (which is almost higher than most non-custom hats) and is refinable, while giving 5% bonus damage to demihuman monsters? And they probably cost less than 400k as well... if you got the hang of mobbing there and isn't dying much, switch those beret for aliza doll to speed up the grind.

4. Vali's manteau
-it'll take a relatively new players 'ages' to dig in a +7 wool and get a raydric card... and even if you got raydric early, you feel 'wasted' to slot it in a muffler or manteau as most people want to save it for wool. As sakurato said, it's cheap for only 5% less reduction, and it cost way less... it's also general too usable by basically all classes.

5. Stem Worm card
-killing hill wind and bored? Grab a stem worm card to get yourself some easy access water endow that will come really handy in thor for the future. Fair amount of end game content is fire elemental, so make good use of your time of your mid-game now on hill wind preparing for the later stuff with this card.

6. Mythril Magic Manteau
-got some of those 'good but not great' garment cards, want to keep them general so they're usable by all classes, and don't want to waste a wool (cause you want to save them to make some +7)? By far the cheapest garment available with a slot to boot, and its def value still beats a muffler, with a few points of mdef for icing. 100k and you got yourself a deal (if not, even cheaper. I bought 4 of them for 30k each the other day.)

7. Goibne spaulder
-the only goibne piece worth using for reasons stated by Sakurato already. It's also not heavy as heck like all the other pieces too. Good garment card is hard to come by or pricy as heck. This 2 mil or lower spaulder covers a good amount of stuff.

8. aloe leaflet
-lots of old players know their greatness already but seems like I still run into people who's surprised that aloe leaflet sells on Main. They weigh very little and heals for quite a decent amount, making them very ideal for ToH (to the pvmers) or WoE (reasonable source of heal outside of whites, aloe is generally cheaper than buying starsand or if your guild is new and don't have dedicated brewer yet).

9. Formal Suit
-30 wt, great generality and slotted with still a respectable 5 def is a godsend for snipers and casters. Drop rate is actually pretty high at 30% from a mvp so you have certain guarantee that on successfully getting the armor. The mvp is by no way low tier but not a high tier one either.

Can't think of a 10 yet that needs dire mentioning... hmm...
11-18-2009, 06:50 PM
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Shikari Offline

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RE:??Your 10 most underrated gears
GM-Ayu Wrote:6. Mythril Magic Manteau
-got some of those 'good but not great' garment cards, want to keep them general so they're usable by all classes, and don't want to waste a wool (cause you want to save them to make some +7)? By far the cheapest garment available with a slot to boot, and its def value still beats a muffler, with a few points of mdef for icing. 100k and you got yourself a deal (if not, even cheaper. I bought 4 of them for 30k each the other day.)

Lol, you bought mine.
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11-18-2009, 07:14 PM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: Your 10 most underrated gears
+1 Ayantis on Caesar's Sword, I got job 50 so easily using it on some chars.
+1 Krimlin for Errende, Hydro, MS and Wikebine cards, those are great.

Btw, the only thing that blocks Coma/Dark Blessing is gtb card or high flee for dark blessing I think.
11-18-2009, 07:26 PM
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