Ok, this is from my last server, so it's not exactly going to be this color, but i edited out the name :p Updating KRO
Double Click "Ragnarok"
Wait for it to Patch, here's what it will look like when it's patching
Here's what it will look like when it's done patching, the blue and red parts show it's done
click on the part that's circled in red.
It will show this
That will load, then close, and open a KRO client, close the client.
Now you are done patching KRO! Grats!
Patching Sakray~
Double Click "Sakray"
Then wait while it loads, get a sandwhich or somthing :D
it'll be loading when it looks somthing like this
and don't worry if it says
it happens to me and i'm alive :D
here's a handy dandy frontend that will simplify updating kro and sakray: http://www.savefile.com/files.php?fid=1803367
all ya need is to put the .exe file in the same folder as the client.
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)